This repo is WD RISC-V Firmware package, holds:
- WD-Firmware
- GCC 9.2.0 Toolchain for RISC-V
- LLVM/Clang 10.0.0 Toolchain for RISC-V [along with GCC Binutils]
- Eclipse MCU
If you dont have git lfs installed, please do the following steps:
$ curl -s | sudo bash
$ sudo apt-get install git-lfs
Getting the repository
$ git clone
The “WD Firmware package” constitutes an SDK FW. It contains Firmware applications and Processor Support Package (PSP) for various cores, alongside demos which support all features. The following README file describes how to setup a build environment for the WD RISC-V firmware. It guides how to build the program, downloading it, and debugging it on the supported platforms and cores. The FW-Infra was verified with VMWare player v. 15 hosting Debian 9.6. This demo was based on
RTOS-AL Abstraction Layer (AL) on embedded small footprint real time operation systems (RTOS). The target is to provide homogenies API for the developer usage, so the kernel can be replaced for several different RTOS’s, without any need from the developer to change its application code. Currently this AL supports FreeRTOS and ThreadX (only API's, without core) with a real running demo for FreeRTOS. The structure of WD Firmware package allows quick and easy integration for more RTOS’s, Platforms, boards and new firmware features. Demos is based on HiFive FW example, by SiFIve. Cuurrently the reference is part of FreeRTOS maintenance
Coming soon: more FW features and more Platform supports
- HiFive1
- SweRV - running on Nexys-A7 FPGA
- SweRVolf - running on Nexys-A7 FPGA EH1 with full SoC
- Whisper - ISS tool running on SweRVolf EH1
├── board <-- supported boards
├── hifive-1
├── ihfive-unleashed (not supported yet)
├── nexys_a7_eh1 (Support for SweRV eh1, also support SweRVolf)
├── whisper (Support for SweRV eh1)
├── common <-- common source
├── demo <-- demos source
├── build <-- example build scripts
├── demo_rtosal.c <-- Abstruction Layer (AL) demo on FreeRTOS
├── main.c <-- The main of all demos
├── ....
├── psp <-- psp functionality
├── rtos
├── rtosal <-- rtos abstraction layer
├── rtos_core <-- specific rtos source code
├── freertos
├── ....
NOTE: The COMRV demo will work only with the LLVM toolchain, GCC is not supported
From the repo root folder unzip riscv-gnu-toolchain-debian.tar.gz to the WD-Firmware/demo/build/toolchain directory
$ tar -xvf riscv-gnu-toolchain-debian.tar.gz -C ./WD-Firmware/demo/build/toolchain/
From the repo root folder unzip riscv-llvm-toolchain-debian.tar.gz to the WD-Firmware/demo/build/toolchain directory
$ tar -xvf riscv-llvm-toolchain-debian.tar.gz -C ./WD-Firmware/demo/build/toolchain/
From the repo unzip eclipse_mcu_2019_12.tar.gz to your designated directory for the Eclipse MCU
$ tar -xvf eclipse_mcu_2019_12.tar.gz -C [Eclipse-MCU-root]
Standard packages that are required can be installed by the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install scons libftdi1-2 libmpfr4
NOTE: If libmpfr4 can not be installed, in cases of newer versions '6', on the host machine, you can create a symbolic link to
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Download and install Java SE Runtime Environment
For RISC-V OpenOCD, you will need the following depended libs: libusb-0.1, libusb-1.0-0-dev, libusb-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-0.1 libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-dev
- Launch Eclipse MCU - [Eclipse-MCU-root]/eclipse/eclipse
- Import WD firmware code:
- From 'Eclipse MCU' menu bar select File -> Import
- In the Import window select General -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> Next
- In the next Import window Select root directory -> Browse and choose the infra-riscv-fw/WD-Firmware/ you've downloaded in 'Getting the firmware sources' section
- Press 'Finish' button
You will need to choose a specific demo for building a full solution:
From the eclipse terminal or console: $ cd [WD-firmware-root]/WD-Firmware/demo/build $ ./ Then you will be asked to choose a demo. For more explanation on adding new demos please read the readme file on ***'/demos'***
From 'Eclipse MCU' menu bar select 'Project' -> 'Build All'. Note that you can select which platform to build for.
