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Baseline fixed generation of cloud field following Lave scaling method
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jranalli committed Oct 1, 2024
1 parent 95644d2 commit 83876e9
Showing 1 changed file with 100 additions and 53 deletions.
153 changes: 100 additions & 53 deletions src/solarspatialtools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,45 +128,73 @@ def stacked_field(vs, size, weights=None, scales=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), plot=Fal

return field

def _clip_field(field, kt=0.5, plot=False):
def _clip_field(field, clear_frac=0.5, plot=False):
Find the value in the field that will produce an X% clear sky mask. The
mask is 1 where clear, and 0 where cloudy.
# Zero where clouds, 1 where clear

# clipping needs to be based on pixel fraction, which thus needs to be
# done on quantile because the field has a normal distribution
quant = np.quantile(field, kt)
quant = np.quantile(field, clear_frac)

# Find that quantile and cap it
field_out = np.ones_like(field)
field_out[field > quant] = 0

assert (np.isclose(kt, np.sum(field_out) / field.size, rtol=1e-3))
# Test to make sure that we're close to matching the desired fraction
assert (np.isclose(clear_frac, np.sum(field_out) / field.size, rtol=1e-3))

if plot:
plt.imshow(field_out, extent=(0, field.shape[1], 0, field.shape[0]))

return field_out

def _find_edges(size, plot=False):
edges = np.abs(sobel(out_field))
def _find_edges(base_mask, size, plot=False):
Find the edges of the field using a sobel filter and then smooth it with a

# This gets us roughly 50% overlapping with mask and 50% outside
edges = np.abs(sobel(base_mask))
smoothed = uniform_filter(edges, size=size)

# We want to binarize it
smoothed[smoothed < 1e-5] = 0 # Zero out the small floating point values
# Calculate a threshold based on quantile, because otherwise we get the whole clouds
baseline = np.quantile(smoothed[smoothed>0], 0.5)
smoothed = smoothed > baseline
smoothed_binary = smoothed > baseline

if plot:
# Compare the edges and uniform filtered edges side by side
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
axs[0].imshow(edges, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[1].imshow(smoothed, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[1].imshow(smoothed_binary, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[1].set_title('Uniform Filtered Edges')

return edges, smoothed
return edges, smoothed_binary

def shift_mean_lave(field, ktmean, max_overshoot=1.4, ktmin=0.2, min_quant=0.005, max_quant=0.995, plot=True):

Expand All @@ -186,7 +214,7 @@ def shift_mean_lave(field, ktmean, max_overshoot=1.4, ktmin=0.2, min_quant=0.005
# ##### Apply multiplier to shift mean to ktmean #####

# Rescale the mean
tgtsum = * ktmean # Mean scaled over whole field
tgtsum = field_out.size * ktmean # Mean scaled over whole field
diff_sum = tgtsum - np.sum(field_out == 1) # Shifting to exclude fully clear values
tgt_mean = diff_sum / np.sum(field_out < 1) # Recalculating the expected mean of the cloudy-only aareas
current_cloud_mean = np.mean(field_out[field_out < 1]) # Actual cloud mean
Expand All @@ -213,65 +241,80 @@ def shift_mean_lave(field, ktmean, max_overshoot=1.4, ktmin=0.2, min_quant=0.005
return field_out

def lave_scaling_exact(field, ktmean, max_overshoot=1.4, ktmin=0.2, min_quant=0.005, max_quant=0.995, plot=True):
def lave_scaling_exact(field, clear_mask, edge_mask, ktmean, ktmax=1.4, kt1pct=0.2, max_quant=0.99, plot=True):

# ##### Shift values of kt to range from 0.2 - 1

# Calc the "max" and "min", excluding clear values
field_min = np.quantile(field[field < 1], .99)
field_max = np.quantile(field[clear_mask == 0], max_quant)
print(f"Field Max: {field_max}")
print(f"kt1pct: {kt1pct}")

# Scale it between ktmin and max_overshoot
clouds3 = 1 - field*0.8/field_min
# Create a flipped version of the distribution that scales between slightly below kt1pct and bascially (1-field_min)
# I think the intent here would be to make it vary between kt1pct and 1, but that's not quite what it does.
clouds3 = 1 - field*(1-kt1pct)/field_max

# # Clip limits to sensible boundaries
clouds3[clouds3 > 1] = 1
clouds3[clouds3 < 0] = 0

# ##### Apply multiplier to shift mean to ktmean #####
mn = np.mean(clouds3)
minmn = np.min(clouds3)/mn
maxmn = np.max(clouds3/mn-minmn)

ce = 1+ (clouds3/mn-minmn)/maxmn*(1.4-1)

# Rescale the mean
tgtsum = * ktmean # Mean scaled over whole field
diff_sum = tgtsum - np.sum(field_out == 1) # Shifting to exclude fully clear values
tgt_mean = diff_sum / np.sum(field_out < 1) # Recalculating the expected mean of the cloudy-only aareas
current_cloud_mean = np.mean(field_out[field_out < 1]) # Actual cloud mean
mean_c3 = np.mean(clouds3)
nmin_c3 = np.min(clouds3)/mean_c3
nrange_c3 = np.max(clouds3)/mean_c3-nmin_c3
ce = 1+ (clouds3/mean_c3-nmin_c3)/nrange_c3*(ktmax-1)

