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WordPress Child Theme Development with Docker

This project provides a template for developing WordPress child themes using Docker. It incorporates modern development tools like TailwindCSS, Webpack, and Sass. The project also facilitates local HTTPS development by generating SSL certificates and provides utilities to synchronize with a production environment.

Technologies Used:

  • Docker: Containerizes the WordPress environment.
  • Webpack: Bundles and optimizes assets.
  • TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework.
  • Sass: A popular CSS preprocessor.
  • BrowserSync: Synchronizes browsers and automatically refreshes pages during development.

Getting Started:

1. Clone the Repository

git clone project-name
cd project-name

The project name should for simplicity always be the same as the theme name (COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME).

2. Naming the project

2.1 Go to package.json and change the name to the same as the theme name.

2.2 Go to style.css and make changes accordingly.

2.3 Do a search & replace for ec_ to your own function prefix. This is to avoid conflicts with other plugins and themes.

3. Configure Environment Variables

Edit the .env file in the root directory. Set the necessary environment variables like WORDPRESS_DB_HOST, WORDPRESS_SITE_URL, etc. Here are some key variables:

  • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME: The name of your Docker Compose project, should be the same as your theme.
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: Your GitHub token, if required.
  • WORDPRESS_DB_HOST, WORDPRESS_DB_USER, etc.: WordPress database configurations.
  • SYNC_PROD_SSH_USER, SYNC_PROD_SSH_HOST, etc.: Details for syncing with the production environment.

GITHUB_TOKEN is required if the repository is private and this should be defined in your wp-config.php file.

4. Generate SSL Certificates

Run the script to generate a self-signed SSL certificate for local development.


Note: For macOS users, the script also adds the certificate to the system keychain. Ensure you have the necessary permissions.

5. Build and Start the Docker Containers

Use Docker Compose to build and run the services.

docker-compose up --build

6. Access the WordPress Site

Once the containers are up and running, you can access the WordPress site via the URL you set in the .env file (e.g., https://elmgren-child-theme.potato). However, it is recommended to start a dev environment using these steps

Synchronizing with Production:

To sync your local development environment with the production server, use the script. This script fetches the production database and content, excluding the current theme.


Database Migration:

If you're importing a database from another environment, you might need to update the URLs to match your local development setup. The script helps in this process by updating various WordPress database tables.

NOTE: This shell script runs automatically on database initial load. Do not run it manually unless you know what you are doing.

1. Clear the docker database volume using docker volume rm <VOLUME>. For example:

docker volume rm elmgren-child-theme_db

2. Add your SQL dump in docker/sql.

3. Start your Docker containers using docker compose up.

Docker Content and SQL Folders:

  • content: This directory should contain a file. This ZIP file should contain the wp-content directory with all its assets. If you're manually adding content for the initial load, ensure that when unzipped, it results in a wp-content directory structure. If you're using the synchronization script, it will handle the extraction process and create the wp-content directory structure as needed.
  • sql: Contains SQL dumps, including the one fetched from the production server during synchronization. If you have a custom database dump, you can place it here for initialization during the container's first startup.

Development Commands:

  • Build Production Assets:

    npm run build
  • Start Development Mode with Watch:

    npm run dev

This will start up a proxy using port 3000 with browsersync, to automatically reload the page when changes are made to the theme files.


For contributions, please create a new branch and submit a Pull Request.