This repository is a wrapper for the datashield repositories needed to implement a queue-poll mechanism.
It includes a /
, which pulls the following subrepositories:
- ds_opal
- ds_common
- ds_poll
- ds_queue
- ds_poll_monitor_gui
- ds_poll_monitor_server
- ds_rstudio
- ds_test
ds_queue implements a queue server, which recieves requests from a datashield client and stores them in memory to be polled and processed by the ds_poll thread
ds_poll implements a polling thread, which connects to the ds_queue server. It then polls new requests for ds_queue and sends it to opal to be executed, once executed it relays the response back to the queue server.
ds_common contains common elements needed by ds_queue as well as ds_poll.
ds_opal is a docker configuration of a datashield/opal server, which comes with test data pre-installed
please note that before running the complete queue-poll mechanism you need to navigate to the ds_opal repository and follow the readme there to set up your datashield/opal environment.
after this you can run the ./
in this repository to setup your development environment.
you should now have a running opal environment (check using docker ps
a running queue server pgrep -fl
and a running poll thread pgrep -fl ds_poll
Now that everything is set up you can run the test R script.
first run the Script without the qp Rscript ds_direct.r
then run the script with the qp Rscript ds_qp.r
if everything runs succesfully you should see the following on your terminal:
--- begin terminal output --- ... attr(,"class") [1] "glmds" [1] "time taken = " "3.74893593788147" --- end terminal output ---
if you would like to debug or develop the q-p mechanism further it might be easier to start the queue and poll servers in separate terminal windows to follow the output of the implementations.
navigate to the ds_queue repo and execute ./
in a new terminal window navigate to the ds_poll rep and execute ./
In a new terminal window run the test R script in this repo Rscript ds_qp.r
and see the output of the servers in your terminal windows.
opal environment opal: http= 8880, https=8843 r-server: 6611 und 6612 datashield_agate: 8881, 8844
q-p ds_queue: 8001 ds_poll: -