Oat is a set of programs for processing images, extracting object position information, and streaming data to disk and/or the network in real-time. Oat subcommands are independent programs that each perform a single operation but that can communicate through shared memory. This allows a user to chain operations together in arrangements suitable for particular context or tracking requirement. This architecture enables scripted construction of custom data processing chains. Oat is primarily used for real-time animal position tracking in the context of experimental neuroscience, but can be used in any circumstance that requires real-time object tracking.
Table of Contents
- Manual
Oat's design is influenced by the UNIX
philosophy, suckless
tools, and
MEABench. Oat consists
of a set of small, composable programs (called components). Components are
equipped with standard interfaces that permit communication through shared
memory to capture, process, and record video streams. Currently, Oat
components act on two basic data types: frames
and positions
- Video frame.position
- 2D position.
Oat components can be chained together to realize custom dataflow networks that
operate on instances of the aforementioned datatypes, called tokens. Token
processing pipelines can be split and merged while maintaining thread-safety
and sample synchronization. The messaging library underlying
the communication between Oat components has been optimized to reduce token
copying. For instance, frame
passing is performed using a
zero-copy protocol. This means that
passing frames
between components in a user-configured processing network
incurs almost no memory or CPU cost compared to the
monolithc equivalent.
Further, great care was taken during implementations of Oat components to
minimize time spent in critical
sections. This means that
individual components execute largely in parallel, even when components are
highly interdependent, facilitating efficient use of multi-core CPUs and
GPU-based processing acceleration.
To get a feel for how Oat is used, here is a script to detect the position of a single object in pre-recorded video file:
# Serve frames from a video file to the 'raw' stream
oat frameserve file raw -f ./video.mpg &
# Perform background subtraction on the 'raw' stream
# Serve the result to the 'filt' stream
# If an appropriately configured GPU is available, this process will
# use it
oat framefilt mog raw filt &
# Perform color-based object position detection on the 'filt' stream
# Serve the object positionto the 'pos' stream. Allow parameter tuning
# through a simple GUI.
oat posidet hsv filt pos --tune &
# Decorate the 'raw' stream with the detected position form the `pos` stream
# Serve the decorated images to the 'dec' stream
oat decorate -p pos raw dec &
# View the 'dec' stream
oat view frame dec &
# Record the 'dec' and 'pos' streams to file in the current directory
oat record -i dec -p pos -f ./
This script has the following graphical representation:
frameserve ---> framefilt ---> posidet ---> decorate ---> view
\ \ / \
----------------------------- ---> record
\ /
Generally, an Oat component is called in the following pattern:
oat <component> [TYPE] [IO] [CONFIGURATION]
The <component>
indicates the component that will be executed. Components
are classified according to their type signature. For instance, framefilt
(frame filter) accepts a frame and produces a frame. posifilt
filter) accepts a position and produces a position. frameserve
(frame server)
produces a frame, and so on. The TYPE
parameter specifies a concrete type of
transform (e.g. for the framefilt
component, this could be bsub
background subtraction). The IO
specification indicates where the component
will receive data from and to where the processed data should be published. A
description of a component's purpose, its available TYPEs and correct IO
specification can be examined using the --help
command line switch
oat <component> --help
specification is used to provide parameters to shape the
component's operation and are TYPE-specific. Information on program options for
a particular concrete transform TYPE can be printed using
oat <component> <type> --help
In addition to command line input, all options can be specified using a
configuration file which is provided to the program using the -c
command line
-c [ --config ] arg Configuration file/key pair.
e.g. 'config.toml mykey'
For instance:
oat frameserve gige raw -c config.toml gige-config
The configuration file may contain many configuration tables that specify
options for multiple oat programs. These tables are addressed using a key
) in the example above. Configuration files are written in plain
text using TOML. A multi-component
processing script can share a configuration file because each component
accesses parameter information using a file/key pair, like so
parameter_0 = 1 # Integer
parameter_1 = true # Boolean
parameter_2 = 3.14 # Double
parameter_3 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] # Array of doubles
or more concretely,
# Example configuration file for frameserve --> framefilt
frame_rate = 30 # FPS
roi = [10, 10, 100, 100] # Region of interest
mask = "~/Desktop/mask.png" # Path to mask file
These could then be used in a processing script as follows:
oat frameserve gige raw -c config.toml frameserve-config &
oat framefilt mask raw filt -c config.toml framefilt-config
The type and sanity of parameter values are checked by Oat before they are used. Below, the type signature, usage information, available configuration parameters, examples, and configuration options are provided for each Oat component.
- Serves video streams to shared memory from physical devices
(e.g. webcam or GIGE camera) or from file.
oat-frameserve --> frame
Usage: frameserve [INFO]
Serve frames to SINK.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
wcam: Onboard or USB webcam.
usb: Point Grey USB camera.
gige: Point Grey GigE camera.
file: Video from file (*.mpg, *.avi, etc.).
test: Write-free static image server for performance testing.
User-supplied name of the memory segment to publish frames to (e.g. raw).
TYPE = wcam
-i [ --index ] arg Camera index. Useful in multi-camera imaging
configurations. Defaults to 0.
-r [ --fps ] arg Frames to serve per second. Defaults to 20.
--roi arg Four element array of unsigned ints,
[x0,y0,width,height],defining a rectangular region of
interest. Originis upper left corner. ROI must fit
within acquiredmat size. Defaults to full sensor
TYPE = gige
and usb
-i [ --index ] arg Camera index. Defaults to 0. Useful in
multi-camera imaging configurations.
-r [ --fps ] arg Acquisition frame rate in Hz. Ignored if
trigger-mode > -1 and enforce_fps=false.
Defaults to the maximum frame rate.
