- Github commits monitor
- Guide to recents implementations and instructions
First, copy the sample .env file.
$ cp .env.sample .env
Then edit the file setting appropriate values for all the configs, preferably with long, random values.
Remember to fill DATABASE_URL
with the correct values provided in POSTGRES_*
You can generate the github keys for SOCIAL_AUTH_*
at: https://github.com/settings/applications/new
- When generating the keys, use
as the callback URL
For the execution of this project, you'll need docker and docker installed. Check the instructions for their installations in all operating systems:
Docker: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
Docker-compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
After the installation of the above tools and with the right values in .env, you should be able to run the project with:
$ docker-compose up -d
This will build and run all the required services for this application to run. If everything ran sucessfully, you should be able to visit the application at http://localhost:8000
- Make sure that you're using
and nothttps://
, as the browser may sometimes addhttps://
if you don't specify it
To execute commands such as migrations, run:
$ docker-compose run api python manage.py migrate
To check the logs for:
- Django application, run:
docker-compose logs -f api
. - Webpack, run:
docker-compose logs -f webpack