# Rescale one more time to make the mean of clouds3 match the ktmean from the timeseries
cloud_mask = np.bitwise_or(clear_mask>0, edge_mask) == 0 # Where is it neither clear nor edge
tgtsum = field.size * ktmean # Mean scaled over whole field
diff_sum = tgtsum - np.sum(clear_mask) - np.sum(ce[np.bitwise_and(edge_mask > 0, clear_mask==0)]) # Shifting target to exclude fully clear values and the cloud enhancement
tgt_cloud_mean = diff_sum / np.sum(cloud_mask) # Find average required in areas where it's neither cloud nor edge
current_cloud_mean = np.mean(clouds3[cloud_mask]) # Actual cloud mean

if diff_sum > 0:
field_out[field_out!=1] = tgt_mean / current_cloud_mean * field_out[field_out!=1]
clouds4 = tgt_cloud_mean / current_cloud_mean * clouds3
clouds4 = clouds3.copy()

# print(diff_sum)
# print(current_cloud_mean)
print(f"Desired Mean: {ktmean}, actual global mean {np.mean(field_out)}.")
clouds5 = clouds4.copy()

# Edges then clear means that the clearsky overrides the edge enhancement
clouds5[edge_mask] = ce[edge_mask > 0]
clouds5[clear_mask > 0] = 1
print(f"Desired Mean: {ktmean}, actual global mean {np.mean(clouds5)}.")

if plot:
plt.hist(field_out[field_out<1].flatten(), bins=100)
plt.hist(ce.flatten(), bins=100)
plt.hist(clouds3.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(clouds4.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(clouds5.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(field.flatten(), bins=100, alpha=0.5)
plt.legend(["Cloud Enhancement", "1st Scaled Cloud Distribution", "2nd Scaled Cloud Distribution", "Fully Remapped Distribution",
"Original Field Distribution"])

# plot field and field_out side by side
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
axs[0].imshow(field, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[0].set_title('Original Field')
axs[1].imshow(field_out, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[1].imshow(clouds5, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))
axs[1].set_title('Shifted Field')
return field_out

return clouds5

def get_settings_from_timeseries(kt_ts, plot=True):
def get_settings_from_timeseries(kt_ts, clear_threshold=0.95, plot=True):
# Get the mean and standard deviation of the time series
ktmean = np.mean(kt_ts)
ktmean = np.mean(kt_ts) # represents mean of kt
ktstd = np.std(kt_ts)
ktmax = np.max(kt_ts)
ktmax = np.max(kt_ts) # represents peak cloud enhancement
ktmin = np.min(kt_ts)

# Get the fraction of clear sky
frac_clear = np.sum(kt_ts > 0.95) /
kt1pct = np.nanquantile(kt_ts, 0.01) # represents "lowest" kt

# Get the fraction of clear sky with a threshold
frac_clear = np.sum(kt_ts > clear_threshold) / kt_ts.size

vs = variability_score(kt) * 1e4

Expand All @@ -291,7 +334,7 @@ def get_settings_from_timeseries(kt_ts, plot=True):
tmscales = [i+1 for i, _ in enumerate(tmscales[:-1])]
weights = _calc_wavelet_weights(waves)

return ktmean, ktstd, ktmin, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, tmscales
return ktmean, kt1pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, tmscales

Expand All @@ -305,23 +348,26 @@ def get_settings_from_timeseries(kt_ts, plot=True):
twin = pd.date_range('2013-09-08 9:15:00', '2013-09-08 10:15:00', freq='1s', tz='UTC')
data = pd.read_hdf(datafn, mode="r", key="data")
data = data[40]
# plt.plot(data)

pos = pd.read_hdf(datafn, mode="r", key="latlon")
loc = pvlib.location.Location(np.mean(pos['lat']), np.mean(pos['lon']))
cs_ghi = loc.get_clearsky(data.index, model='simplified_solis')['ghi']
cs_ghi = 1000/max(cs_ghi) * cs_ghi
cs_ghi = 1000/max(cs_ghi) * cs_ghi # Rescale (possible scaling on
kt = pvlib.irradiance.clearsky_index(data, cs_ghi, 2)

# plt.plot(data)
# plt.plot(cs_ghi)
# plt.plot(kt)

# plt.hist(kt, bins=100)

ktmean, ktstd, ktmin, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales = get_settings_from_timeseries(kt, plot=False)
ktmean, kt1pct, ktmax, frac_clear, vs, weights, scales = get_settings_from_timeseries(kt, plot=False)

print(f"Clear Fraction is: {frac_clear}")

Expand All @@ -332,21 +378,22 @@ def get_settings_from_timeseries(kt_ts, plot=True):

cfield = stacked_field(vs, (xsiz, ysiz), weights, scales)

mask_field = stacked_field(vs, (xsiz, ysiz), weights, scales)
mask_field = _clip_field(mask_field, frac_clear, plot=False)
clear_mask = stacked_field(vs, (xsiz, ysiz), weights, scales)
clear_mask = _clip_field(clear_mask, frac_clear, plot=False) # 0 is cloudy, 1 is clear

# Clear Everywhere
out_field = np.ones_like(cfield)
# Where it's cloudy, mask in the clouds
out_field[mask_field == 0] = cfield[mask_field == 0]
out_field[clear_mask == 0] = cfield[clear_mask == 0]

# plt.imshow(out_field, extent=(0, ysiz, 0, xsiz))

edges, smoothed = _find_edges(3)
edges, smoothed = _find_edges(clear_mask, 3, plot=False)

# field_final = shift_mean_lave(out_field, ktmean)
lave_scaling_exact(out_field, ktmean)
field_final = lave_scaling_exact(cfield, clear_mask, smoothed, ktmean, ktmax, kt1pct, plot=False)

Expand Down

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