-e [ --enforce-fps ] If true, ensures that frames are produced at
the fps setting bool retransmitting frames if
the requested period is exceeded. This is
sometimes needed in the case of an external
trigger because PG cameras sometimes just
ignore them. I have opened a support ticket on
this, but PG has no solution yet.
-s [ --shutter ] arg Shutter time in milliseconds. Defaults to
-C [ --color ] arg Pixel color format. Defaults to BRG.
GREY: 8-bit Greyscale image.
BRG: 8-bit, 3-chanel, BGR Color image.
-g [ --gain ] arg Sensor gain value, specified in dB. Defaults
to auto.
-S [ --strobe-pin ] arg Hardware pin number on that a gate signal for
the camera shutter is copied to. Defaults to
-m [ --trigger-mode ] arg Shutter trigger mode. Defaults to -1.
-1: No external trigger. Frames are captured
in free-running mode at the currently
set frame rate.
0: Standard external trigger. Trigger edge
causes sensor exposure, then sensor
readout to internal memory.
1: Bulb shutter mode. Same as 0, except
that sensor exposure duration is
determined by trigger active duration.
13: Low smear mode. Same as 0, speed of the
vertical clock is increased near the end
of the integration cycle.
14: Overlapped exposure/readout external
trigger. Sensor exposure occurs during
sensory readout to internal memory. This
is the fastest option.
-p [ --trigger-rising ] True to trigger on rising edge, false to
trigger on falling edge. Defaults to true.
-t [ --trigger-pin ] arg GPIO pin number on that trigger is sent to if
external shutter triggering is used. Defaults
to 0.
-R [ --roi ] arg Four element array of unsigned ints,
[x0,y0,width,height],defining a rectangular
region of interest. Originis upper left
corner. ROI must fit within acquiredframe
size. Defaults to full sensor size.
-b [ --bin ] arg Two element array of unsigned ints, [bx,by],
defining how pixels should be binned before
transmission to the computer. Defaults to
[1,1] (no binning).
-w [ --white-balance ] arg Two element array of unsigned integers,
[red,blue], used to specify the white balance.
Values are between 0 and 1000. Only works for
color sensors. Defaults to off.
-W [ --auto-white-balance ] If specified, the white balance will be
adjusted by the camera. This option overrides
manual white-balance specification.
TYPE = file
-f [ --video-file ] arg Path to video file to serve frames from.
-r [ --fps ] arg Frames to serve per second.
--roi arg Four element array of unsigned ints,
[x0,y0,width,height],defining a rectangular region
of interest. Originis upper left corner. ROI must
fit within acquiredframe size. Defaults to full
video size.
TYPE = test
-f [ --test-image ] arg Path to test image used as frame source.
-C [ --color ] arg Pixel color format. Defaults to BGR.
GREY: 8-bit Greyscale image.
BGR: 8-bit, 3-chanel, BGR Color image.
-r [ --fps ] arg Frames to serve per second.
-n [ --num-frames ] arg Number of frames to serve before exiting.
# Serve to the 'wraw' stream from a webcam
oat frameserve wcam wraw
# Stream to the 'graw' stream from a point-grey GIGE camera
# using the gige_config tag from the config.toml file
oat frameserve gige graw -c config.toml gige_config
# Serve to the 'fraw' stream from a previously recorded file
# using the file_config tag from the config.toml file
oat frameserve file fraw -f ./video.mpg -c config.toml file_config
- Receive frames from a frame source, filter, and publish to a
second memory segment. Generally used to pre-process frames prior to object
position detection. For instance, framefilt
could be used to perform
background subtraction or application of a mask to isolate a region of
frame --> oat-framefilt --> frame
Usage: framefilt [INFO]
Filter frames from SOURCE and publish filtered frames to SINK.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
bsub: Background subtraction
col: Color conversion
mask: Binary mask
mog: Mixture of Gaussians background segmentation.
undistort: Correct for lens distortion using lens distortion model.
thresh: Simple intensity threshold.
User-supplied name of the memory segment to receive frames from (e.g. raw).
User-supplied name of the memory segment to publish frames to (e.g. filt).
TYPE = bsub
-a [ --adaptation-coeff ] arg Scalar value, 0 to 1.0, specifying how
quickly the new frames are used to update the
backgound image. Default is 0, specifying no
adaptation and a static background image that
is never updated.
-f [ --background ] arg Path to background image used for
subtraction. If not provided, the first frame
is used as the background image.
TYPE = mask
-f [ --mask ] arg Path to a binary image used to mask frames from
SOURCE. SOURCE frame pixels with indices
corresponding to non-zero value pixels in the mask
image will be unaffected. Others will be set to zero.
This image must have the same dimensions as frames
from SOURCE.
TYPE = mog
-a [ --adaptation-coeff ] arg Value, 0 to 1.0, specifying how quickly the
statistical model of the background image
should be updated. Default is 0, specifying
no adaptation.
TYPE = undistort
-k [ --camera-matrix ] arg Nine element float array, [K11,K12,...,K33],
specifying the 3x3 camera matrix for your
imaging setup. Generated by oat-calibrate.
-d [ --distortion-coeffs ] arg Five to eight element float array,
[x1,x2,x3,...], specifying lens distortion
coefficients. Generated by oat-calibrate.
TYPE = thresh
-I [ --intensity ] arg Array of ints between 0 and 256, [min,max],
specifying the intensity passband.
# Receive frames from 'raw' stream
# Perform background subtraction using the first frame as the background
# Publish result to 'sub' stream
oat framefilt bsub raw sub
# Receive frames from 'raw' stream
# Change the underlying pixel color to single-channel GREY
oat framefilt col raw gry -C GREY
# Receive frames from 'raw' stream
# Apply a mask specified in a configuration file
# Publish result to 'roi' stream
oat framefilt mask raw roi -c config.toml mask-config
- Receive frames from named shared memory and display them on a
monitor. Additionally, allow the user to take snapshots of the currently
displayed frame by pressing s while the display window is
in focus.
token --> oat-view
Usage: view [INFO]
Graphical visualization of SOURCE stream.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
frame: Display frames in a GUI
User-supplied name of the memory segment to receive frames from (e.g. raw).