Since the building process use SCons build system, you can build via console/terminal. Please read the readme on ’/build’
We provide several platforms to work with, please follow the instructions for the one you preferred.
Connect to your HiFive1 debug interface and type "lsusb" to see if FT2232C is connected:
$ lsusb Bus ... Device ... : ID 0403:6010 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT2232C Dual USB-UART/FIFO IC ...
Set the udev rules to allow the device to be accessed by the plugdev group
$ sudo cp [WD-firmware-root]/WD-Firmware/board/hifive-1/99-openocd.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
Add and verify current user to plugdev group
$ sudo usermod -a -G plugdev $USER $ groups ... plugdev ...
Power off/on Debian station
SweRVolf is an fpga create by Olof Kindgren under CHIPS-Alliance If you wish to know more please use this link: Cores-SweRVolf
FPGA image file loading: for loading the FPGA bit file, do the following steps:
- Copy the FPGA bit file /WD-Firmware/board/nexys_a7_eh1/eh1_reference_design.bit to uSD device (locate it at the uSD root)
- Connect the uSD to the Nexys-A7 board (uSD slot is on board's bottom)
- Set the following jumpers: JP1 - connect JTAG & USB/SD pins. JP2 - connect the 2 pins on 'SD' side
- At power-on the FPGA bit file is loaded to the FPGA. LED 'Busy' should be ORANGE while flushing is done
- Wait for ORANGE led to be off, once off the board is ready to be used
FPGA image file loading: using eclipse MCU:
- From eclipse IDE menu bar open the External Tools Configurations: 'Run' -> 'External Tools' -> 'External Tools Configurations...'
- Under the Program list, select nexys_a7_eh1_flush and press the Run button
- The eclipse IDE Console will display shutdown command invoked upon completion
Since Nexys-A7 is an FPGA platform it need special handling...
Prerequisite: Following are prerequisite running SweRV core on Xilinx FPGA on Nexys-A7 board
To compile the RTL please follow the instruction at this link: swerv_eh1_fpga
Our debugger uses the Olimex ARM-USB-Tiny-H Emulator with OpenOCD
Pin layout for Nexys Pmod JD header with Olimex:
H4 = TDO H1 = nTRST G1 = TCK H2 = TDI G4 = TMS G2 = nRST
FPGA image file loading: for loading the FPGA bit file, do the following steps:
- Copy the FPGA bit file /WD-Firmware/board/nexys_a7_eh1/eh1_reference_design.bit to uSD device (locate it at the uSD root)
- Connect the uSD to the Nexys-A7 board (uSD slot is on board's bottom)
- Set the following jumpers: JP1 - connect JTAG & USB/SD pins. JP2 - connect the 2 pins on 'SD' side
- At power-on the FPGA bit file is loaded to the FPGA. LED 'Busy' should be ORANGE while flushing is done.
- Wait for ORANGE led to be off, once off the board is ready to be used
There is nothing to set for SweRV ISS, just select debugger luncher (following next)..
- Select from the 'Eclipse MCU' menu bar 'Run' -> 'Debug Configurations...';
- Choose the platform you wish to run on, from 'left main windows' menu
- Current support:
- hifive1 <-- HiFive Eval board - nexys_a7_eh1 <-- Nexys A7 digilent FPGA board running SweRV EH1 - nexys_a7_eh1_swerolf <-- Nexys A7 digilent FPGA board running SweRV EH1 with full System on chip. From chipsalliance/Cores-SweRVolf - whisper_eh1_connect_and_debug <-- SweRV ISS simulator
The folder WD-Firmware/demo/build/ contains a template file (SConscript_template) which can be used.
- Initial RISCV official 8.2 GCC release
- RISCV official 8.3 GCC release
- GDB fix for skipping breakpoint at fist line after ASM lable
- lto simple_object fix opening mode in windows (text->bin)
- RISCV official 9.2 GCC release
- WD Code density improvement and optimization patches
- Initial LLVM/Clang official 10.0.0 release
- ComRV support modules
- GCC Binutils-gdb supporting ComRV