Simple and ugly alternative to wandb and tensorboard
The web-based visual programming editor.
DmitryKey / luke
Forked from sonarme/lukeThis is mavenised Luke: Lucene Toolbox Project
A Groovy DSL for writing Bamboo Specs
Automated driver management and other helper features for Selenium WebDriver in Java
Web component displaying posts from MSU social media sources using Polymer
NSoup is a .NET port of the jsoup ( HTML parser and sanitizer originally written in Java
A massive analogue clock for Minecraft: Pi Edition
A planetary gravity simulator for the minecraft and the raspberry pi
JIRA-Sprint-Cards can be used to create a Scrum Board ready webpage (minus printing and cutting) of your JIRA sprint stories.
A set of extensions for the Spock testing framework
arief-hidayat / activiti
Forked from limcheekin/activitiGrails Activiti Plugin - Enabled Activiti BPM Suite support for Grails
Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
It provides persistent storage for Drools and jBPM 5 using Grails GORM
Activiti is a light-weight workflow and Business Process Management (BPM) Platform targeted at business people, developers and system admins. Its core is a super-fast and rock-solid BPMN 2 process …