Download the the 'dv-android-sdk-1.0.aar' file here and save it on your pc or mac
Open your project that already exists or create a new project on *Android Studio and click on file a drop down will appear. Hover on new move to the the drop down on the right and select New Module...
You should see a wizard, select the option that says Import .JAR/.AAR Package and click on next
You should now have two input fields select the icon on the far right of the first input filed and navigate to where you saved the 'dv-android-sdk-1.0.aar' you downloaded earlier, select it and click next. Wait for it to sync and build and complete.
- Go to your app build gradle and add the code below there.
- Click on sync.
- Wait till its done.
//dv-android-sdk-1.0 Dependencies
compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.4.1'
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.0.0'
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.0.0'
compile project(':dv-android-sdk-1.0')
The above should complete the DevLess integration process.
Get your app url, the service name, devless token and table name From your DevLess Instance
String appUrl = ""; //put your app url here without an end slash
String devlessToken = ""; //put the devless token right here
//example below
//Create a shared preference like this
SharedPreferences sp = getSharedPreferences(getPackageName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
//Now go ahead and set devless up
String appUrl = ""; // remember no slash after the com just the absolute URL
String devlessToken = "f9372bad91503a3d4da8824ef6e9ebe6"; //this is my token
//This is how to create a devless instance
Devless devless = new Devless(this, appUrl, devlessToken);
setUpDevlessUserToken Right under the instance and pass in the
name of your shratd prefernce variable. Im my case i called my shared preference sp
We will be using our instance we created to query post, edit, delete and sign users up and even log in. lets start with querying data from a particular table.
//call the getData Method on the devless instance. it takes three parameters(serviceName, tableName, //new Devless.RequestResponse) ie service name, table name and callback. Your response will be in the //void OnSuccess method //Do what ever you want with the response.
String serviceName = "";// Your service name here
String tableName = "";// Your table name here
devless.getData(serviceName, tableName, new Devless.RequestResponse() {
public void OnSuccess(String s) {
Log.v("----Get Response----", s);
//watch this example below
String serviceName = "new_service";//replace with your serviceName
String tableName = "names";//replace with your tableName
devless.getData(serviceName, tableName, new Devless.RequestResponse(){
public void OnSuccess(String s){
//Do what you want with the data here
//lets toast it
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//lest log the response
Log.v("-----Get Response-----", s);
//Do whatever you want with the data
Create a Map<String, Object> with the key being your field and the value being what you want to put in that field. So to post this sample data {"name" : "Abigail", "email" : "[email protected]"} to our names table because our table has two fields ie name and email.
//Create the HashMap of the fields the value you wanna post
Map<String, Object> dataToPost = new HashMap<>();
dataToPost.put("name", "Abigail");
dataToPost.put("email", "[email protected]");
call the postData method on the devless
instance you created earlier and specify the service name and the table name
String serviceName = "new_service";//your service name
String tableName = "names";//your table name
devless.postData(serviceName, tableName, dataToPost, new Devless.RequestResponse() {
public void OnSuccess(String s) {
//Do what you want with the data here
//lets toast it
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//lest log the response
Log.v("-----Post Response-----", s);
//Do whatever you want with the data
Create a Map<String, Object> with the key being your field and the value being what you want to change in your backend. So If we want to change the name field of what we already entered which was {"name" : "Abigail", "email" : "[email protected]"} in our names table we will create a Map<String, Object> and set the new fields. This is how you will do it.
//Create a hashmap with the value to change
Map<String, Object> dataToChange = new HashMap<>();
dataToChange.put("name", "Nana Akua");
Call the edit method on the devless instance you already created and pass in the service name, table name, dataToChange, id of the recored and a new Devless.RequestResponse() to process your response to see whether it has been updated or not
String serviceName = "new_service";//your service name
String tableName = "names";//your table name
String id = "16"// replace with the id you want to delete
devless.edit(serviceName, tableName, dataToChange, id, new Devless.RequestResponse() {
public void OnSuccess(String s) {
//Do what you want with the data here
//lets toast it
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//lest log the response
Log.v("-----Edit Response-----", s);
//Do whatever you want with the data
All you need is the id of the record you want to delete and just call the delete ,method on the devless instance we already created. Lets say we want to delete an item with id "2" from the table. this is exactly how we will go about it.
String serviceName = "new_service";//your service name
String tableName = "names";//your table name
String id = "1";// replace with the id you want to delete
devless.delete(serviceName, tableName, id, new Devless.RequestResponse() {
public void OnSuccess(String s) {
//Do what you want with the data here
//lets toast it
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//lest log the response
Log.v("-----Delete Response-----", s);
//Do whatever you want with the data
This is quite easy to do because the only parameter required is the tableName. lets delete all the records in our names table under the service new_service.
