GitHub repository for Fong group at CIERA.
git clone #this will clone the folder on your computer (if you have your own fork, you will replace my user name with yours)
git add file #where file is the name of a file in the git folder you have changed or added (you can add multiple files or use * to add everything)
git commit -m 'message' #commit the files you have added with git add ('message' is what will show up on GitHub)
git push origin master #push the commit from your computer to GitHub
git status #shows changes in the folder
git diff #show the differences between the current files and what is on the remote
git branch #shows the branch you are working in in the case you have multiple branches
git checkout branch #where branch is the branch name if you want to change to a different branch
git pull #pull changes from GitHub to your computer
- Python example of performing and measuring subpixel shifts in images
- PS1toSDSS.m: MATLAB function to convert PS1 to SDSS mags