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Jon Thysell edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

MzingaTrainer is a command-line utility with the goal to improve Mzinga's AI. Through it you can generate randomized AI profiles and execute AI vs. AI battles.


MzingaTrainer [command] ([parametername] [parametervalue]...)


MzingaTrainer enumerate -ProfilesPath c:\profiles\


Command Description
battle Fight a single battle between two profiles
battleroyale Fight every profile against each other
cull Delete the lowest ranking profiles
enumerate List all of the profiles
analyze Analyze all of the profiles
generate Create new random profiles
lifecycle Battle, cull, mate cycle for profiles
mate Mate every profile with each other
tournament Fight an single elimination tournament
autotrain Train a single profile against itself
top List the top profiles for each GameType
mergetop Merge the top profiles from each GameType
exportai Export the current engine AI as profiles


Parameter Description
-ProfilesPath Where the profiles are stored
-WhiteProfilePath The white profile in a single battle
-BlackProfilePath The black profile in a single battle
-CullKeepCount How many to profiles to keep when culling
-GenerateCount How many profiles to generate
-GenerateMinWeight The minimum weight value for random profiles
-GenerateMaxWeight The maximum weight value for random profiles
-LifecycleGenerations The number of generations to run
-LifecycleBattles The number/type of battles in each generation
-MaxBattles The max number of battles in a battle royale
-MaxConcurrentBattles The max number of battles at the same time
-BattleShuffleProfiles Whether or not to have profiles fight in random order
-BulkBattleTimeLimit The max time for tournaments / battle royales
-ProvisionalRules Whether or not to use provisional rules
-ProvisionalGameCount The number of games a profile stays provisional
-MaxDraws The max number of times to retry battles that end in a draw
-MateMinMix The min multiplier to mix up weights in children profiles
-MateMaxMix The max multiplier to mix up weights in children profiles
-MateParentCount The number of profiles to mate
-MateShuffleParents Whether or not to have random parents mate
-TransTableSize The maximum size of each AI's transposition table in MB
-MaxDepth The maximum ply depth of the AI search
-TurnMaxTime The maximum time to let the AI think on its turn
-BattleTimeLimit The maximum time to let a battle run before declaring a draw
-GameType Base,Base+M,Base+L,Base+P,Base+ML,Base+MP,Base+LP,Base+MLP
-TargetProfilePath The target profile
-FindPuzzleCandidates Output puzzle candidates during battles
-MaxHelperThreads The maximum helper threads for each AI to use
-TopCount The number of profiles to return when calling top
-AllGameTypes Run the specifcied command through every game type
-ProvisionalFirst Prioritize battles with at least one provisional profile
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