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Which is the fastest?

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This project aims to be a load benchmarking suite, no more, no less

Measuring response times (routing times) for each framework (middleware).

Results are not production-ready yet

Additional purposes :

  • Helping decide between languages, depending on use case
  • Learning languages, best practices, devops culture ...
  • Having fun ❤️


  • Crystal as built-in tools are made in this language
  • Docker as frameworks are isolated into containers
  • wrk as benchmarking tool, >= 4.1.0
  • postgresql to store data, >= 10

ℹ️ you need wrk stable

git clone --branch 4.1.0

⚠️ docker is used for development purpose, production results will be computed on DigitalOcean ⚠️


  • Install all dependencies
shards install
  • Build internal tools
shards build
  • Create and initialize the database
createdb -U postgres benchmark
psql -U postgres -d benchmark < .ci/dump.sql

Docker can be used to set up the database:

docker run -it --rm -d \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=benchmark \
  -v /tmp/pg-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
  --name pg postgres:12-alpine

Wait several seconds for the container to start, then inject the dump:

docker exec pg sh -c "echo \"$(cat .ci/dump.sql)\" | psql -U postgres -d benchmark"

After creating the database, export its URL:

export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres@localhost/benchmark"
  • Make configuration
bin/make config
  • Build containers

jobs are either languages (example : crystal) or frameworks (example :

bin/neph [job1] [job2] [job3] ...
  • Export all results readme
bin/db to_readme


ℹ️ Updated on 2020-04-17 ℹ️

Benchmarking with wrk

  • Threads : 8
  • Timeout : 8
  • Duration : 15s (seconds)

ℹ️ Sorted by max req/s on concurrency 64 ℹ️

Language Framework Speed (64) Speed (256) Speed (512) Speed (1024) Speed (2048)
1 nim (1.0) httpbeast (2.2) 192 169 205 111 206 613 204 103 204 379
2 javascript (13.12) nanoexpress-pro (1.11) 180 619 193 235 191 953 188 442 189 058
3 php (7.4) simps (1.0) 174 627 186 057 187 838 185 407 185 371
4 javascript (13.12) nanoexpress (2.0) 170 542 182 163 182 019 178 503 178 342
5 javascript (13.12) sifrr (0.0) 168 331 173 032 181 641 179 924 180 822
6 go (1.14) fasthttp (1.1) 159 485 169 040 172 132 167 238 167 197
7 crystal (0.34) toro (0.4) 153 719 160 140 158 804 150 865 149 687
8 go (1.14) router (1.0) 153 219 161 937 165 143 160 925 161 044
9 go (1.14) atreugo (11.0) 152 677 161 664 165 469 160 879 160 457
10 go (1.14) fasthttprouter (0.1) 152 478 161 979 165 406 160 540 160 466
11 crystal (0.34) ricr (0.1) 152 423 159 153 155 157 147 257 146 240
12 go (1.14) gorouter-fasthttp (4.4) 152 328 158 268 165 050 159 737 158 936
13 crystal (0.34) (0.2) 151 800 158 741 156 106 147 501 147 585
14 nim (1.0) jester (0.4) 150 825 161 481 162 592 159 133 159 462
15 crystal (0.34) spider-gazelle (2.3) 149 437 156 362 153 392 145 053 144 424
16 go (1.14) fiber (1.9) 145 769 156 494 153 772 145 749 146 151
17 crystal (0.34) kemal (0.26) 143 325 150 039 145 983 138 471 137 303
18 crystal (0.34) grip (0.28) 143 181 149 768 145 599 137 536 135 822
19 php (7.4) workerman (4.0) 142 725 154 433 156 053 153 756 153 305
20 java (8) rapidoid (5.5) 142 028 158 419 161 180 162 537 159 496
21 crystal (0.34) amber (0.34) 136 180 141 277 137 718 129 471 128 679
22 rust (1.42) actix (2.0) 134 197 136 409 138 322 134 614 131 010
23 crystal (0.34) lucky (0.2) 131 391 134 957 129 044 119 699 119 260
24 crystal (0.34) orion (2.3) 131 218 135 092 129 831 119 342 117 257
25 c (99) kore (3.3) 126 052 119 837 136 098 139 608 138 209
26 crystal (0.34) athena (0.8) 125 584 127 945 121 686 108 984 109 303
27 java (8) act (1.8) 115 075 125 342 119 923 115 924 123 996
28 go (1.14) rte (0.0) 109 045 109 244 112 880 112 540 112 010
29 go (1.14) httprouter (1.3) 107 140 107 583 110 449 110 222 109 766
30 go (1.14) chi (4.1) 103 255 102 584 105 577 104 928 104 879
31 go (1.14) gorouter (4.4) 103 136 107 573 110 003 108 904 108 317
32 c (11) agoo-c (0.7) 102 766 166 923 162 687 172 659 161 927
33 go (1.14) aero (1.3) 100 339 101 606 104 574 104 111 103 556
34 go (1.14) violetear (7.0) 99 722 99 994 103 131 103 376 102 791
35 go (1.14) echo (4.1) 98 438 97 534 100 646 100 860 100 621
36 go (1.14) goroute (0.0) 98 176 97 822 100 408 100 407 100 085
37 go (1.14) kami (2.2) 97 683 101 844 103 589 102 026 101 638
38 go (1.14) gorilla-mux (1.7) 95 842 94 587 97 627 97 772 97 401
39 ruby (2.7) agoo (2.12) 94 897 118 122 122 532 123 295 123 026
40 go (1.14) beego (1.12) 94 812 98 509 101 170 101 135 100 664
41 go (1.14) gin (1.6) 93 792 98 036 100 601 99 992 99 610
42 go (1.14) webgo (3.0) 93 444 93 242 96 237 96 445 96 227
43 csharp (8.0) aspnetcore (3.1) 93 440 99 556 100 126 98 612 99 627
44 cpp (14/17) drogon (1.0) 87 792 91 222 94 116 93 403 92 975
45 javascript (13.12) polkadot (1.0) 86 353 95 692 94 841 91 076 90 598
46 javascript (13.12) 0http (2.2) 82 492 91 525 90 991 87 741 86 986
47 go (1.14) air (0.15) 80 644 85 086 86 932 86 787 86 582
48 javascript (13.12) restana (4.3) 79 275 86 738 84 162 84 010 83 796
