improved esri rest io for geopandas
gpd.read_file(url, driver="ESRIJSON")
does not account for max record count limitations
so if you read a service with 100000 features but there's a limit of 1000 records per query, then your gdf will only have 1000 features
these functions use asyncio to read all features from a service, not limited by max record count
keyword arguments to FeatureLayer.getgdf
are passed on to
; include query parameters like where str and token str in data dict
this enables enhanced control over queries and allow use of any valid authentication scheme (eg requests_ntlm.HttpNtlmAuth
) with use of requests.Session.auth
or data={"token": str}
pip install restgdf
import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from restgdf import FeatureLayer
beaches_url = r""
zipcodes_url = ""
async def main():
async with ClientSession() as session:
beaches = await FeatureLayer.from_url(beaches_url, session=session)
beaches_gdf = await beaches.getgdf()
daytona = await beaches.where("LOWER(City) LIKE 'daytona%'")
daytona_gdf = await daytona.getgdf()
oh_zipcodes = await FeatureLayer.from_url(zipcodes_url, where="STATE = 'OH'", session=session)
oh_zipcodes_gdf = await oh_zipcodes.getgdf()
return beaches_gdf, daytona_gdf, oh_zipcodes_gdf
beaches_gdf, daytona_gdf, oh_zipcodes_gdf =
# (243, 10)
# (83, 10)
# (1026, 8)
# more documentation to come...