BabyBright is an application that I am creating that is an idea that came from my wife’s and my recent experience with having a second child and keeping up with taking care of him during his first year of life (while also raising our now toddler). This app is built so that users can keep track of important daily events for raising an infant: sleep, feeding, and diapers. The app will store data that is created in a postgres database so user data persists.
Tech-Stack: React | ReactRouter | bcrypt | JWT | JavaScript | NodeJS | Express | PostgreSQL | CSS | HTML |
User can:
- Sign up for an account
- Log in and out of their account
- Change their password
- Delete their account
- Create Children
- Add tracking points for those children - sleeps, feedings, diaper changes
- Perform CRUD operations on this added data - view, update, delete
User Can:
- Go to an insights page where data can be interpreted in various ways (i.e. how many sleep hours this past month, average number of diaper changes per day, etc.)
- App is fully mobile responsive
The live application can be found and used here:
The project demo video can be viewed here: