- 👋 Hi, I’m @julie-technilab-design
- 👀 I’m interested in learning and developp coding skills
(I'm doing that with 4 kids and beside my teaching job 👩🏫 👦👦👦👦)
👧 As a women I hope to open new possibilities
🌎 To make a better world as my mission and passion
🌱 I’m currently discovering the (for me new) universe of coding
🧩 I'm coming from Philosophy and Ethics
💭 I'm specialized in human tought & thinking algorithms (and also decision algorithms to find joy and happiness)
❤️ With my husband I help schools & communities to upgrade their living environment with human, nature and technology synergy
🤓 We need to developp applications to help our communities to organize and thrive
💞️ I’m looking to learn and share with others
⚡ And also empowerment and autonomy
👽 As a conscious begginner I have different perspectives and visions to share
📫 How to reach me : [email protected]
🌐 You can also visit www.technilab.design (in french for now but you can use Google traduction :)