TYPE = frame
-r [ --display-rate ] arg Maximum rate at which the viewer is updated
irrespective of its source's rate. If frames are
supplied faster than this rate, they are ignored.
Setting this to a reasonably low value prevents
the viewer from consuming processing resorces in
order to update the display faster than is
visually perceptable. Defaults to 30.
-f [ --snapshot-path ] arg The path to which in which snapshots will be
saved. If a folder is designated, the base file
name will be SOURCE. The timestamp of the
snapshot will be prepended to the file name.
Defaults to the current directory.
# View frame stream named raw
oat view frame raw
# View frame stream named raw and specify that snapshots should be saved
# to the Desktop with base name 'snapshot'
oat view frame raw -f ~/Desktop -n snapshot
- Receive frames from named shared memory and perform object
position detection within a frame stream using one of several methods. Publish
detected positions to a second segment of shared memory.
frame --> oat-posidet --> position
Usage: posidet [INFO]
Perform object detection on frames from SOURCE and publish object positions to SINK.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
diff: Difference detector (color or grey-scale, motion)
hsv: HSV color thresholds (color)
thresh: Simple amplitude threshold (mono)
User-supplied name of the memory segment to receive frames from (e.g. raw).
User-supplied name of the memory segment to publish positions to (e.g. pos).
TYPE = hsv
-H [ --h-thresh ] arg Array of ints between 0 and 256, [min,max],
specifying the hue passband.
-S [ --s-thresh ] arg Array of ints between 0 and 256, [min,max],
specifying the saturation passband.
-V [ --v-thresh ] arg Array of ints between 0 and 256, [min,max],
specifying the value passband.
-e [ --erode ] arg Contour erode kernel size in pixels (normalized box
-d [ --dilate ] arg Contour dilation kernel size in pixels (normalized
box filter).
-a [ --area ] arg Array of floats, [min,max], specifying the minimum
and maximum object contour area in pixels^2.
-t [ --tune ] If true, provide a GUI with sliders for tuning
detection parameters.
TYPE = diff
-d [ --diff-threshold ] arg Intensity difference threshold to consider an
object contour.
-b [ --blur ] arg Blurring kernel size in pixels (normalized box
-a [ --area ] arg Array of floats, [min,max], specifying the
minimum and maximum object contour area in
-t [ --tune ] If true, provide a GUI with sliders for tuning
detection parameters.
TYPE = thresh
-T [ --thresh ] arg Array of ints between 0 and 256, [min,max],
specifying the intensity passband.
-e [ --erode ] arg Contour erode kernel size in pixels (normalized box
-d [ --dilate ] arg Contour dilation kernel size in pixels (normalized
box filter).
-a [ --area ] arg Array of floats, [min,max], specifying the minimum
and maximum object contour area in pixels^2.
-t [ --tune ] If true, provide a GUI with sliders for tuning
detection parameters.
# Use color-based object detection on the 'raw' frame stream
# publish the result to the 'cpos' position stream
# Use detector settings supplied by the hsv_config key in config.toml
oat posidet hsv raw cpos -c config.toml hsv_config
# Use motion-based object detection on the 'raw' frame stream
# publish the result to the 'mpos' position stream
oat posidet diff raw mpos
- Generate positions for testing downstream components. Publish
generated positions to shared memory.
oat-posigen --> position
Usage: posigen [INFO]
Publish generated positions to SINK.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
rand2D: Randomly accelerating 2D Position
User-supplied name of the memory segment to publish positions to (e.g. pos).
TYPE = rand2D
-r [ --rate ] arg Samples per second. Defaults to as fast as
-n [ --num-samples ] arg Number of position samples to generate and serve.
Deafaults to approximately infinite.
-R [ --room ] arg Array of floats, [x0,y0,width,height], specifying
the boundaries in which generated positions
reside. The room has periodic boundaries so when a
position leaves one side it will enter the
opposing one.
-a [ --sigma-accel ] arg Standard deviation of normally-distributed random
# Publish randomly moving positions to the 'pos' position stream
oat posigen rand2D pos
- Receive positions from named shared memory, filter, and
publish to a second memory segment. Can be used to, for example, remove
discontinuities due to noise or discontinuities in position detection with a
Kalman filter or annotate categorical position information based on user supplied
region contours.
position --> oat-posifilt --> position
Usage: posifilt [INFO]
Filter positions from SOURCE and publish filtered positions to SINK.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
kalman: Kalman filter
homography: homography transform
region: position region annotation
User-supplied name of the memory segment to receive positions from (e.g. pos).
User-supplied name of the memory segment to publish positions to (e.g. filt).
TYPE = kalman
--dt arg Kalman filter time step in seconds.
-T [ --timeout ] arg Seconds to perform position estimation detection
with lack of position measure. Defaults to 0.
-a [ --sigma-accel ] arg Standard deviation of normally distributed, random
accelerations used by the internal model of object
motion (position units/s2; e.g. pixels/s2).
-n [ --sigma-noise ] arg Standard deviation of randomly distributed
position measurement noise (position units; e.g.
-t [ --tune ] If true, provide a GUI with sliders for tuning
filter parameters.
TYPE = homography
-H [ --homography ] arg A nine-element array of floats, [h11,h12,...,h33],
specifying a homography matrix for 2D position.
Generally produced by oat-calibrate homography.
TYPE = region
--<regions> arg !Config file only!
