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jranalli committed Oct 4, 2024
1 parent eb4a81d commit da9d59f
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Showing 2 changed files with 131 additions and 73 deletions.
179 changes: 109 additions & 70 deletions src/solarspatialtools/synthirrad/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,36 +111,6 @@ def _calc_wavelet_weights(waves):
return scales / np.sum(scales)

def space_to_time(pixres=1, cloud_speed=50):

# Existing code uses 1 pixel per meter, and divides by cloud speed to get X size
# does 3600 pixels, but assumes the clouds move by one full timestep.

# ECEF coordinate system (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) is used to convert lat/lon to x/y.
# This seems really weird.

# [X, Y] = geod2ecef(Lat_to_Sim, Lon_to_Sim, zeros(size(Lat_to_Sim)));
# ynorm1 = Y - mean(Y);
# xnorm1 = X - mean(X);
# ynorm=round((ynorm1-min(ynorm1))./Cloud_Spd(qq))+1;
# xnorm=round((xnorm1-min(xnorm1))./Cloud_Spd(qq))+1;
# Xsize=60*60+max(xnorm);
# Ysize=max(ynorm);
# Xsize and Ysize are the pixel sizes generated

# Extracting a time series has us loop through the entire size of X pixels, and choose a window 3600 pixels wide, and multiply by GHI_cs
# GHI_syn(i,hour(datetime2(GHI_timestamp))==h1)=clouds_new{h1}(ynorm(i),xnorm(i):xnorm(i)+3600-1)'.*GHI_clrsky(hour(datetime2(GHI_timestamp))==h1);

pixjump = cloud_speed / pixres
# n space
# dx space
# velocity
# dt = dx / velocity
# max space = n * dx
# max time = max space / velocity

def _stack_random_field(weights, scales, size, normalize=False, plot=False):
Generate a field of random clouds at different scales and weights based on Perlin Noise.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,7 +250,35 @@ def _find_edges(base_mask, size, plot=False):
return edges, smoothed_binary

def scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.2, max_quant=0.99, plot=True):
def _scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.2, max_quant=0.99, plot=False):
Scale a field of clouds to match a desired mean and distribution of kt values.
field : np.ndarray
The field of clouds
clear_mask : np.ndarray
The clear sky mask. Zero indicates cloudy, one indicates clear
edge_mask : np.ndarray
The edge mask. Zero indicates not an edge, one indicates an edge
ktmean : float
The desired mean of the kt values
ktmax : float
The maximum of the kt values
kt1pct : float
The 1st percentile of the kt values
max_quant : float
The quantile to use for the maximum of the field
plot : bool
Whether to plot the results
clouds5 : np.ndarray
The scaled field of clouds

# ##### Shift values of kt to range from 0.2 - 1

Expand All @@ -293,7 +291,6 @@ def scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.2
# I think the intent here would be to make it vary between kt1pct and 1, but that's not quite what it does.
clouds3 = 1 - field*(1-kt1pct)/field_max

# # Clip limits to sensible boundaries
clouds3[clouds3 > 1] = 1
clouds3[clouds3 < 0] = 0
Expand All @@ -305,11 +302,14 @@ def scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.2
ce = 1+ (clouds3/mean_c3-nmin_c3)/nrange_c3*(ktmax-1)

# Rescale one more time to make the mean of clouds3 match the ktmean from the timeseries
cloud_mask = np.bitwise_or(clear_mask>0, edge_mask) == 0 # Where is it neither clear nor edge
cloud_mask = np.bitwise_or(clear_mask>0, edge_mask) == 0 # Where is it neither clear nor edge
except TypeError:
cloud_mask = np.bitwise_or(clear_mask>0, edge_mask > 0) == 0 # Where is it neither clear nor edge
tgtsum = field.size * ktmean # Mean scaled over whole field
diff_sum = tgtsum - np.sum(clear_mask) - np.sum(ce[np.bitwise_and(edge_mask > 0, clear_mask==0)]) # Shifting target to exclude fully clear values and the cloud enhancement
tgt_cloud_mean = diff_sum / np.sum(cloud_mask) # Find average required in areas where it's neither cloud nor edge
current_cloud_mean = np.mean(clouds3[cloud_mask]) # Actual cloud mean
current_cloud_mean = np.mean(clouds3[cloud_mask]) # Actual cloud mean in field

if diff_sum > 0:
clouds4 = tgt_cloud_mean / current_cloud_mean * clouds3
Expand All @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ def scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.2
clouds5 = clouds4.copy()

# Edges then clear means that the clearsky overrides the edge enhancement
clouds5[edge_mask] = ce[edge_mask > 0]
clouds5[edge_mask > 0] = ce[edge_mask > 0]
clouds5[clear_mask > 0] = 1
print(f"Desired Mean: {ktmean}, actual global mean {np.mean(clouds5)}.")

