Working as an Android Developer, Handling projects, Make architecture and Leading projects
I am an application developer from Pakistan, I am always passionate about learning something new everyday.
💻 How to reach me:
📃 Resume
This Application solved the modern E-Learning problem or distance learning. This app contained modules, bundles, chapters, and live and recorded lectures. This app also supports Live chat support 24/7 with the teacher
- Managed live sessions(via zoom webinar or Agora)
- Courses/Chapters/Videos/Assest
- Purchase Course from bank payment or Direct Payment
- Market Place
- Promo Code
This Application offers a payroll management solution to the employee. This is actually a Digital wallet app. The features in this app like wallet creation, Send Money through bank transfer or digit account and offer to pay utility bills or mobile top-ups. Data is end-to-end encrypted and used C++(CMaketList) to secure API URL and AES for data encryption
- Wallet to Wallet Transfer
- Mobile TopUp
- Card Management
- Utility Bills
Languages and Tools:
🔺What you should expect from working with me:
- Responsive Design
- Great communication, both verbally and written
- Reliability
- On-time delivery
- Prototyping
- Long-term relationship
- Splash Screen
- Social login and Integration(Twitter, Google, Fb, Phone number, etc)
- Animation(lotties,JSON)
- Navigation bar/Menu bar/Bottom sheet/Fragment/Tab view /Dashboard etc
- Listview/Custom Adapter/Gesture Detector/Deep Link
- Permissions
- Internal Storage Read/Write
- Database/Firebase/MYsql/noSql/online,offline both
- Networking Retrofit2/Volley (Secure request JWT Token auth)
- Live Data
- Data Binding
- Services
- Catch GPS position
- Mobile Ads integration
- Take a Photo/Gallery, Camera
- Social share integration
- Memory management
- File I/O
- Network programming
- Concurrency and multithreading
- Publishing Android apps in the Play Store Many more...