Materials for a workshop at Northeast Arc User Group (NEARC), Keene, New Hampshire, USA in the spring of 2019.
This workshop is for ArcGIS Pro users who want to package their Python geoprocessing tools and distribute them to other users.
Get the Miniconda Python 3.7 64-bit installer for Windows (Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe).
Even though ArcGIS Pro comes with conda, we'll make a separate conda installation for building packages.
Create the folder C:\Projects\NEARC\code.
You can put it somewhere else if you must, but this we'll be easier if we're all doing it the same way.
Open a command prompt, navigate to C:\Projects\NEARC\code, and enter this command:
git clone
Click the Clone or download button above, and download the zip file.
Extract the zip file in C:\Projects\NEARC\code.
Rename the keenepyt-master folder to just keenepyt. You should now have the folder C:\Projects\NEARC\code\keenepyt with stuff in it.
Better yet, get Git!
After you download Miniconda, navigate to C:\Projects\NEARC\code\keenepyt\batch and run install-conda.bat.
This will create a standalone conda installation in C:\Projects\NEARC\conda.
In C:\Projects\NEARC\code\keenepyt\batch, run create-dev-envs.bat.
This will clone your default Python environment, arcgispro-py3, to two new environments, dev and localtest.
In C:\Projects\NEARC\code\keenepyt\batch, run create-main-env.bat.
This will clone your default Python environment to another new environment, main.