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Add an alternate scaling method to the scaling, finish demo. Still ne…
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jranalli committed Nov 6, 2024
1 parent 22bd595 commit 959f2c4
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Showing 4 changed files with 377 additions and 207 deletions.
361 changes: 210 additions & 151 deletions demos/synthetic_clouds_demo.ipynb

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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions demos/
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from solarspatialtools.synthirrad.cloudfield import _stack_random_field, _calc_clear_mask, _find_edges, _scale_field

internal_size = (500, 500)
weights = np.flipud(np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]))
scales = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

internal_cfield = _stack_random_field(weights, scales, internal_size, plot=False)

frac_clear = 0.15
internal_clear_mask = _stack_random_field(weights, scales, internal_size)
internal_clear_mask = _calc_clear_mask(internal_clear_mask, frac_clear, plot=False)

internal_edgesmoothing = 3
edges, smoothed = _find_edges(internal_clear_mask, internal_edgesmoothing, binarize_threshold=0, plot=False)

internal_field_final = _scale_field(internal_cfield, internal_clear_mask, smoothed, 0.5, 1.2, 0.2, method='original', plot=True)
internal_field_final2 = _scale_field(internal_cfield, internal_clear_mask, smoothed, 0.5, 1.2, 0.2, method='basic', plot=True)

# compare the statistics of max and min from the two methods

print(f"Original Method: Max {internal_field_final.max():.2f}, Min {np.quantile(internal_field_final.flatten(), 0.01):.2f}, Mean {internal_field_final.mean():.2f}")
print(f"Basic Method: Max {internal_field_final2.max():.2f}, Min {np.quantile(internal_field_final2.flatten(), 0.01):.2f}, Mean {internal_field_final2.mean():.2f}")
195 changes: 140 additions & 55 deletions src/solarspatialtools/synthirrad/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ def _calc_clear_mask(field, clear_frac=0.5, plot=False):

return field_mask

def _find_edges(base_mask, size, plot=False):
def _find_edges(base_mask, size, binarize_threshold=0, plot=False):
Find the edges of a mask using a Sobel filter and then broadens it with a uniform filter.
Expand All @@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ def _find_edges(base_mask, size, plot=False):
The mask to find the edges of
size : int
The size of the uniform filter (effectively doubles the size of the filter.
binarize_threshold : float
The lower threshold to binarize the smoothed mask. Increase to reduce
the overall coverage of the edges, e.g. for highly sparse areas. Scaled
as a percentage of the smoothed mask dynamic range.
Expand All @@ -242,24 +246,24 @@ def _find_edges(base_mask, size, plot=False):
# We want to binarize it
smoothed[smoothed < 1e-5] = 0 # Zero out the small floating point values
# Calculate a threshold based on quantile, because otherwise we get the whole clouds
smoothed_binary = smoothed > 0
smoothed_binary = smoothed/np.max(smoothed) > binarize_threshold

if plot:
xsiz, ysiz = base_mask.shape
# Compare the edges and uniform filtered edges side by side
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 5))
axs[0].imshow(edges, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[1].imshow(smoothed_binary, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[1].set_title('Uniform Filtered Edges')
axs[2].imshow(base_mask, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[2].set_title('Original Mask')
axs[0].imshow(base_mask, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[0].set_title('Original Mask')
axs[1].imshow(edges, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[2].imshow(smoothed_binary, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[2].set_title('Uniform Filtered Edges')

return edges, smoothed_binary

def _scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.2, max_quant=0.99, plot=False):
def _scale_field(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.2, max_quant=0.99, method='original', plot=False):
Scale a field of clouds to match a desired mean and distribution of kt values.
Expand All @@ -279,6 +283,10 @@ def _scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.
The 1st percentile of the kt values
max_quant : float
The quantile to use for the maximum of the field
method : str
The method to use for scaling the field.
- 'original' follows the method by the original author
- 'basic' follows a simpler method that matches the mean and max
plot : bool
Whether to plot the results
Expand All @@ -289,60 +297,137 @@ def _scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.

