It's full featured but has performance issues now.
Also, without structural function types, some advanced polymorhisms might not be that useful, unless you feel okay to annotate functions here and there.
I made this for using tagless-final style in Julia.
using HigherKindedPolymorphisms
abstract type VectSig end
@def_hkt VectSig{T} where T = Vector{T}
using CanonicalTraits
import FunctionWrappers: FunctionWrapper
Fn{A, B} = FunctionWrapper{B, Tuple{A}}
@trait Functor{F} begin
fmap :: [Fn{A, B}, App{F, A}] where {A, B} => App{F, B}
@implement Functor{VectSig} begin
fmap(f :: Fn{A, B}, a::App{VectSig, A}) where {A, B} =
B[f(e) for e in prj(a)] |> inj
f = Fn{Int, String)(string)
a = inj([1, 2, 3])
fmap(f, a) |> prj
#=> ["1", "2", "3"]