This is a project template for NodeJS webservice RESTful API with typescript.
To create a new project based on this template usign degit:
npx degit JulioFlores/ts-node-express-template my-app-name
Note that you'll need to have Node.js 12.x.x installed, and typescript 4.x.x
Install dependencies:
cd my-app-name
npm install
Rename .dotenv
file to .env
Note that .env files are ignored in .gitignore.
The app will crash if it didn't find an .env file. It has some global app configuration you could use in development or production.
mv .dotenv .env
npm run dev
Navigate to http://localhost:3000.
You should see your app running and a simple response in the browser with your service name defined in .env.
Edit your project in src/
, save it. Nodemon will catch file changes and respawn the app.
You can reload the page browser to see your changes. Or make some sample calls with Postman or Insomnia, etc.
Fire Postman and make requests:
GET http://localhost:3000/hello
This template project has a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml
almost ready for production.
Note that you'll need to have at least Docker
version 19.03.8 and docker-compose
version 1.25.5
To build and start yor service in a container do:
docker-compose up --build -d
To watch logs:
docker-compose logs -f
Or you could take advantage of VSCode npm scripts feature and run with a single click from your editor:
💡 Work in progress
@TODO: More docs.