Aim of the bot is to limit another bots to be added to managed Telegram groups as well as restrict some functionalities of newcomers (available only for supergroups - see details here) .
Start the bot -> (@against_spam_bot)
Then add this bot to your Telegram group (how to add new member see here)
Assign admin rights to the bot
3.1. If your group is normal group -> just make it admin; it is recommended to turn off option 'all members of group is admins'
3.2. If your group is supergroup -> bot could be only assigned with rights to ban users; it won't need any other rights in supergroup. Firstly you add the bot to admins, than assign right to ban users
It works :)
If you need help write directly to the Group on Telegram.
You could run you own bot. Just register on, clone this repo, make you Telegram bot with @BotFather, set up heroku's environvental variables such as TG_TOKEN (telegram bot token) and HEROKU_URL (url of your app on heroku) and spin it off.
This bot works on great bot framework -> Telegraf.js. GitHub link ->