49 javascript (13.12) polka (0.5) 77 630 82 641 80 336 77 371 77 257
50 javascript (13.12) rayo (1.3) 76 277 80 959 78 806 76 214 76 163
51 go (1.14) gf (1.12) 75 280 81 061 82 619 82 036 81 601
52 scala (2.12) akkahttp (10.1) 74 040 79 101 75 665 74 287 75 495
53 java (8) javalin (3.5) 70 925 76 527 77 817 76 894 76 390
54 python (3.8) falcon (2.0) 70 635 75 758 76 244 75 013 74 581
55 swift (5.1) perfect (3.1) 70 112 79 261 84 327 84 040 84 362
56 kotlin (1.3) ktor (1.2) 65 241 75 645 77 473 76 394 76 086
57 php (7.4) hyperf (1.1) 65 010 68 710 68 988 68 450 68 612
58 java (8) spring-boot (2.1) 64 989 69 684 67 229 66 053 67 623
59 php (7.4) one (2.0) 63 964 66 923 67 404 67 008 66 737
60 javascript (13.12) fastify (2.13) 63 877 67 289 64 937 64 532 63 233
61 java (8) micronaut (1.2) 63 536 70 960 70 921 67 858 68 425
62 javascript (13.12) muneem (2.4) 63 420 67 722 65 978 63 883 63 258
63 elixir (1.1) cowboy_stream (2.7) 63 393 63 547 62 705 61 053 61 076
64 javascript (13.12) foxify (0.1) 62 427 65 917 63 954 62 861 62 446
65 go (1.14) mars (1.0) 61 077 64 311 67 129 66 737 66 492
66 python (3.8) bottle (0.12) 57 847 62 602 63 441 62 389 60 002
67 javascript (13.12) koa (2.11) 55 941 59 235 56 648 56 775 56 597
68 rust (1.42) nickel (0.11) 55 823 55 736 55 157 55 926 55 783
69 javascript (13.12) iotjs-express (0.0) 55 766 58 457 56 557 55 133 55 044
70 clojure (1.1) coast (1.0) 54 360 55 693 55 577 55 156 55 293
71 python (3.8) apidaora (0.25) 54 208 56 754 57 195 56 824 56 656
72 java (8) spring-framework (5.2) 53 477 59 317 59 507 59 503 58 694
73 python (3.8) asgineer (0.7) 52 200 57 562 57 577 55 594 55 419
74 scala (2.12) http4s (0.18) 52 185 60 137 62 400 62 451 63 372
75 javascript (13.12) feathersjs (4.5) 50 760 52 873 51 711 50 852 50 644
76 python (3.8) pyramid (1.1) 49 664 50 001 48 935 49 749 49 690
77 javascript (13.12) express (4.17) 49 482 52 223 50 118 50 012 50 331
78 swift (5.1) vapor (3.3) 49 249 50 479 49 549 50 164 49 642
79 swift (5.1) kitura (2.8) 49 028 48 496 47 727 48 099 47 796
80 javascript (13.12) moleculer (0.14) 47 002 48 540 46 886 46 205 46 403
81 swift (5.1) kitura-nio (2.8) 46 675 45 651 44 049 45 750 45 333
82 python (3.8) blacksheep (0.2) 46 645 51 761 50 172 48 321 49 019
83 cpp (11) evhtp (1.2) 46 525 46 435 46 303 46 560 45 539
84 python (3.8) hug (2.6) 45 221 48 106 48 191 47 818 47 986
85 python (3.8) starlette (0.13) 43 748 47 909 47 800 46 464 46 139
86 rust (1.42) gotham (0.4) 42 186 50 412 52 019 53 192 53 706
87 elixir (1.1) cowboy (2.7) 40 820 41 530 41 182 39 922 40 024
88 php (7.4) imi (1.0) 40 119 41 669 42 237 42 301 41 999
89 ruby (2.7) syro (3.2) 39 983 40 808 38 928 38 276 38 835
90 javascript (13.12) hapi (19.1) 39 508 42 310 41 667 41 135 41 334
91 javascript (13.12) restify (8.5) 39 374 41 087 41 084 38 973 39 481
92 ruby (2.7) hanami-api (0.1) 39 320 39 761 37 722 37 499 38 051
93 python (3.8) emmett (2.0.0b2) 38 973 41 404 41 212 39 562 39 855
94 php (7.4) sw-fw-less (preview) 38 604 41 446 41 537 41 073 41 074
95 ruby (2.7) roda (3.31) 36 802 37 483 35 935 35 613 35 750
96 elixir (1.1) plug (1.8) 36 045 36 522 36 096 35 119 34 890
97 php (7.4) swoft (2.0) 35 253 36 533 36 543 36 110 36 104
98 ruby (2.7) cuba (3.9) 32 505 32 700 31 708 31 548 31 717
99 dart (2.7) aqueduct (3.3) 31 445 31 110 31 473 30 890 30 864
