sUAS Autopilot written by Julian Blanco, Patrick Ledzian & Kent Altobelli
Progress: 50% Working prototype can control plane and fly gps waypoints
Current milestone: Coupling elevator and roll to create sharper turns
Subsequent milestone: robustness in controller and documentation
General notice:
Requires c++11 support, Arduino IDE >= 1.6.9 support c++11.
<<<<<<< HEAD
- [Archive] Contains all old work, may be useful one day
- [eagle] Has all files for boards and such
- [Logfiles]Contains Onboard logs from flights
- [Master] Current Autopilot prototype
- [Matlab]Contains all pertiant matlab code and GUI
- [objeeDWM]Contains all of the code for rf ranging system(DWM1000)
- [Papers] Contains published papers that may be pertianat to our project.
- [Photos] Yay! photos
- [Wind] Contains papers and code related to estimating true wind
- [PR Stuff] Contains finance and stuff remaining to purchase =======
At the moment the library contains two types:
- Master: Will fly a plane to gps waypoints, needs work
- objeeDWM: Has eagle file for autopilot board
- Matlab: Working GUI and prototype for indoor postioning