Regions contours are specified as n-point matrices,
[[x0, y0],[x1, y1],...,[xn, yn]], which define the
vertices of a polygon:
<region> = [[+float, +float],
[+float, +float],
[+float, +float]]
The name of the contour is used as the region label
(10 characters max). For example, here is an
octagonal region called CN and a tetragonal region
called R0:
CN = [[336.00, 272.50],
[290.00, 310.00],
[289.00, 369.50],
[332.67, 417.33],
[389.33, 413.33],
[430.00, 375.33],
[433.33, 319.33],
[395.00, 272.00]]
R0 = [[654.00, 380.00],
[717.33, 386.67],
[714.00, 316.67],
[655.33, 319.33]]
# Perform Kalman filtering on object position from the 'pos' position stream
# publish the result to the 'kpos' position stream
# Use detector settings supplied by the kalman_config key in config.toml
oat posifilt kalman pos kfilt -c config.toml kalman_config
- Combine positions according to a specified operation.
position 0 --> |
position 1 --> |
: | oat-posicom --> position
position N --> |
Usage: posicom [INFO]
Combine positional information from two or more SOURCES and Publish combined position to SINK.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
mean: Geometric mean of positions
User-supplied position source names (e.g. pos1 pos2).
User-supplied position sink name (e.g. pos).
TYPE = mean
-h [ --heading-anchor ] arg Index of the SOURCE position to use as an
anchor when calculating object heading. In this
case the heading equals the mean directional
vector between this anchor position and all
other SOURCE positions. If unspecified, the
heading is not calculated.
# Generate the geometric mean of 'pos1' and 'pos2' streams
# Publish the result to the 'com' stream
oat posicom mean pos1 pos2 com
- Annotate frames with sample times, dates, and/or positional
frame --> |
position 0 --> |
position 1 --> | oat-decorate --> frame
: |
position N --> |
Usage: decorate [INFO]
Decorate the frames from SOURCE, e.g. with object position markers and sample number. Publish decorated frames to SINK.
User-supplied name of the memory segment from which frames are received (e.g. raw).
User-supplied name of the memory segment to publish frames to (e.g. out).
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
-c [ --config ] arg Configuration file/key pair.
e.g. 'config.toml mykey'
-p [ --position-sources ] arg The name of position SOURCE(s) used to draw
object position markers.
-t [ --timestamp ] Write the current date and time on each
-s [ --sample ] Write the frame sample number on each frame.
-S [ --sample-code ] Write the binary encoded sample on the corner
of each frame.
-R [ --region ] Write region information on each frame if
there is a position stream that contains it.
-h [ --history ] Display position history.
# Add textual sample number to each frame from the 'raw' stream
oat decorate raw -s
# Add position markers to each frame from the 'raw' stream to indicate
# objection positions for the 'pos1' and 'pos2' streams
oat decorate raw -p pos1 pos2
- Save frame and position streams to file.
streams are compressed and saved as individual video files ( H.264 compression format AVI file).position
streams saved to separate JSON file. Optionally, they can be saved to numpy binary files. JSON position files have the following structure:
oat-version: X.X,
header: {
timestamp: YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss,
sample_rate_hz: X.X
positions: [
where each position
object is defined as:
tick: Int, | Sample number
usec: Int, | Microseconds associated with current sample number
unit: Int, | Enum specifying length units (0=pixels, 1=meters)
pos_ok: Bool, | Boolean indicating if position is valid
pos_xy: [Double, Double], | Position x,y values
vel_ok: Bool, | Boolean indicating if velocity is valid
vel_xy: [Double, Double], | Velocity x,y values
head_ok: Bool, | Boolean indicating if heading is valid
head_xy: [Double, Double], | Heading x,y values
reg_ok: Bool, | Boolean indicating if region tag is valid
reg: String | Region tag
When using JSON and the consise-file
option is specified, data fields are
only populated if the values are valid. For instance, in the case that only
object position is valid, and the object velocity, heading, and region
information are not calculated, an example position data point would look like
{ tick: 501,
usec: 50100000,
unit: 0,
pos_ok: True,
pos_xy: [300.0, 100.0],
vel_ok: False,
head_ok: False,
reg_ok: False }
When using binary file format, position entries occupy single elements of a
numpy structured array with the following
[('tick', '<u8'),
('usec', '<u8'),
('unit', '<i4'),
('pos_ok', 'i1'),
('pos_xy', '<f8', (2,)),
('vel_ok', 'i1'),
('vel_xy', '<f8', (2,)),
('head_ok', 'i1'),
('head_xy', '<f8', (2,)),
('reg_ok', 'i1'),
('reg', 'S10')]
Multiple recorders can be used in parallel to (1) parallelize the computational load of video compression, which tends to be quite intense and (2) save to multiple locations simultaneously (3) to save the same data stream multiple times in different formats.
position 0 --> |
position 1 --> |
: |
position N --> |
| oat-record
frame 0 --> |
frame 1 --> |
: |
frame N --> |
Usage: record [INFO]
or: record [CONFIGURATION]
Record any Oat token source(s).
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
-s [ --frame-sources ] arg The names of the FRAME SOURCES that supply
images to save to video.
-p [ --position-sources ] arg The names of the POSITION SOURCES that supply
object positions to be recorded.
-c [ --config ] arg Configuration file/key pair.
e.g. 'config.toml mykey'
-n [ --filename ] arg The base file name. If not specified, defaults
to the SOURCE name.
-f [ --folder ] arg The path to the folder to which the video
stream and position data will be saved. If not
specified, defaults to the current directory.
-d [ --date ] If specified, YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss_ will be
prepended to the filename.
-o [ --allow-overwrite ] If set and save path matches and existing
file, the file will be overwritten instead of
a incremental numerical index being appended
to the file name.
-F [ --fourcc ] arg Four character code (https://en.wikipedia.org/
wiki/FourCC) used to specify the codec used
for AVI video compression. Must be specified
as a 4-character string (see
http://www.fourcc.org/codecs.php for possible
options). Not all valid FOURCC codes will
work: it must be implemented by the low level
writer. Common values are 'DIVX' or 'H264'.
Defaults to 'None' indicating uncompressed
-b [ --binary-file ] Position data will be written as numpy data
file (version 1.0) instead of JSON. Each
position data point occupies a single entry in
a structured numpy array. Individual position
characteristics are described in the arrays
-c [ --concise-file ] If set and using JSON file format,
indeterminate position data fields will not be
written e.g. pos_xy will not be written even
when pos_ok = false. This means that position
objects will be of variable size depending on
the validity of whether a position was
detected or not, potentially complicating file
--interactive Start recorder with interactive controls
--rpc-endpoint arg Yield interactive control of the recorder to a
remote ZMQ REQ socket using an interal REP
socket with ZMQ style endpoint specifier:
'<transport>://<host>:<port>'. For instance,
'tcp://*:5555' to specify TCP communication on
ports 5555.
# Save positional stream 'pos' to current directory
oat record -p pos
# Save positional stream 'pos1' and 'pos2' to current directory
oat record -p pos1 pos2
# Save positional stream 'pos1' and 'pos2' to Desktop directory and
# prepend the timestamp to the file name
oat record -p pos1 pos2 -d -f ~/Desktop
# Save frame stream 'raw' to current directory
oat record -s raw
# Save frame stream 'raw' and positional stream 'pos' to Desktop
# directory and prepend the timestamp and the word 'test' to each filename
oat record -s raw -p pos -d -f ~/Desktop -n test
# Save the pos stream twice, one binary and one JSON file, in the current
# directory
oat record -p pos &
oat record -p pos -b
- Stream detected object positions to the network in either
client or server configurations.
position --> oat-posisock
Usage: posisock [INFO]
Send positions from SOURCE to a remote endpoint.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
std: Asynchronous position dump to stdout.
pub: Asynchronous position publisher over ZMQ socket.
Publishes positions without request to potentially many
rep: Synchronous position replier over ZMQ socket.
Sends positions in response to requests from a single
endpoint.Several transport/protocol options. The most
useful are tcp and interprocess (ipc).
udp: Asynchronous, client-side, unicast user datagram protocol
over a traditional BSD-style socket.
User-supplied name of the memory segment to receive positions from (e.g. pos).
TYPE = std
-p [ --pretty-print ] If true, print formated positions to the command
TYPE = pub
-e [ --endpoint ] arg ZMQ-style endpoint. For TCP:
'<transport>://<host>:<port>'. For instance,
'tcp://*:5555'. Or, for interprocess communication:
'<transport>:///<user-named-pipe>. For instance
TYPE = rep
-e [ --endpoint ] arg ZMQ-style endpoint. For TCP:
'<transport>://<host>:<port>'. For instance,
'tcp://*:5555'. Or, for interprocess communication:
'<transport>:///<user-named-pipe>. For instance
type = udp
-h [ --host ] arg Host IP address of remote device to send positions
to. For instance, ''.
-p [ --port ] arg Port number of endpoint on remote device to send
positions to. For instance, 5555.
# Reply to requests for positions from the 'pos' stream to port 5555 using TCP
oat posisock rep pos -e tcp://*:5555
# Asychronously publish positions from the 'pos' stream to port 5556 using TCP
oat posisock pub pos -e tcp://*:5556
# Dump positions from the 'pos' stream to stdout
oat posisock std pos
- A first in, first out (FIFO) token buffer that can be use to
decouple asynchronous portions of a data processing network. An example of this
is the case when a precise external clock is used to govern image acquisition
via a physical trigger line. In this case, 'hickups' in the data processing
network following the camera should not cause the camera to skip frames. Of
course, there is no free lunch: if the processing pipline cannot keep up with
the external clock on average, then the buffer will eventually fill and
position --> oat-buffer --> position
frame --> oat-buffer --> frame
Usage: buffer [INFO]
Place tokens from SOURCE into a FIFO. Publish tokens in FIFO to SINK.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
frame: Frame buffer
pos2D: 2D Position buffer
User-supplied name of the memory segment to receive tokens from (e.g. input).
User-supplied name of the memory segment to publish tokens to (e.g. output).
# Acquire frames on a gige camera driven by an exnternal trigger
oat frameserve gige raw -c config.toml gige-trig
# Buffer the frames separate asychronous sections of the processing network
oat buffer frame raw buff
# Filter the buffered frames and save
oat framefilt mog buff filt
oat record -f ~/Desktop/ -p buff filt
In the above example, one must be careful to fully separate the network across the buffer boundary in order for it to provide any functionality. For instance, if we changed the record command to the following
oat record -f ~/Desktop/ -p raw filt
Then the buffer would do nothing since the raw token stream must be synchronous
with the recorder, which bypasses the buffer. In this case, the buffer is just
wasting CPU cycles. Here is a graphical representation of the first
configuration where the oat-buffer
is used properly. The synchronization
boundary is shown using vertical lines.
frameserve --> buffer --> framefilt --> record
| \ /
| ------------------
In the second configuration, the connection from frameserve to record breaks the synchronization boundary.
frameserve --> buffer --> framefilt --> record
\ | /
- Interactive program used to generate calibration parameters
for an imaging system that can be used to parameterize oat-framefilt
. Detailed usage instructions are displayed upon program startup.
frame --> oat-calibrate
Usage: calibrate [INFO]
Camera calibration and homography generation routines.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
camera: Generate calibration parameters (camera matrix and distortion coefficients).
homography: Generate homography transform between pixels and world units.
User-supplied name of the memory segment to receive frames from (e.g. raw).
