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Expense Tracker

Modern full-stack single page application built using react, and hono server. This project was built following this tutorial by Sam Meech-Ward (great guy btw 👓).


  • Complete expense tracker app built from scratch using React, Nodejs and Hono
  • 100% backend and frontend TypeScript with validation using Zod
  • Hono Typescript RPC for type-safe HTTP requests
  • User auth managed by Kinde Auth
  • Tanstack Router, Query, and Form for the best UX and DX in a SPA.
  • Drizzle ORM for all interactions with a SQL Database
  • Hosted on
  • Clean, modern UI using tailwind & Shadcn/UI.



  • React with Vite
  • Tanstack Router - For client-side navigation and implementing authorized route
  • Tanstack Query - For data fetching, mutations, and optimistic updates.
  • Tanstack Form - Handling form submission and validation.
  • Typescript, TailwindCSS, and shadcn/ui


  • Hono on NodeJs - For its simplicity and efficiency.
  • Drizzle ORM - Better choice than Prisma
  • PostgreSQL hosted on Neon
  • Zod
  • TypeScript (Of course🔥)

Getting started

Add the environment variables. There will be a .env.example file for guidance.

pnpm i:dep

This is a custom script. Run at the root of the project. This will install all of the dependencies at the root, then cd into the client directory and install all of its dependencies.

App structure

- client # React application using Vite
- server # Hono server using NodeJs
... # Other files