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Below are the functions provided by this package
gets and caches fetch_sdss_sspp
input: none
output: pandas DataFrame with all of the sspp data
Plots the spectra of a sample of stars,
input: a DataFrame of values from fetch_sdss_sspp
output: no return, saves plot to ./plots
Fetches the spectra from fetch_sdss_spectrum for the given stars
input: a DataFrame of values from fetch_sdss_sspp
output: a list of the form
[ (StarIndex (matching that of the index of the given star in sample_spectra),
[(wavelength, magnitude)]) ]
Takes the output from returnSampleSpectra and averages it by bins and returns the averages, meant as training data
input: output of returnSampleSpectra, int of the number of bins wanted
output: a list of bins (lower bounds for binds), the size of each bin
Takes the data from returnSampleSpectra and bins it according to returnSpectraBins
input: output of returnSampleSpectra, the output of returnSpectraBins
output: a list of the form
[(starIndex, [average magnitude for each bin])]