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Releases: jonathanvdc/Pixie


13 Apr 15:55
Choose a tag to compare

This release of Pixie updates the GNU-style command-line argument parser to give useful feedback when the user gets an option's spelling wrong. It also fixes a number of bugs in Pixie.Loyc.


12 Apr 19:29
Choose a tag to compare

In addition to a number of miscellaneous improvements, this version of Pixie adds a Loyc interop library: Loyc.Pixie. It's available as a separate NuGet package.


11 Apr 12:53
Choose a tag to compare

This release of Pixie adds support for automagically generating help files from options. Options can be annotated with documentation using the WithCategory, WithDescription and WithParameters methods and this documentation is neatly folded into a help message on request. To create such a help message, just call

new HelpMessage("Short summary of what the program does.", "program [files-or-options]", options)

Documenting options is, well, optional. So the changes in this release should be entirely backwards-compatible.

Here's an example of how to annotate an option with documentation.

    .CreateInt32Option(OptionForm.Short("O"), 0)
    .WithCategory("Optimization options")
    .WithDescription("Pick an optimization level.")
    .WithParameter(new SymbolicOptionParameter("n"))

When the HelpMessage gets rendered, it'll look like this:

    Short summary of what the program does.

    program [files-or-options]

Option summary
    Here is a summary of all the options, grouped by type. Explanations are in
    the following sections.

    Optimization options

Optimization options

        Pick an optimization level.