Expand All @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ def scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.2
return clouds5

def get_timeseries_props(kt_ts, clear_threshold=0.95, plot=True):
def get_timeseries_stats(kt_ts, clear_threshold=0.95, plot=True):
Get the properties of a time series of kt values.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -407,73 +407,112 @@ def get_timeseries_props(kt_ts, clear_threshold=0.95, plot=True):
return ktmean, kt_1_pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales

def space_to_time(pixres=1, cloud_speed=50):

# Existing code uses 1 pixel per meter, and divides by cloud speed to get X size
# does 3600 pixels, but assumes the clouds move by one full timestep.

# ECEF coordinate system (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) is used to convert lat/lon to x/y.
# This seems really weird.

# [X, Y] = geod2ecef(Lat_to_Sim, Lon_to_Sim, zeros(size(Lat_to_Sim)));
# ynorm1 = Y - mean(Y);
# xnorm1 = X - mean(X);
# ynorm=round((ynorm1-min(ynorm1))./Cloud_Spd(qq))+1;
# xnorm=round((xnorm1-min(xnorm1))./Cloud_Spd(qq))+1;
# Xsize=60*60+max(xnorm);
# Ysize=max(ynorm);
# Xsize and Ysize are the pixel sizes generated

# Extracting a time series has us loop through the entire size of X pixels, and choose a window 3600 pixels wide, and multiply by GHI_cs
# GHI_syn(i,hour(datetime2(GHI_timestamp))==h1)=clouds_new{h1}(ynorm(i),xnorm(i):xnorm(i)+3600-1)'.*GHI_clrsky(hour(datetime2(GHI_timestamp))==h1);

pixjump = cloud_speed / pixres
# n space
# dx space
# velocity
# dt = dx / velocity
# max space = n * dx
# max time = max space / velocity

def cloudfield_timeseries(weights, scales, size, frac_clear, ktmean, ktmax, kt1pct):
cfield = _stack_random_field(weights, scales, size)
clear_mask = _stack_random_field(weights, scales, size)
clear_mask = _calc_clear_mask(clear_mask, frac_clear) # 0 is cloudy, 1 is clear

edges, smoothed = _find_edges(clear_mask, 3)

field_final = _scale_field_lave(cfield, clear_mask, smoothed, ktmean, ktmax, kt1pct)
return field_final

if __name__ == '__main__':

import pandas as pd
import pvlib
from solarspatialtools import irradiance
from solarspatialtools import cmv
from solarspatialtools import spatial
np.random.seed(42) # seed it for repeatability

# #### Load Timeseries Data

datafn = "../../../demos/data/hope_melpitz_1s.h5"
twin = pd.date_range('2013-09-08 9:15:00', '2013-09-08 10:15:00', freq='1s', tz='UTC')
data = pd.read_hdf(datafn, mode="r", key="data")
data = data[40]
data_i = data[40]
# plt.plot(data)

pos = pd.read_hdf(datafn, mode="r", key="latlon")
loc = pvlib.location.Location(np.mean(pos['lat']), np.mean(pos['lon']))
cs_ghi = loc.get_clearsky(data.index, model='simplified_solis')['ghi']
cs_ghi = loc.get_clearsky(data_i.index, model='simplified_solis')['ghi']
cs_ghi = 1000/max(cs_ghi) * cs_ghi # Rescale (possible scaling on
kt = pvlib.irradiance.clearsky_index(data, cs_ghi, 2)
kt = pvlib.irradiance.clearsky_index(data_i, cs_ghi, 2)

# plt.plot(data)
# plt.plot(cs_ghi)
# plt.plot(kt)
pos_utm = pd.read_hdf(datafn, mode="r", key="utm")
e_extent = np.abs(np.max(pos_utm['E'])-np.min(pos_utm['E']))
n_extent = np.abs(np.max(pos_utm['N'])-np.min(pos_utm['N']))
t_extent = (np.max(twin)-np.min(twin)).total_seconds()
dt = (twin[1] - twin[0]).total_seconds()