# ##### Shift values of kt to range from 0.2 - 1
if method == 'original':
# ##### Shift values of kt to range from 0.2 - 1

# Calc the "max" and "min", excluding clear values
field_max = np.quantile(field[clear_mask == 0], max_quant)

# Create a flipped version of the distribution that scales between slightly below kt1pct and bascially (1-field_min)
# I think the intent here would be to make it vary between kt1pct and 1, but that's not quite what it does.
clouds3 = 1 - field*(1-kt1pct)/field_max

# # Clip limits to sensible boundaries
clouds3[clouds3 > 1] = 1
clouds3[clouds3 < 0] = 0

# ##### Apply multiplier to shift mean to ktmean #####
mean_c3 = np.mean(clouds3)
nmin_c3 = np.min(clouds3)/mean_c3
nrange_c3 = np.max(clouds3)/mean_c3-nmin_c3
ce = 1+ (clouds3/mean_c3-nmin_c3)/nrange_c3*(ktmax-1)

# Rescale one more time to make the mean of clouds3 match the ktmean from the timeseries
cloud_mask = np.bitwise_or(clear_mask>0, edge_mask) == 0 # Where is it neither clear nor edge
except TypeError:
cloud_mask = np.bitwise_or(clear_mask>0, edge_mask > 0) == 0 # Where is it neither clear nor edge
tgtsum = field.size * ktmean # Mean scaled over whole field
diff_sum = tgtsum - np.sum(clear_mask) - np.sum(ce[np.bitwise_and(edge_mask > 0, clear_mask==0)]) # Shifting target to exclude fully clear values and the cloud enhancement
tgt_cloud_mean = diff_sum / np.sum(cloud_mask) # Find average required in areas where it's neither cloud nor edge
current_cloud_mean = np.mean(clouds3[cloud_mask]) # Actual cloud mean in field

if diff_sum > 0:
clouds4 = tgt_cloud_mean / current_cloud_mean * clouds3
# Calc the "max" and "min", excluding clear values
field_max = np.quantile(field[clear_mask == 0], max_quant)

# Create a flipped version of the distribution that scales between
# slightly below kt1pct and bascially (1-field_min). I think the intent
# here would be to make it vary between kt1pct and 1, but that's not
# quite what it does.
clouds3 = 1 - field*(1-kt1pct)/field_max

# # Clip limits to sensible boundaries
clouds3[clouds3 > 1] = 1
clouds3[clouds3 < 0] = 0

# ##### Calculate the cloud edge distribution #####
ce = 1 + (clouds3 - np.min(clouds3)) / (np.max(clouds3) - np.min(clouds3)) * (ktmax - 1)

# Calculate a scaling factor on the cloudy region, to make it match the
# specified ktmean from the timeseries
# Where is it neither clear nor edge
cloud_mask = np.bitwise_or(clear_mask > 0, edge_mask) == 0
except TypeError:
# Where is it neither clear nor edge
cloud_mask = np.bitwise_or(clear_mask > 0, edge_mask > 0) == 0

# Mean scaled over whole field
tgtsum = field.size * ktmean

# Shifting target to exclude fully clear vals and the cloud enhancement
diff_sum = (tgtsum
- np.sum(clear_mask)
- np.sum(ce[np.bitwise_and(edge_mask > 0, clear_mask==0)]))

# Find average required in areas where it's neither cloud nor edge
tgt_cloud_mean = diff_sum / np.sum(cloud_mask)

# Actual current cloud mean in the field
current_cloud_mean = np.mean(clouds3[cloud_mask])

# Only do this scaling if we have a positive difference
if diff_sum > 0:
clouds4 = tgt_cloud_mean / current_cloud_mean * clouds3
clouds4 = clouds3.copy()

clouds5 = clouds4.copy()

# Mask in edges and clear. Order matters. By doing clear second,
# we ensure that the clear sky is respected over the edge mask
clouds5[edge_mask > 0] = ce[edge_mask > 0]
clouds5[clear_mask > 0] = 1
elif method == 'basic':
flip_distribution = True
clearsky_distr_range = 0.6

field_max = np.quantile(field[clear_mask == 0], 0.999)
field_min = np.quantile(field[clear_mask == 0], .001)

# cloud field with max and min percentiles running from 0 - 1
clouds_fr = (field - field_min) / (field_max - field_min)

# Rather than clipping, we'll reflect the portions outside the range
clouds_fr[clouds_fr > 1] = 2 - clouds_fr[clouds_fr > 1]
clouds_fr[clouds_fr < 0] = -clouds_fr[clouds_fr < 0]

if flip_distribution:
# flip the distribution so that it runs from 1 to 0
clouds_fr = 1 - clouds_fr

