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jtkim-kaist committed Apr 8, 2018
1 parent 4d25f6f commit ed55a45
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Showing 16 changed files with 486 additions and 17 deletions.
Binary file added data/example/clean_speech.wav
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added lib/matlab_py/f_af_bf_cf.mat
Binary file not shown.
239 changes: 239 additions & 0 deletions lib/matlab_py/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft
except ImportError:
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
from scipy.signal import lfilter
import as sio
import time
from scipy import signal
import os

epsc = 0.000001

def mrcg_features( sig, sampFreq = 16000):
# This function computes MRCG features
beta = 1000 / np.sqrt(sum(map(lambda x:x*x,sig)) / len(sig))
sig = sig*beta
sig = sig.reshape(len(sig), 1)
t0= time.clock()
g = gammatone(sig, 64, sampFreq) #Gammatone filterbank responses
t1 = time.clock()
cochlea1 = np.log10(cochleagram(g, int(sampFreq * 0.025), int(sampFreq * 0.010)))
cochlea2 = np.log10(cochleagram(g, int(sampFreq * 0.200), int(sampFreq * 0.010)))
t3 = time.clock()
print('gamma total')
cochlea1 = cochlea1[:,:]
cochlea2 = cochlea2[:,:]
t4 = time.clock()
cochlea3 = get_avg(cochlea1, 5, 5)
cochlea4 = get_avg(cochlea1, 11, 11)
t5 = time.clock()
print('get avg')
all_cochleas = np.concatenate([cochlea1,cochlea2,cochlea3,cochlea4],0)

del0 = deltas(all_cochleas)
ddel = deltas(deltas(all_cochleas, 5), 5)

ouotput = np.concatenate((all_cochleas, del0, ddel), 0)

return ouotput

def gammatone(insig, numChan=128, fs = 16000):
# Produce an array of filtered responses from a Gammatone filterbank.
# The first variable is required.
# numChan: number of filter channels.
# fRange: frequency range.
# fs: sampling frequency.
# Written by ZZ Jin, adapted by DLW in Jan'07 and JF Woodruff in Nov'08
# default number of filter channels in filterbank is 128
# default sampling frequency is 16000
fRange = [50, 8000] # default frequency range in Hz
filterOrder = 4 # filter order
gL = 2048 # gammatone filter length or 128 ms for 16 kHz sampling rate
sigLength = len(insig) # input signal length
phase = np.zeros([numChan, 1]) # initial phases
erb_b = hz2erb(fRange) # upper and lower bound of ERB

erb_b_diff = (erb_b[1]-erb_b[0])/(numChan-1)
erb = np.arange(erb_b[0], erb_b[1]+epsc, erb_b_diff) # ERB segment
cf = erb2hz(erb) # center frequency array indexed by channel
b = [1.019 * 24.7 * (4.37 * x / 1000 + 1) for x in cf] # rate of decay or bandwidth

# Generating gammatone impulse responses with middle-ear gain normalization
gt = np.zeros([numChan, gL]) # Initialization
tmp_t = np.arange(1,gL+1)/fs
for i in range(numChan):
gain = 10**((loudness(cf[i])-60)/20)/3*(2 * np.pi * b[i] / fs)**4 # loudness-based gain adjustments
tmp_temp = [gain*(fs**3)*x**(filterOrder - 1)*np.exp(-2 * np.pi * b[i] * x)*np.cos(2 * np.pi * cf[i] * x + phase[i]) for x in tmp_t]
tmp_temp2 = np.reshape(tmp_temp, [1, gL])

gt[i, :] = tmp_temp2

sig = np.reshape(insig,[sigLength,1]) # convert input to column vector
gt2 = np.transpose(gt)
resig = np.matlib.repmat(sig,1,numChan)
t0 = time.clock()
r = np.transpose(fftfilt(gt2,resig,numChan)) # gammatone filtering using FFTFILT
t1 = time.clock()
return r

def hz2erb(hz):
# Convert ERB-rate scale to normal frequency scale.
# Units are number of ERBs and number of Hz.
# ERB stands for Equivalent Rectangular Bandwidth.
# Written by ZZ Jin, and adapted by DLW in Jan'07
erb1 = 0.00437
erb2 = np.multiply(erb1,hz)
erb3 = np.subtract(erb2,-1)
erb4 = np.log10(erb3)
erb = 21.4 *erb4
return erb

def erb2hz(erb):
# Convert normal frequency scale in hz to ERB-rate scale.
# Units are number of Hz and number of ERBs.
# ERB stands for Equivalent Rectangular Bandwidth.
# Written by ZZ Jin, and adapted by DLW in Jan'07
hz = [(10**(x/21.4)-1)/(0.00437) for x in erb]
return hz

def loudness(freq):
# Compute loudness level in Phons on the basis of equal-loudness functions.
# It accounts a middle ear effect and is used for frequency-dependent gain adjustments.
# This function uses linear interpolation of a lookup table to compute the loudness level,
# in phons, of a pure tone of frequency freq using the reference curve for sound
# pressure level dB. The equation is taken from section 4 of BS3383.
# Written by ZZ Jin, and adapted by DLW in Jan'07
fmat = sio.loadmat('./lib/matlab_py/f_af_bf_cf.mat')
# Stores parameters of equal-loudness functions from BS3383,"Normal equal-loudness level
# contours for pure tones under free-field listening conditions", table 1.
# f (or ff) is the tone frequency, af and bf are frequency-dependent coefficients, and
# tf is the threshold sound pressure level of the tone, in dBs
af = fmat['af'][0]
bf = fmat['bf'][0]
cf = fmat['cf'][0]
ff = fmat['ff'][0]
i = 0
while ff[i] < freq:
i = i + 1

