- script/bootstrap: Run this script to create symlinks and do anythin else for the environment. This is meant to be run periodically.
- script/install: Run this script to execute the topic/install.sh scripts.
- dot: Run this script now and then to keep everything up to date. This is run from script/bootstrap.
- topic/*.zsh: These files are sourced when opening a new shell.
- topic/*.symlink: These files are symlinked into the home directory as .filename
- topic/path.zsh: These files are for defining the path. They are sourced early.
- topic/completion.zsh: These files are for setup up completion and are sourced last.
- topic/env.zsh: These files contain environment variables needed for non-interactive shells that are not sensitive.
- topic/*.bin: These are scripts for executing and are symlinked into bin.
- topic/install.sh: This script should install anything needed to work within the topic.
- topic/install.osx: This script should install anything needed for osx only.
- topic/dot.sh: This script should update anything needed to be updated for the topic. It's run from the dot script.
- topic.symlink/: Link the entire directory into home.
- bin/: This directory is added to $PATH.
- ~/.localenv: Will be loaded by .zshenv
- ~/.localrc: Will be loadede by .zshrc