This is a Julia conversion of the old version of the Leabra algorithm written in Matlab by Sergio Verduzco. The original code be found here:
The initial commits of this are almost an exact conversion, save for implementation of the NXX1 function which is based on the Go code found here:
An example network that can give you an idea of how to use this can be found in example_network.jl
This code requires Julia 1.8. It was developed with the beta version, but really its only using const for some structs.
It will install the following libraries into the project environment
- Distributions.jl
- LinearAlgebra.jl
- Plots.jl
- Random.jl
Ways to run the example:
- Clone this repo into a directory via
git clone
- Run
cd Leabra.jl
- Run
julia --project=. -e "using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()"
- Run
julia --project=. example_network.jl
Or, you can run it from the Julia shell via these steps:
- Run
julia --project=.
- From the
prompt, run:include("example_network.jl")
Or, just use the example_notebook.ipynb. It has the code from example_network.jl in an easy-to-use format.
Leabra and all associated ideas can be found here:
O’Reilly, R. C., Munakata, Y., Frank, M. J., Hazy, T. E., and Contributors (2012). Computational Cognitive Neuroscience. Wiki Book, 4th Edition (2020). URL: