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Mybatis Generator for Jeesite Style Plugin

This is a plugin of org.mybatis.generator

for generate the DAO mapper and entity in thinkgem.jeesite code style.

Yes, this is a plugin of another plugin orz...


###Step 1###

First of All, set the maven repository source in pom.xml like this:


###Step 2### If you import the Mybatis Generator Plugin into pom.xml directly, you can dependent MGJSP like this:


Or if you import the Mybatis Generator Core and wrote a main method to drive Mybatis Generator Plugin, you can dependent MGJSP like this:



###Step 3### Now let's config your generatorConfig.xml :

<context id="context" targetRuntime="MyBatis3">

	<plugin type="com.johnzhsk.mgjsp.BaseCustomedPlugin"/>


Attention to the consequence of <plugin> dom, it should always be placed before the <commentGenerator> dom.

Then switch the generation like this:

<table tableName="${your_table_name}" domainObjectName="${domain_object_name}" enableCountByExample="false" enableDeleteByExample="false" enableSelectByExample="false"
           enableUpdateByExample="false" enableDeleteByPrimaryKey="true">
	<columnOverride column="create_by" javaType="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.sys.entity.User" property="createBy" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
    <columnOverride column="update_by" javaType="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.sys.entity.User" property="updateBy" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>

And then if you have database columns related to other object classes you've already defined ,then you can config like this:

<table tableName="${your_table_name}" domainObjectName="${domain_object_name}" enableCountByExample="false" enableDeleteByExample="false" enableSelectByExample="false"
           enableUpdateByExample="false" enableDeleteByPrimaryKey="true">
    <columnOverride column="create_by" javaType="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.sys.entity.User" property="createBy" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
    <columnOverride column="update_by" javaType="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.sys.entity.User" property="updateBy" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
    **<columnOverride column="${your_column_name}" javaType="com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.${your_class_path}" property="${class_camel_name}" jdbcType="VARCHAR">
        <property name="tableName" value="${the_table_related}"/>
        <property name="tableAlias" value="b"/>

Here are something you have to be noticed about join in tables:

  1. All tables join in id column by default.

  2. Be notice that the <columnOverride column="create_by"/> and <columnOverride column="update_by"/> is necessary!Unless your table doesn't have the column create_by and update_by,and then you have to remove the code in xxxDAO.xml relate to these two columns.

###Step 4### Run the Mybatis Generator Plugin, free your hands :D.


Mybatis Generator Jeesite Style Plugin






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