TYPE = camera
-k [ --calibration-key ] arg The key name for the calibration entry that
will be inserted into the calibration file.
e.g. 'camera-1-homography'
-f [ --calibration-path ] arg The calibration file location. If not is
specified,defaults to './calibration.toml'.
If a folder is specified, defaults to
. If a full path including file in specified,
then it will be that path without
-s [ --chessboard-size ] arg Int array, [x,y], specifying the number of
inside corners in the horizontal and vertical
demensions of the chessboard used for
-w [ --square-width ] arg The length/width of a single chessboard
square in meters.
TYPE = homography
-k [ --calibration-key ] arg The key name for the calibration entry that
will be inserted into the calibration file.
e.g. 'camera-1-homography'
-f [ --calibration-path ] arg The calibration file location. If not is
specified,defaults to './calibration.toml'.
If a folder is specified, defaults to
. If a full path including file in specified,
then it will be that path without
-m [ --method ] arg Homography estimation method. Defaults to 0.
0: RANSAC-based robust estimation method
(automatic outlier rejection).
1: Best-fit using all data points.
2: Compute the homography that fits four
points. Useful when frames contain known
fiducial marks.
- Issue SIGINT to all running Oat processes started by the calling
user. A side effect of Oat's architecture is that components can become
orphaned in certain circumstances: abnormal termination of attached sources or
sinks, running pure sources in the background and forgetting about them, etc.
This utility will gracefully interrupt all currently running oat components.
Usage: kill
# Interupt all currently running oat components
oat kill
- Programmer's utility for cleaning shared memory segments after
following abnormal component termination. Not required unless a program
terminates without cleaning up shared memory. If you are using this for things
other than development, then please submit a bug report.
Usage: clean [INFO]
Deallocate the named shared memory segments specified by NAMES.
--help Produce help message.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
-q [ --quiet ] Quiet mode. Prevent output text.
-l [ --legacy ] Legacy mode. Append "_sh_mem" to input NAMES before
# Remove raw and filt blocks from shared memory after abnormal terminatiot of
# some components that created them
oat clean raw filt
First, ensure that you have installed all dependencies required for the components and build configuration you are interested in in using. For more information on dependencies, see the dependencies section below. To compile and install Oat, starting in the top project directory, create a build directory, navigate to it, and run cmake on the top-level CMakeLists.txt like so:
mkdir release
cd release
make install
If you just want to build a single component component, individual components
can be built using make [component-name]
, e.g. make oat-view
. Available
cmake options and their default values are:
-DUSE_FLYCAP=Off // Compile with support for Point Grey Cameras
-DBUILD_DOCS=Off // Generate Doxygen documentation
If you had to install Boost from source, you must let cmake know where it is installed via the following switch. Obviously, provide the correct path to the installation on your system.
To complete installation, add the following to your .bashrc
or equivalent.
This makes Oat commands available within your user profile (once you start a new terminal):
# Make Oat commands available to user
eval "$(<path/to/Oat>/oat/bin/oat init -)"
If you get runtime link errors when you try to run an Oat program such as
error while loading shared libraries: libboost_program_options.so.1.60.0 then you need to ad the following entry to your
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=</path/to/boost>/stage/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Oat is licensed under the GPLv3.0. Its dependences' are licenses are shown below:
- Flycapture SDK: NON-FREE specialized license (This is an optional package. If
you compile without Flycapture support, you can get around this. Also, see
GigE interface cleanup
entry in the TODO section for a potentially free alternative.) - OpenCV: BSD
- ZeroMQ: LGPLv3.0
- Boost: Boost software license
- cpptoml: Some kind of Public Domain Dedication
- RapidJSON: BSD
- Catch: Boost software license
These licenses do not violate the terms of Oat's license. If you feel otherwise please submit an bug report.
The FlyCapture SDK is used to communicate with Point Grey digital cameras. It
is not required to compile any Oat components. However, the Flycapture SDK is
required if a Point Grey camera is to be to be used with the oat-frameserve
component to acquire images. If you simply want to process pre-recorded files
or use a web cam, e.g. via
oat-frameserve file raw -f video.mpg
oat-frameserve wcam raw
then this library is not required.
To install the Point Grey SDK:
- Go to point-grey website
- Download the FlyCapture2 SDK (version >= 2.7.3). Annoyingly, this requires you to create an account with Point Grey.
- Extract the archive and use the
script to install the SDK on your computer and run
tar xf flycapture.tar.gz
cd flycapture
sudo ./install_flycapture
The Boost libraries are required to compile all Oat components. You will need to install versions >= 1.56. To install Boost, use APT or equivalent,
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
If you are using an Ubuntu distribution older than Wily Werewolf, Boost will be too old and you will need to install from source via
# Install latest boost
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/latest/download?source=files -O tarboost
tar -xf tarboost
cd ./boost*
./b2 --with-program_options --with-system --with-thread --with-filesystem
cd ..
sudo mv boost* /opt
Finally, if you are getting runtime linking errors, you will need to place the
following in .bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path to boost root directory>/stage/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
opencv is required to compile the following oat components:
Note: OpenCV must be installed with ffmpeg support in order for offline analysis of pre-recorded videos to occur at arbitrary frame rates. If it is not, gstreamer will be used to serve from video files at the rate the files were recorded. No cmake flags are required to configure the build to use ffmpeg. OpenCV will be built with ffmpeg support if something like
-- codec: YES (ver 54.35.0)
-- format: YES (ver 54.20.4)
-- util: YES (ver 52.3.0)
-- swscale: YES (ver 2.1.1)
appears in the cmake output text. The dependencies required to compile OpenCV with ffmpeg support, can be obtained as follows:
Note: To increase Oat's video visualization performance using oat view
you can build OpenCV with OpenGL and/or OpenCL support. Both will open up
significant processing bandwidth to other Oat components and make for faster
processing pipelines. To compile OpenCV with OpenGL and OpenCL support, first
install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libgtkglext1 libgtkglext1-dev
Then, add the -DWITH_OPENGL=ON
flags to the cmake
command below. OpenCV will be build with OpenGL and OpenCL support if OpenGL support: YES
and Use OpenCL: YES
appear in the cmake output text. If OpenCV
is compiled with OpenCL and OpenGL support, the performance benefits will be
automatic, no compiler options need to be set for Oat.
