A less-than analysis is a technique used by compilers to build a partial ordering between the integer variables in a program. Here we introduce an algorithm that builds less-than relations on demand for pointer analysis. It was implemented onto the LLVM compilation infrastructure. Depending on the client analysis, this implementation may lead to runtime savings of up to 68% on large benchmarks, when compared to the more traditional approach based on the construction of the transitive closure.
For example, in the code below:
1 struct S {
2 int acc;
3 int size;
4 int *vet;
5 };
7 int fun1 (struct S *stt, struct S *stt2) {
8 int i;
10 for(i = 0; i < stt->size; i++) {
11 stt->acc += (stt->vet)[i];
12 }
14 stt2->acc += (stt2->vet)[stt2->size - 1];
16 return stt2->acc + stt->acc;
17 }
We have that an alias analysis, supported by less-than information, can disambiguate pointers in the loop inside fun1. However, more traditional approaches (shipped by default in LLVM) cannot do it.
More details are available in the paper: Demand-Driven Less-than Analysis
The directory baseline contains the original implementation of less-than analysis for pointer disambiguation proposed by Paisante et. al.
The directory demand-drive-lt contains a demand-driven approach for handling the same problem.
requirements/vSSA contains the implementation of an extended version of the traditional Single Static Assignment
requirements/RangeAnalysis contains an implementation of Integer Range Analysis for LLVM.
First, you need to download and compile LLVM 3.7.
git clone https://github.com/juniocezar/DDLT.git && cd DDLT
cd baseline && ./configure && make
cd ../demand-drive-lt && ./configure && make
These commands will generate two shared libraries. You need to copy them to the LLVM lib dir and run:
opt -load RangeAnalysis.so -load SRAA.so -disable-output -stats -time-passes -sraa $INPUTFILE