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juneeybug edited this page Sep 10, 2015 · 1 revision

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State flow

ST_NULL = 100; % task is not "running"

Trial begins

ST_DEFAULT= 101; % default state.
ST_MOVE_CENTER= 102; == ST_MONKEY_MOVE_CENTER = 201; % monkey is moving to centre target

ST_MONKEY_IN_CENTER= 202; % monkey is in center

ST_MOVE_PERI= 103; == ST_MONKEY_MOVE_PERI= 203; % peripheral target and appears

if monkey or avatar monkey move

  ST_MONKEY_IN_PERI= 204;      % monkey is in peripheral target
  ST_MONKEY_IN_DIS= 205;       % monkey is in peripheral distractor location 

  if one monkey reaches, then wait for the other.
    ST_MONKEY_WAIT= 207;         %monkey is waiting for other monkey to finish

  OUTCOME declared
  ST_MK1_WINS= 104; or ST_MK2_WINS= 105;or ST_MK1_ONLY= 106;or ST_MK2_ONLY= 107; 


 ST_ERR= 109;          % error pause

ST_MONKEY_DEFAULT = 200; % targets disappear

ST_INTERTRIAL= 108; % intertrial pause

Trial ends

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