# plt.hist(kt, bins=100)
kt_all = irradiance.clearsky_index(data, cs_ghi, 2)
cld_spd, cld_dir, _ = cmv.compute_cmv(kt_all, pos_utm, reference_id=None, method='jamaly')
cld_en = spatial.pol2rect(cld_spd, cld_dir)

ktmean, kt1pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales = get_timeseries_props(kt, plot=False)
print(f"Cld Speed {cld_spd:8.2f}, Cld Dir {np.rad2deg(cld_dir):8.2f}")

print(f"Clear Fraction is: {frac_clear}")
spatial_time_x = n_extent/cld_spd
spatial_time_y = e_extent/cld_spd

np.random.seed(42) # seed it for repeatability
# This now represents the time to space relationship in seconds, so each pixel represents a 1 second step.
# Our steps in X represent 1 second forward or backward in EITHER space or time
# Our steps in Y represent 1 "cloud second" left or right perpendicular to the motion axis
xt_size = int(np.ceil(spatial_time_x + t_extent))
yt_size = int(np.ceil(spatial_time_y))

xsiz = 2**12
ysiz = 2**14

cfield = _stack_random_field(weights, scales, (xsiz, ysiz))

clear_mask = _stack_random_field(weights, scales, (xsiz, ysiz))
clear_mask = _calc_clear_mask(clear_mask, frac_clear, plot=False) # 0 is cloudy, 1 is clear
# #### Get Statistics

ktmean, kt1pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales = get_timeseries_stats(kt, plot=False)

# Clear Everywhere
out_field = np.ones_like(cfield)
# Where it's cloudy, mask in the clouds
out_field[clear_mask == 0] = cfield[clear_mask == 0]

# plt.imshow(out_field, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))

edges, smoothed = _find_edges(clear_mask, 3, plot=False)

# field_final = shift_mean_lave(out_field, ktmean)
field_final = scale_field_lave(cfield, clear_mask, smoothed, ktmean, ktmax, kt1pct, plot=False)
# get Field
field_final = cloudfield_timeseries(weights, scales, (xsiz, ysiz), frac_clear, ktmean, ktmax, kt1pct)

# Plot a timeseries

# Compare Hist of CS Index
plt.hist(kt, bins=50)
plt.hist(field_final[1,:], bins=50, alpha=0.5)

# Ramp Rate
plt.hist(np.diff(kt), bins=50)
plt.hist(np.diff(field_final[1,:]), bins=200, alpha=0.5)

# assert np.all(r == rnew)
25 changes: 22 additions & 3 deletions tests/synthirrad/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,6 +125,25 @@ def test_find_edges_square(self):
assert np.sum(edges > 0) == 380
assert np.sum(smoothed_binary) == 760

def sample_data(self):
field = np.random.rand(100, 100)
clear_mask = np.zeros_like(field)
edge_mask = np.zeros_like(field)
edge_mask[25:75, 25:75] = 1
clear_mask[30:70, 30:70] = 1
edge_mask[clear_mask>0] = 0
return field, clear_mask, edge_mask

def test_scale_field_lave_basic(self, sample_data):
field, clear_mask, edge_mask = sample_data
ktmean = 0.5
ktmax = 1.08
kt1pct = 0.2
result = cloudfield._scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax, kt1pct)
assert result.shape == field.shape
assert np.isclose(np.mean(result), ktmean, atol=0.01)

class TestWeights:
"""Tests generated with AI assistance"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,7 +213,7 @@ def test_calc_wavelet_weights_mixed_values(self):

def test_get_timeseries_props_basic(self):
kt_ts = pd.Series(np.random.rand(1000))
ktmean, kt_1_pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales = cloudfield.get_timeseries_props(kt_ts, plot=False)
ktmean, kt_1_pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales = cloudfield.get_timeseries_stats(kt_ts, plot=False)
assert isinstance(ktmean, float), "ktmean should be a float"
assert isinstance(kt_1_pct, float), "kt_1_pct should be a float"
assert isinstance(ktmax, float), "ktmax should be a float"
Expand All @@ -205,11 +224,11 @@ def test_get_timeseries_props_basic(self):

def test_get_timeseries_props_all_clear(self):
kt_ts = pd.Series(np.ones(1000))
ktmean, kt_1_pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales = cloudfield.get_timeseries_props(kt_ts, plot=False)
ktmean, kt_1_pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales = cloudfield.get_timeseries_stats(kt_ts, plot=False)
assert frac_clear == 1.0, "frac_clear should be 1.0 for all-clear time series"

def test_get_timeseries_props_all_cloudy(self):
kt_ts = pd.Series(np.zeros(1000))
ktmean, kt_1_pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales = cloudfield.get_timeseries_props(kt_ts, plot=False)
ktmean, kt_1_pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales = cloudfield.get_timeseries_stats(kt_ts, plot=False)
assert frac_clear == 0.0, "frac_clear should be 0.0 for all-cloudy time series"

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