BFF over a Tensorflow and FAISS index gRPC server for visual search.
- Go 1.11 and later
- gRPC server providing the Tensorflow model
- gRPC server providing the FAISS index
And then install Tensorflow and Tensorflow serving Go packages:
git clone -b r1.15
git clone -b r1.15
GO111MODULE=off go run protoc.go
cd proto/tensorflow/core && go mod init && cd -
go build ./proto/tensorflow/serving
make build
Create Docker image:
make docker
To run the visual search backend, create a conf.yaml
from the example file to put your values, and finally run:
Or you can your values through the corresponding parameters:
visual-search-backend [flags]
visual-search-backend [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Show build and version
Flags: string host on which the ANN gRPC server should listen (default "localhost")
--ann.port int port on which the ANN gRPC server should listen (default 8080)
--conf string configuration file to use
-h, --help help for visual-search-backend string host on which the Image gRPC server should listen (default "localhost")
--img.port int port on which the ANN gRPC server should listen (default 8080)
--log.format string one of text or json (default "text")
--log.level string one of debug, info, warn, error or fatal (default "debug")
--log.line enable filename and line in logs (default true)
--server.cors.all defines that all origins are allowed (default true)
--server.cors.disabled disable CORS completely
--server.cors.expose strings array of exposed headers
--server.cors.headers strings array of allowed headers (default [Origin,Authorization,Content-Type])
--server.cors.methods strings array of allowed method when cors is enabled (default [GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTION,PATCH]) strings array of allowed origins (overwritten if all is active) string host on which the server should listen (default "localhost")
--server.mode string server mode can be either 'debug', 'test' or 'release' (default "debug")
--server.port int port on which the server should listen (default 8081)
Use "visual-search-backend [command] --help" for more information about a command.