Windows App Essentials 21.11
Hi all,
Windows App Essentials 21.11 is now available.
- Partially removed the ability to recognize additional dialogs as recent Windows and app updates improve NVDA's ability to detect dialogs without help from the add-on. Dialogs with UIA class names included in NVDA will still be detected.
- The debug log prefix was changed from "W10" to "winapps" to reflect the renamed add-on.
- It is no longer required to enable report object position information option from NVDA's object presentation settings to be notified about suggestion count when searching in various apps.
- Roles for headings found in apps such as Settings app are properly marked as headings when displaying developer info for navigator object (NVDA+F1).
- Microsoft Store: removed download list item label workaround in Windows 10 Store as the item label includes download status.
- Modern keyboard: in Windows 11, IME and hardware input suggestion candidate items are no longer announced twice.