~ Migration to TS + refactor - July 2024
~ Original build: July/August 2022
Cocktail Central is a custom-built drink recipe search application that utilizes the cocktail DB as its main database API. Users can use this app to search for and save drink recipes for personal use.
This app was create with JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML, CSS, JQuery, Axios, Express, Node.js, & PostgreSQL.
Features inluded in Cocktail Central Include:
- Drink card to display selected drink
- Search by first letter
- Search by name or portion of a name
- Filter by ingredient (only returns drinks that include that ingredient)
- Favorites: Users can add ay loaded drink to their favorites list to save for later (favorites can also be deleted)
To use Cocktail Central, visit THIS LINK OR clone this github repository, in terminal run 'npm i' to install dependencies, then run 'npm start' to start the server. Visit localhost:4000 to view the application after server start.