Radarr custom post processor script for handling subtitle download. (based on the @ebergama Sonarr script)
This project contains 2 main bash scripts for handling Sonarr subtitle download after a movie has been downloaded.
- The script sub-downloader.sh works perfectly as a Custom Post Processor Script for Radarr.
- The script search-wanted.sh looks for those subtitles that were not found in previous executions of the first one.
- The search wanted script has not been completely updated for Radarr. Feel free to make the required changes if you use this functionality and submit a PR.
Behind the scenes, both scripts uses subliminal as subtitle downloader engine.
- Install the subliminal plugin
- I highly recommend follow the author steps for install subliminal, but you can execute:
sudo pip install -U subliminal
Download the latest release (zip or tar.gz) file.
Uncompress the file
unzip v0.5.zip # or tar -xvf v0.5.tar.gz
Open Radarr, go to:
Click in the '+' => Custom Script
Choose a name for your script, recommended: "Subs Downloader"
Enable "On Download" and "On Upgrade"
Choose the path in which the script
has been cloned. -
The script requires 1 argument, a comma-separated language list for the subtitles to download, for example, for download English and Spanish subtitles:
-l es,en
!! This feature has not been finalized in the Radarr fork as I don't personally use it. Feel free to update the script to re-enable this functionality and submit a PR !!
Check that the crontab has been setup correctly
crontab -l
Josh Lyon - https://boshdirect.com - RADARR FORK
Ezequiel Bergamaschi - [email protected] - SONARR FORK