Windows App Essentials 21.09
Hi all,
Windows App Essentials 21.09 is now available.
IMPORTANT: this is the last version compatible with NVDA 2020.4 and 2021.1.
- On systems running Windows Server releases such as Server 2022, a warning dialog will be presented when installing the add-on as most modern apps such as Microsoft Store are not present in server systems, thereby limiting add-on features.
- When using Add-on Updater to update this add-on on unsupported Windows releases, the warning dialog will resemble the one shown when installing the add-on manually by being specific about minimum supported Windows release.
- Removed dedicated search field support and transferred suggestions count announcement to a dedicated suggestions list view object.
- Calculator: added support for redesigned Calculator (version 10.2109) included in Windows 11.
- Calculator: removed memory and history item workaround in Calculator 10.2109 as these items have labels.
- Modern keyboard: in Windows 11, it is no longer required to press the Escape key twice to close combined emoji panel and clipboard history.