afy = af[i - 1] + (freq - ff[i - 1]) * (af[i] - af[i - 1]) / (ff[i] - ff[i - 1])
bfy = bf[i - 1] + (freq - ff[i - 1]) * (bf[i] - bf[i - 1]) / (ff[i] - ff[i - 1])
cfy = cf[i - 1] + (freq - ff[i - 1]) * (cf[i] - cf[i - 1]) / (ff[i] - ff[i - 1])
loud = 4.2 + afy * (dB - cfy) / (1 + bfy * (dB - cfy))
return loud

def nextpow2(x):
"""Return the first integer N such that 2**N >= abs(x)"""
return np.ceil(np.log2(abs(x)))

def fftfilt(b,x,nfft):
fftflops = [18, 59, 138, 303, 660, 1441, 3150, 6875, 14952, 32373, 69762,
149647, 319644, 680105, 1441974, 3047619, 6422736, 13500637, 28311786,
59244791, 59244791*2.09]
nb, _ = np.shape(b)
nx, mx = np.shape(x)
n_min = 0
while 2**n_min < nb-1:
n_min = n_min+1
n_temp = np.arange(n_min, 21 + epsc, 1)
n = np.power(2,n_temp)
fftflops = fftflops[n_min-1:21]
L = np.subtract(n,nb-1)
temp_ind0 = np.ceil(np.divide(nx,L))
temp_ind = np.multiply(temp_ind0,fftflops)
temp_ind = np.array(temp_ind)
ind = np.argmin(temp_ind)
b_tr = np.transpose(b)
B_tr = fft(b_tr,nfft)
B = np.transpose(B_tr)
y = np.zeros([nx, mx])
istart = 0
while istart < nx :
iend = min(istart+L,nx)
if (iend - istart) == 1 :
X = x[0][0]*np.ones([nx,mx])
else :
xtr = np.transpose(x[istart:iend][:])
Xtr = fft(xtr,nfft)
X = np.transpose(Xtr)
temp_Y = np.transpose(np.multiply(B,X))
Ytr = ifft(temp_Y,nfft)
Y = np.transpose(Ytr)
yend = np.min([nx, istart + nfft])
y[istart:yend][:] = y[istart:yend][:] + np.real(Y[0:yend-istart][:])

istart = istart + L
return y

def cochleagram(r, winLength = 320, winShift=160):
# Generate a cochleagram from responses of a Gammatone filterbank.
# It gives the log energy of T-F units
# The first variable is required.
# winLength: window (frame) length in samples
# winShift : frame shift (default is half frame)
# Written by ZZ Jin, and adapted by DLW in Jan'07
# default window length in sample points which is 20 ms for 16 KHz sampling frequency
numChan, sigLength = np.shape(r) # number of channels and input signal length
M = np.floor(sigLength / winShift) # number of time frames
a = np.zeros([numChan, int(M)])
rs = np.square(r)
rsl = np.concatenate((np.zeros([numChan,winLength-winShift]),rs),1)
# calculate energy for each frame in each channel
for m in range(int(M)):
temp = rsl[:,m*winShift : m*winShift+winLength]
a[:, m] = np.sum(temp,1)

return a

def get_avg( m , v_span, h_span):
# This function produces a smoothed version of cochleagram
fil_size = (2 * v_span + 1) * (2 * h_span + 1)
meanfil = np.ones([1+2*h_span,1+2*h_span])
meanfil = np.divide(meanfil,fil_size)

out = signal.convolve2d(m, meanfil, boundary='fill', fillvalue=0, mode='same')
return out

def deltas(x, w=9) :
# D = deltas(X,W) Calculate the deltas (derivatives) of a sequence
# Use a W-point window (W odd, default 9) to calculate deltas using a
# simple linear slope. This mirrors the delta calculation performed
# in feacalc etc. Each row of X is filtered separately.
# 2003-06-30 [email protected]

nr,nc = np.shape(x)
if nc ==0 :
d= x # empty vector passed in; return empty vector
else :
hlen = int(np.floor(w / 2))
win=np.arange(hlen, int(-(hlen+1)), -1)
temp = x[:, 0]
fx = np.matlib.repmat(temp.reshape([-1,1]), 1, int(hlen))
temp = x[:, nc-1]
ex = np.matlib.repmat(temp.reshape([-1,1]), 1, int(hlen))
xx = np.concatenate((fx, x, ex),1)
d = lfilter(win, 1, xx, 1)
d = d[:,2*hlen:nc+2*hlen]

return d
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions lib/matlab_py/
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import mrcg.MRCG as mrcg
import os
import librosa
import wave
import time

wav_dir = './../example/SNR103F3MIC021002_ch01.wav'
audio, sr = librosa.load(wav_dir, sr=16000)
# sr,audio =
print('success to load sample wav-file')
s = time.clock()
samp_mrcg = mrcg.mrcg_extract(audio,sr)
e = time.clock()
print('success to extract features')

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