A simple binary to decimal converter (and vice-versa) using ReactJS.
This project was an intitial effort to help me get a basic understanding of how to program static websites using exlusively Javascript. Namely NodeJS, ExpressJS, and ReactJS. The idea for this came from the App Ideas repo. I'm using it as a set of projects to improve my capabilities in this area. You can see the requirements in the Reqs Doc on this repo.
To run this website, you should only need NodeJS and the Node Package Manager(NPM). This can be installed on Debian systems with the following commmand.
sudo apt-get install npm
Note: NodeJS version must be v8 or above to run the ReactJS framework
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/joshjab/Simple-Bin2Dec-Website.git
Run an npm install to download the required packages
cd ./Simple-Bin2Dec-Website
npm install
npm start
- Joshua Jablonowski - Initial work - joshjab
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details