Headlines is an iOS app built 95% in SwiftUI and 5% UIKit. It uses Combine, Apple's solution to reactive programming, to handle asynchronous operations. The MVVM architecture has been implemented with a one and only view model conforming to the @ObservableObject protocol which will be observed by our views. Any changes in the model will be known to the view model and be reflected on the UI.
- Headlines is built 95% in SwiftUI using all the built-in components the system provide such as VStack, HStack, Stack, Picker, List.
- It includes a UIKit component, a UICollectionView, which conforms to the
protocol, Apple’s built-in solution to integrate UIKit components into SwiftUI.
- Network request have been implemented using Combine, Apple's new framework to handle asynchronous events by combining event-processing operators.
Design pattern
- The app is built using an MVVM architecture which is a perfect fit for SwiftUI as we can make our view model conform the ObservableObject and mark its underlying properties as @Published so that our views always reflect the latest model changes.
- Headlines runs on iPhone.