Call the deleteAll method on the instance and pass in the
service name, table name and a new instance Devless.RequestResponse()
String serviceName = "new_service";//your service name
String tableName = "names";//your table name
devless.deleteAll(serviceName, tableName, new Devless.RequestResponse() {
public void OnSuccess(String s) {
//Do what you want with the data here
//lets toast it
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//lest log the response
Log.v("-----Get Response-----", s);
//Do whatever you want with the data
All you need is the email and password of the user to sign them up. lets sign abgail up with the email [email protected] and password passwordOne.
Call the signUpWithEmailAndPassword method
on the devless instance and pass in the email, password, SharedPreferences and callback.
String email = "[email protected]";
String password = "passwordOne";
devless.signUpWithEmailAndPassword(email, password, sp, new Devless.SignUpResponse() {
public void OnSignUpSuccess(String s) {
Toast a success message and checkout the payload or just do what you want with the payload or simple write your logic here which is what you wan to happen when user successfully sign up
Log.e("EmailPassSignUpSuccess", s);
public void OnSignUpFailed(String s) {
Toast a failure message and or simple write your logic here which is what you want to happen when user sign up fails
Log.e("EmailPassSignUpFailure", s);
All you need is the username and password of the user to sign them up. Lets sign abigail up with the username abigailobeng and password passwordOne.
Call the signUpWithUserNameAndPassword
method on the devless instance and pass in the username, password, SharedPreferences and your callback that is it.
String userName = "abigailobeng";
String password = "passwordOne";
devless.signUpWithUsernameAndPassword(userName, password, sp, new Devless.SignUpResponse() {
public void OnSignUpSuccess(String s) {
Toast a success message and chevkout the paload or just do what you want with the payload or simple write your logic here which is waht you wan to happen when user successfully sign up
Log.e("UnamePassignUpSucc", s);
public void OnSignUpFailed(String s) {
Toast a failure message and or simple write your
logic here which is what you want to happen when user sign up fails
Log.e("UnamePassSignUpFail", s);
All you need is the email and password of the user to Log them in. Lets Log abigail in with the email [email protected] and password passwordOne This is how we will go about it.
Get your string set up and call the loginUserWithEmailAndPassword method on the devless instance we already created and pass in email, password, SharedPreferences and a new Devless.LoginResponse();
String userName = "[email protected]";
String password = "passwordOne";
devless.loginWithEmailAndPassword(userName, password, sp, new Devless.LoginResponse() {
public void OnLogInSuccess(String s) {
Toast a success message and checkout the paload or just do what you want with the payload or simple write your logic here which is what you want to happen when user successfully logs in
Log.e("EmailPassLoginSucc", s);
public void OnLogInFailed(String s) {
Toast a failure message and or simple write your
logic here which is what you want to happen when user log in fails
Log.e("EmailPassLoginfail", s);
All you need is the username and password of the user to log them in. Lets Log abigail in with the username abigailobeng and password passwordOne This is how we will go about it.
Get your string set up and call the loginUserWithUserNameAndPassword method on the devless instance we already created and pass in username, password, SharedPreferences and a new Devless.LoginResponse();
String userName = "abigailobeng";
String password = "passwordOne";
devless.loginWithUsernameAndPassword(userName, password, sp, new Devless.LoginResponse() {
public void OnLogInSuccess(String s) {
Toast a success message and checkout the paload or just do what you want with the payload or simple write your logic here which is what you want to happen when user successfully logs in
Log.e("UnamePassLogInSucc", s);
public void OnLogInFailed(String s) {
Toast a failure message and or simple write your logic here
which is what you want to happen when user log in fails
Log.e("UnamePassLoginFail", s);
devless.logout(new Devless.LogoutResponse() {
public void OnLogOutSuccess(String s) {
- where takes fielfName and value you want to search
- size takes how many items you want the search to return Example: lets look into our names table in the new_service service and look for anyone with the name charles and return onl 2 of the results
String serviceName = "new_service"// Your service_name here
String tableName = "names"//replace with your table name
devless.where("name", "charles").size(2).queryData(serviceName,tableName,new Devless.SearchResponse() {
public void OnSuccess(String response) {
Log.e("==search response two==", response);
String serviceName = "new_service"// Your service_name here
String tableName = "names"//replace with your table name
devless.where("name", "charles").queryData(serviceName,tableName,new Devless.SearchResponse() {
public void OnSuccess(String response) {
Log.e("==search response all==", response);
This is a working library to add to your android project in order for your app to talk to your delvess backend