100 elixir (1.1) phoenix (1.4) 31 152 31 343 31 240 29 991 30 117
101 fsharp (4.7) suave (2.5) 31 008 34 477 37 706 37 008 35 018
102 python (3.8) responder (2.0) 29 540 31 138 30 904 29 755 29 726
103 ruby (2.7) rack-routing (0.0) 28 436 27 928 27 289 27 072 27 239
104 ruby (2.7) rack_app (7.6) 27 282 27 734 26 968 26 941 27 076
105 python (3.8) fastapi (0.54) 27 015 29 239 29 059 27 794 27 096
106 python (3.8) molten (1.0) 26 213 27 044 26 952 26 557 26 454
107 python (3.8) clastic (19.9) 25 516 25 928 25 951 25 600 25 610
108 ruby (2.7) camping (2.1) 25 001 24 411 23 998 24 001 23 936
109 python (3.8) aiohttp (3.6) 24 096 27 391 27 287 26 557 26 550
110 rust (1.42) iron (0.6) 23 962 23 900 23 918 23 726 23 822
111 python (3.8) flask (1.1) 23 654 24 220 24 139 23 553 22 878
112 python (3.8) masonite (2.3) 23 235 21 946 23 933 23 774 23 543
113 javascript (13.12) turbo_polka (0.3) 22 656 21 534 20 429 20 174 19 984
114 php (7.4) spiral (2.4) 18 325 18 451 18 625 18 399 18 596
115 ruby (2.7) sinatra (2.0) 15 703 15 675 15 697 15 646 15 615
116 ruby (2.7) grape (1.3) 14 425 14 485 14 447 14 393 14 494
117 javascript (13.12) sails (1.2) 12 778 13 128 12 949 12 763 12 635
118 python (3.8) sanic (19.12) 12 025 10 890 9 558 10 379 11 282
119 ruby (2.7) flame (4.18) 11 473 11 172 11 178 11 163 11 157
120 swift (5.1) swifter (1.4) 11 376 11 373 11 585 11 079 11 338
121 python (3.8) quart (0.11) 10 915 12 074 11 331 10 722 10 748
122 ruby (2.7) hanami (1.3) 10 733 10 676 10 587 10 592 10 598
123 php (7.4) ubiquity (2.3) 9 144 9 067 8 907 51 207 49 102
124 python (3.8) django (3.0) 8 864 9 659 9 286 9 132 9 193
125 python (3.8) tornado (6.0) 8 555 10 316 10 157 9 991 10 014
126 python (3.8) cherrypy (18.5) 8 403 9 111 9 026 8 189 8 901
127 php (7.4) one-fpm (2.0) 7 943 7 878 7 696 44 601 41 414
128 php (7.4) phalcon (4.0) 7 514 7 464 7 403 50 687 50 444
129 php (7.4) hamlet (3.2) 7 514 7 481 7 437 44 114 43 756
130 php (7.4) chubbyphp (2.8) 5 638 5 573 5 607 43 980 40 528
131 go (1.14) gramework (1.7) 4 965 5 060 8 806 10 015 2 786
132 php (7.4) slim (4.5) 4 652 4 667 4 719 42 716 38 975
133 php (7.4) lumen (7.0) 4 309 4 333 4 391 42 424 39 240
134 php (7.4) yii (2.0) 4 134 4 165 4 281 42 636 39 849
135 ruby (2.7) rails (6.0) 3 782 3 612 3 601 3 552 3 549
136 php (7.4) symfony (4.3) 3 182 3 213 3 259 41 060 38 514
137 php (7.4) mezzio (3.2) 2 858 2 872 2 948 39 373 39 613
138 crystal (0.34) onyx (0.5) 2 831 3 336 3 334 3 349 3 441
139 julia (1.4) merly (0.2) 2 711 7 846 6 495 4 991 2 997
140 python (3.8) cyclone (1.3) 2 441 2 448 2 432 2 413 2 408
141 python (3.8) nameko (2.12) 1 545 1 504 1 487 1 464 1 470
142 python (3.8) klein (19.6) 1 442 1 418 1 464 1 416 1 308
143 php (7.4) laminas (3.1) 1 425 1 459 1 512 38 950 36 201
144 php (7.4) basicphp (0.9) 833 466 1 200 34 281 34 058
145 perl (5.3) dancer2 (2.0) 523 604 1 290 1 502 1 306
146 php (7.4) laravel (7.6) 334 163 2 019 21 588 22 755

How to contribute ?

In any way you want ...

  • Request a framework addition
  • Report a bug (on any implementation)
  • Suggest an idea
  • ...

Any kind of idea is ❤️



Which is the fastest web framework?



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No packages published


  • PHP 50.0%
  • Crystal 11.1%
  • Python 6.6%
  • CMake 5.9%
  • Ruby 5.5%
  • Go 3.6%
  • Other 17.3%