Releases: jranalli/solarspatialtools
Releases · jranalli/solarspatialtools
v 0.5.1 Introducing Synthetic Irradiance
Introduce the Lave et al. cloud field method for generation of synthetic irradiance profiles and potentially downscaling of irradiance.
Finalized JOSS publication version
Fix license label issue in cfg.
v 0.4.4 correcting version to continue fix of GitHub action warnings
v 0.4.2 Rename to SolarSpatialTools
v0.4.0 - Automation Update
Automation Update - Contains many improvements for automated processing in the cmv and field modules, consistent with IEEE PVSC 2024 publication. Also includes some additional sample data, demos and documentation improvements.
Variability stats tools can now handle multi-column pandas DataFrames.
Improvements to the way that nan values are excluded from the field a…
0.3.3: Speed improvements to field analysis via signalproc routines. (#2)
* Vectorizes averaged_psd, averaged_tf, compute_delays and tf_delay. * Applies the vectorization to the field analysis * Updates demos accordingly * Combined with CMV improvements, time savings appear to be substantial.
Version update