Note: If you have NVIDIA GPU that supports CUDA, you can build OpenCV with CUDA support to enable GPU accelerated video processing. To do this, will first need to install the CUDA toolkit.
- Be sure to carefully read the installation instructions since it is a multistep process. Here are some additional hints that worked for me:
- I have found that installing the toolkit via 'runfile' to be the most
painless. To do this you will need to switch your system to text mode using
Ctrl + Alt + F1, and killing the X-server
sudo service lightdm stop
(or equivalent), and running the runfile with root privileges. - I have had the most success on systems that do not use GNOME or other fancy desktop environments. The install on lubunut, which uses LXDE as its desktop environment, was especially smooth.
- Do not install the nvidia drivers along with the CUDA toolkit
installation. I found that (using ubuntu 14.04) this causes all sorts of
issues with X, cinnamon, etc, to the point where I could not even boot my
computer into anything but text mode. Instead, install the NVIDIA drivers
using either the package manager (
) or even more preferably, using the [device-drivers
]'(http://askubuntu.com/a/476659) program or equivalent. - If you hare getting a
complaining that aboutcode=30(cudaErrorUnknown) "cudaGetDeviceCount(&device_count)"
or similar, run the affected command as root one time.
If OpenCV is compiled with CUDA suport, the CUDA-enabled portions of the Oat codebase will be enabled automatically. No compile flags are required.
Note: GUI functionality is enhanced in OpenCV is compiled with Qt support. You can build OpenCV with Qt by first installing the Qt SDK and these dependencies:
# Additional dependencies for integraged QT with OpenGL
sudo apt-get install libqt5opengl5 libqt5opengl5-dev
The you can compile OpenCV using QT support by adding -DWITH_QT=ON
flag to
the cmake command below. QT functionality will then be used by Oat
Finally, to compile and install OpenCV:
# Install OpenCV's dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential # Compiler
sudo apt-get install cmake git # For building opencv and Oat
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev # Required
sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev # Allows changing frame rate with webcams
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-numpy libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libdc1394-22-dev
sudo apt-get install # ffmpeg support [TODO]
sudo apt-get install # OpenGL support [TODO]
sudo ldconfig -v
# Get OpenCV
wget https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/archive/3.1.0.zip -O opencv.zip
unzip opencv.zip -d opencv
# Build OpenCV
cd opencv/opencv-3.0.0-rc1
mkdir release
cd release
# Run cmake to generate Makefile
# Add -DWITH_CUDA=ON for CUDA support and -DWITH_OPENGL for OpenGL support
# Build the project and install
sudo make install
ZeroMQ is required by the following Oat components:
Download, compile, and install ZeroMQ as follows:
wget http://download.zeromq.org/zeromq-4.1.4.tar.gz -O tarzmq
tar -xf tarzmq
cd ./zeromq*
./configure --without-libsodium
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
Additionally, you will need to download the ZeroMQ C++ binding (this is just a single header file) and place it somewhere that your compiler will find it.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zeromq/cppzmq/master/zmq.hpp
sudo mv zmq.hpp /usr/local/include/
These libraries are installed automatically by cmake during the build process.
RapidJSON is required by the following Oat components:
cpptoml is required by the following Oat components:
Catch is required to make and run tests
using make test
Oat is designed for use in real-time video processing scenarios. This boils down the following definition
The average execution time for an Oat dataflow network must not exceed the camera(s) image transfer period
If this condition is not met, then frames will eventually be dropped. There is no way around this. The guts of Oat consist of a simple, but very efficient message passing library that links together processing routines taken from a variety of sources (some written by me, some by third party projects such as OpenCV). The speed of each processing step is determined both by its computational complexity and deftness of implementation, both of which can vary quite a lot for different components. To see some rudimentary performance numbers for Oat components in isolation, have a look at these numbers. There is definitely room for optimization for some components. And, several components that are ripe for GPU implementation do not have one yet. This comes down to free time. If anyone wants to try there hand at making some of the bottleneck components faster, please get in touch.
Outside of code optimization, there are a few things a user should be aware of to make efficient use of Oat, which are listed below.
The first thing to know is that working with frames
is orders of magnitude
slower than working with positions
. Therefore, minimizing the number of
processing steps operating on frames
is a good way to reduce computational
requirements. Processing on positions
is in the noise in comparison.
Increasing the number of components in your chain does not necessarily cause an appreciable an increase in processing time because Oat components run in parallel. Instead, up to the limit of the number of hyperthreads/GPU resources your computer supports, the slowest component in a dataflow network will largely determine the speed of the processing rather than the number of components within the processing network.
Do you really need that 10 MP camera? Recall that increases in sensor resolution cause a power 2 increase in then number of pixels you need to smash into RAM, process, write to disk, and, probably, post process. Its really best to use the lowest resolution camera that suites your needs, both for the sake of real-time processing in Oat and your future sanity when trying to deal with those 30 GB video files.
If you are saving video, then the write speed of your hard disk can become the limiting factor in a processing network. To elaborate, I'm just quoting my response to this issue:
Q: I also ran into an issue with RAM and encoding. I have 8 GB, and they fill up within about 20 seconds, then goes into swap.
A: I suspect the following is the issue:
(22 FPS * 5 MP * 24 bits/pixel) / ( 8 bits/ byte) = 330 MB/sec
This (minus compression, which I'm admittedly ignoring, but is probably made up for by the time it takes to do the compression...) is the requisite write speed (in actuality, not theoretically) of your hard disk in order not to get memory overflow.
