The theanets
package is a deep learning and neural network toolkit. It is
written in Python to interoperate with excellent tools like numpy
, and it uses Theano to accelerate computations when possible
using your GPU. The package aims to provide:
- a simple API for building and training common types of neural network models;
- thorough documentation;
- easy-to-read code;
- and, under the hood, a fully expressive graph computation framework.
The package strives to "make the easy things easy and the difficult things possible." Please try it out, and let us know what you think!
Install the latest published code using pip:
pip install theanets
Or download the current source and run it from there:
git clone cd theanets python develop
Note that the contents of this README are linked to the version of theanets
that you are using. If you're looking at the README on GitHub, you'll need
the current GitHub code; if you're looking at the README for a pypi release,
you'll need the code associated with that release.
Suppose you want to create a classifier and train it on some 100-dimensional data points that you've classified into 10 categories. No problem! With just a few lines you can (a) provide some data, (b) build and (c) train a model, and (d) evaluate the model:
import climate
import theanets
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
# Create a classification dataset.
X, y = make_classification(
n_samples=3000, n_features=100, n_classes=10, n_informative=10)
X = X.astype('f')
y = y.astype('i')
cut = int(len(X) * 0.8) # training / validation split
train = X[:cut], y[:cut]
valid = X[cut:], y[cut:]
# Build a classifier model with 100 inputs and 10 outputs.
net = theanets.Classifier(layers=[100, 10])
# Train the model using SGD with momentum.
net.train(train, valid, algo='sgd', learning_rate=1e-4, momentum=0.9)
# Show confusion matrices on the training/validation splits.
for label, (X, y) in (('training:', train), ('validation:', valid)):
print(confusion_matrix(y, net.predict(X)))
The model above is quite simplistic! Make it a bit more sophisticated by adding a hidden layer:
net = theanets.Classifier([100, 1000, 10])
In fact, you can just as easily create 3 (or any number of) hidden layers:
net = theanets.Classifier([100, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10])
By default, hidden layers use the relu transfer function. By passing a tuple instead of just an integer, you can change some of these layers to use different activations:
maxout = (1000, 'maxout:4') # maxout with 4 pieces.
net = theanets.Classifier([
100, 1000, maxout, (1000, 'tanh'), 10])
By passing a dictionary instead, you can specify even more attributes of each layer, like how its parameters are initialized:
# Sparsely-initialized layer with large nonzero weights.
foo = dict(name='foo', size=1000, std=1, sparsity=0.9)
net = theanets.Classifier([
100, foo, (1000, 'maxout:4'), (1000, 'tanh'), 10])
Specifying layers is the heart of building models in theanets
. Read more
about this in Specifying Layers.
Adding regularizers is easy, too! Just pass them to the training method. For instance, you can train up a sparse classification model with weight decay:
# Penalize hidden-unit activity (L1 norm) and weights (L2 norm).
net.train(train, valid, hidden_l1=0.001, weight_l2=0.001)
In theanets
dropout is treated as a regularizer and can be set on many
layers at once:
net.train(train, valid, hidden_dropout=0.5)
or just on a specific layer:
net.train(train, valid, dropout={'foo:out': 0.5})
Similarly, you can add Gaussian noise to any of the layers (here, just to the input layer):
net.train(train, valid, input_noise=0.3)
You can optimize your model using any of the algorithms provided by downhill (SGD, NAG, RMSProp, ADADELTA, etc.), or additionally using a couple of pretraining methods specific to neural networks.
You can also make as many successive calls to train() as you like. Each call can include different training algorithms:
net.train(train, valid, algo='rmsprop')
net.train(train, valid, algo='nag')
different learning hyperparameters:
net.train(train, valid, algo='rmsprop', learning_rate=0.1)
net.train(train, valid, algo='rmsprop', learning_rate=0.01)
and different regularization hyperparameters:
net.train(train, valid, input_noise=0.7)
net.train(train, valid, input_noise=0.3)
Training models is a bit more art than science, but theanets
tries to make
it easy to evaluate different training approaches. Read more about this in
Training a Model.
Recurrent neural networks are becoming quite important for many sequence-based tasks in machine learning; one popular toy example for recurrent models is to generate text that's similar to some body of training text.
In these models, a recurrent classifier is set up to predict the identity of the
next character in a sequence of text, given all of the preceding characters. The
inputs to the model are the one-hot encodings of a sequence of characters from
the text, and the corresponding outputs are the class labels of the subsequent
character. The theanets
code has a Text helper class that provides easy
encoding and decoding of text to and from integer classes; using the helper
makes the top-level code look like:
import numpy as np, re, theanets
chars = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', open('corpus.txt').read().lower())
txt = theanets.recurrent.Text(chars, min_count=10)
A = 1 + len(txt.alpha) # of letter classes
# create a model to train: input -> gru -> relu -> softmax.
net = theanets.recurrent.Classifier([A, (100, 'gru'), (1000, 'relu'), A])
# train the model iteratively; draw a sample after every epoch.
seed = txt.encode(txt.text[300017:300050])
for tm, _ in net.itertrain(txt.classifier_batches(100, 32), momentum=0.9):
print('{}|{} ({:.1f}%)'.format(
txt.decode(net.predict_sequence(seed, 40)),
100 * tm['acc']))
This example uses several features of theanets
that make modeling neural
networks fun and interesting. The model uses a layer of Gated Recurrent Units
to capture the temporal dependencies in the data. It also uses a callable to
provide data to the model, and takes advantage of iterative training to
sample an output from the model after each training epoch.
To run this example, download a text you'd like to model (e.g., Herman
Melville's Moby Dick) and save it in corpus.txt
curl > corpus.txt
Then when you run the script, the output might look something like this (abbreviated to show patterns):
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Here, the seed text is shown left of the pipe character, and the randomly sampled sequence follows. In parantheses are the per-character accuracy values on the training set while training the model. The pattern of learning proceeds from almost-random character generation, to producing groups of letters separated by spaces, to generating words that seem like they might belong in Moby Dick, things like "captain," "ahab, too," and "constantly used the coil."
Much amusement can be derived from a temporal model extending itself forward in this way. After all, how else would we ever think of "Pequodeers," "Starbuckably," or "Ginqueg"?!
Mailing list:!forum/theanets