Monorepo for building and publishing multiple Docker containers as microservices within a single repository.
Orion is a build environment for services we run in our Fuzzing infrastructure (i.e LibFuzzer) and home of FuzzOS a multipurpose image which most of our fuzzing services use as a base.
For spawning a cluster of Docker containers at EC2 or other cloud providers, see the parent project Laniakea.
CI and CD are performed autonomous with Travis and the Monorepo manager script. A build process gets initiated only if a file of a particular service has been modified and only than that service will be rebuild; other services are not affected from the build service at the time except during cron tasks where all images are rebuild. Each image is either tagged with the latest revision
, nightly
or latest
before being published to the Docker registry. For more information about each service take a look in the corresponding of each service or check out the Wiki pages for FAQs and a Docker cheat sheet.
make help
Before a build task is initiated in Travis CI, each Shellscript and Dockerfile undergo a linting process which may or may not abort each succeeding task. To ensure your Dockerfile passes, you are encouraged to run make lint
before pushing your commit.
Each service folder may contain a tests
folder in which Container Structure Tests are defined. The Monorepo Manager will run these tests with the -test
flag set in the CI after the build process is completed and before deploying the images to the registry. To ensure your modifications to a Dockerfile and/or recipes did not cause breakage, you are encouraged to run make test
before pusing your commit.