8 GB / 0.330 GB =~ 24 seconds.
The RAM is filling because your hard disk writes are not occurring fast enough. Oat is pushing frames to be written into a FIFO in main memory that the recorder thread is desperately trying to write to disk. Getting more RAM will just make the process persist for a bit longer before failing. I would get an SSD for streaming video to and then transfer those videos to a slower long term storage after recording.
supports using Point Grey GIGE cameras to collect frames. I
found the setup process to be straightforward and robust, but only after
cobbling together the following notes.
First, assign your camera a static IP address. The easiest way to do this is to use a Windows machine to run the Point Grey 'GigE Configurator'. If someone knows a way to do this without Windows, please tell me. An example IP Configuration might be:
- Camera IP:
- Subnet mask:
- Default gateway:
Using network manager or something similar, you must configure the IPv4 configuration of the GigE host adapter card you are using to interface the camera with your computer.
First, set the ipv4 method to manual.
Next, you must configure the interface to (1) have the same network prefix and (2) be on the same subnet as the camera you setup in the previous section.
- Assuming you used the camera IP configuration specified above, your host adapter card should be assigned the following private IPv4 configuration: - POE gigabit card IP: - Subnet mask: - DNS server IP:
Next, you must enable jumbo frames on the network interface. Assuming that the camera is using
, then enteringsudo ifconfig eth2 mtu 9000
into the terminal will enable 9000 MB frames for the
adapter. -
Finally, to prevent image tearing, you should increase the amount of memory Linux uses for network receive buffers using the
interface by typingsudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=1048576 net.core.rmem_default=1048576
into the terminal. In order for these changes to persist after system reboots, the following lines must be added to the bottom of the
file:net.core.rmem_max=1048576 net.core.rmem_default=1048576
These settings can then be reloaded after reboot using
sudo sysctl -p
- If you have two or more cameras/host adapter cards, they can be configured
as above but must exist on a separate subnets. For instance, we could
repeat the above configuration steps for a second camera/host adapter card
using the following settings:
- Camera Configuration: - Camera IP: - Subnet mask: - Default gateway:
- Host adapter configuration: - POE gigabit card IP: - Subnet mask: - DNS server IP:
Below is an example network adapter and camera configuration for a two-camera imaging system provided by Point Grey. It consists of two Blackfly GigE cameras (Point Grey part number: BFLY-PGE-09S2C) and a single dual-port POE GigE adapter card (Point Grey part number: GIGE-PCIE2-2P02).
- Adapter physical connection (looking at back of computer)
RJ45 ------------
| |
L [ [ ] [x] ] R
- Adapter Settings
- Model: Intel 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
- MAC: 00:B0:9D:DB:D9:63
- MTU: 9000
- DHCP: Disabled
- IP:
- Subnet mask:
- Camera Settings
- Model: Blackfly BFLY-PGE-09S2C
- Serial No.: 14395177
- IP: (Static)
- Subnet mask:
- Default GW:
- Persistent IP: Yes
- Adapter physical connection (looking at back of computer)
RJ45 ------------
| |
L [ [x] [ ] ] R
- Adapter Settings
- Model: Intel 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
- MAC: 00:B0:9D:DB:A7:29
- MTU: 9000
- DHCP: Disabled
- IP:
- Subnet mask:
- Camera Settings
- Model: Blackfly BFLY-PGE-09S2C
- Serial No.:
- IP: (Static)
- Subnet mask:
- Default GW:
- Persistent IP: Yes
- Unit and stress testing
- Unit tests for
Nominal data types,T
- Specializations for
- Stress tests for data processing chains
- I need to come up with a series of scripts that configure and run components in odd and intensive, but legal, ways to ensure sample sychronization is maintained, graceful exits, etc
- Unit tests for
- Position type correction and generalization to 3D pose
It might be a good idea to generalize the concept of a position to a multi-positional elementFor things like theoat-decorate
, and potentiallyoat-detect
, this could increase performance and decrease user script complexity if multiple targets common detection features needed to be tracked at once.Down side is that it potentially increases code complexity and would require a significant refactor.Additionally, position detection might no longer be stateless. E.g. think of the case when two detected objects cross paths. In order to ID the objects correctly in subsequent detections, the path of the objects would need to be taken into account (and there is not guarantee this result will be correct...). A potential work around is to have IDed 'position groups' with annoymous position members. This would get us back to stateless detection. However, it would make the concept of position combining hard to define (although that is even true now is just a design choice, really).- EDIT: Additionally, there should certainly not be
. OnlyPosition
which provides 3d specificaiton with Z axis defaulting to 0. - EDIT: In fact, positions should simply be generalize two a 3D pose. I've started a branch to do this.
oat-framefilt undistort
- Very slow. Needs an OpenGL or CUDA implementation
- User supplied frame rotation occurs in a separate step from un-distortion. Very inefficient. Should be able to combine rotation with camera matrix to make this a lot faster.
- EDIT: Also should provide an
version which only applies undistortion to position rather than the entire frame.
- Should components always involve a user IO thread?
- For instance, some generalization of
oat-record ... --interactive
- For instance, it would be nice if PURE SINKs (e.g.
oat frameserve
) could have their sample clock reset via user input, without having to restart the program. - For instance, it would be nice to be able to re-acquire the background
image in
oat-framefilt bsub
without have to restart the program. - Where should this come from? Command line input?
- EDIT: Shea and I have been brainstorming ways to use unix sockets to allow general runtime control of oat components. This will doing things like easy, in general.
- For instance, some generalization of
- Add position history toggle in
- Answer will come with solution to TODO above this one.
- Type deduction in shmem Tokens
- Sources should have a static method for checking the token type of a given address.