# create a cloud enhancement field that scales from 1 to ktmax
ce = clouds_fr * (ktmax - 1) + 1

# calculate the cloud mask
cloud_mask = np.bitwise_or(clear_mask > 0, edge_mask > 0) == 0

# Create a placeholder
clouds5 = np.zeros_like(field)
# copy in the edges
clouds5[edge_mask > 0] = ce[edge_mask > 0]
# copy in the clear sky
if clearsky_distr_range is not None:
clouds5[clear_mask > 0] = clouds_fr[clear_mask > 0] * (1 - clearsky_distr_range) + clearsky_distr_range
clouds5[clear_mask > 0] = 1

# calculate the required sum of the cloudy region
tgtsum = field.size * ktmean
tgt_cloud_sum = tgtsum - np.sum(clouds5)

# Subtract off the baseline of the minimum kt
baseline_sum = kt1pct * np.sum(cloud_mask)
tgt_cloud_sum = tgt_cloud_sum - baseline_sum

# Calculate the current sum of the cloudy region and scale if
# appropriate. We don't want to scale up because the clouds would
# exceed kt = 1.
current_cloud_sum = np.sum(clouds_fr[cloud_mask])

if tgt_cloud_sum > 0 and current_cloud_sum > baseline_sum and tgt_cloud_sum < current_cloud_sum:
clouds5[cloud_mask] = clouds_fr[cloud_mask] * tgt_cloud_sum / current_cloud_sum + kt1pct
print("Warning! Can't match desired statistics.")
# convert clouds_fr to run from kt1pct to 1 and assign values
clouds5[cloud_mask] = clouds_fr[cloud_mask] * (1 - kt1pct) + kt1pct
clouds4 = clouds3.copy()

clouds5 = clouds4.copy()

# Edges then clear means that the clearsky overrides the edge enhancement
clouds5[edge_mask > 0] = ce[edge_mask > 0]
clouds5[clear_mask > 0] = 1
raise ValueError(f"Method: '{method}' not recognized.")

if plot:
plt.hist(ce.flatten(), bins=100)
plt.hist(clouds3.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(clouds4.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(clouds5.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(field.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.legend(["Cloud Enhancement", "1st Scaled Cloud Distribution", "2nd Scaled Cloud Distribution", "Fully Remapped Distribution",
"Original Field Distribution"])
# plt.hist(ce.flatten(), bins=100)
# plt.hist(clouds3.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
# plt.hist(clouds4.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
# plt.hist(clouds5.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
# plt.hist(field.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
# plt.legend(["Cloud Enhancement", "1st Scaled Cloud Distribution", "2nd Scaled Cloud Distribution", "Fully Remapped Distribution",
# "Original Field Distribution"])
plt.hist(clouds5.flatten()[clouds5.flatten()<1], bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(clouds5.flatten()[clouds5.flatten()==1], bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(clouds5.flatten()[clouds5.flatten()>1], bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.legend(["Cloudy Area", "Clear Sky", "Edge Enhancement"])

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
axs[0].imshow(field, extent=(0, field.shape[1], 0, field.shape[0]))
axs[0].set_title('Original Field')
axs[1].imshow(clouds5, extent=(0, field.shape[1], 0, field.shape[0]))
axs[1].set_title('Shifted Field')
axs[1].set_title('Scaled Field w/ Cloud Enhancement')

return clouds5
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,5 +562,5 @@ def cloudfield_timeseries(weights, scales, size, frac_clear, ktmean, ktmax, kt1p

edges, smoothed = _find_edges(clear_mask, edgesmoothing)

field_final = _scale_field_lave(cfield, clear_mask, smoothed, ktmean, ktmax, kt1pct, plot=False)
field_final = _scale_field(cfield, clear_mask, smoothed, ktmean, ktmax, kt1pct, plot=False)
return field_final
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/synthirrad/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ def test_scale_field_lave_basic(self, sample_data):
ktmean = 0.5
ktmax = 1.08
kt1pct = 0.2
result = cloudfield._scale_field_lave(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax, kt1pct)
result = cloudfield._scale_field(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax, kt1pct)
assert result.shape == field.shape
assert np.isclose(np.mean(result), ktmean, atol=0.01)

Expand Down

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