A.k.a Webster's Unabridged Dictionary by Noah Webster
Comprising the issues of 1864, 1879, and 1884
Revised and enlarged under the supervision of Noah Porter
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Generate images from pdf (req: poppler):
pdfimages -p -jp2 internat00port.pdf w00-raw/i
Rename for consistency:
ls i-???-???.??? | awk '{printf "mv -bS.bak %s p0%s-%s.%s\n", $0, substr($0, 3, 3), substr($0, 7, 3) + 3 - 3*substr($0, 3, 3), substr($0, 11, 3)}' | bash ls i-???-????.??? | awk '{printf "mv -bS.bak %s p0%s-%s.%s\n", $0, substr($0, 3, 3), substr($0, 7, 4) + 3 - 3*substr($0, 3, 3), substr($0, 12, 3)}' | bash ls i-????-????.??? | awk '{printf "mv -bS.bak %s p%s-%s.%s\n", $0, substr($0, 3, 4), substr($0, 8, 4) + 3 - 3*substr($0, 3, 4), substr($0, 13, 3)}' | bash
Combine mask images, and copy bg (req: ImageMagick):
mkdir final for i in $(seq -f'%04g' 23 32) do echo $i; convert p$i-1.jp2 p$i-2.pbm -channel-fx '| gray=>alpha' -quality 95 -colors 255 -alpha Background final/p$i-ol.png done for i in $(cat <(seq -f'%04g' 1 22) <(seq -f'%04g' 33 2208)) do echo $i; convert p$i-1.jp2 p$i-2.pbm -colorspace Gray -channel-fx '| gray=>alpha' -quality 92 -alpha Background -colors 16 final/p$i-ol.png done seq -f 'i=%04g; cp p$i-0.jp2 final/p$i-bg.jp2' 2208 | bash
Separate into
Re-number files based on page numbers. As an example (from
):paste -d ' ' <(seq -f 'mv p%04g-ol.png' 119 1799) <(seq -f 'p%04g-ol.png' 1 1681) | bash paste -d ' ' <(seq -f 'mv p%04g-bg.jp2' 119 1799) <(seq -f 'p%04g-bg.jp2' 1 1681) | bash
for i in {a,b,c,d,e,f,gh,i,jkl,m,no,p,qr,s,t,uv,wxyz} do mkdir 2.$i; done && cd 2.main seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.a/' 1 108 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.b/' 109 198 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.c/' 199 363 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.d/' 364 463 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.e/' 464 534 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.f/' 535 605 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.gh/' 606 722 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.i/' 723 793 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.jkl/' 794 877 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.m/' 878 960 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.no/' 961 1027 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.p/' 1028 1170 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.qr/' 1171 1263 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.s/' 1264 1465 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.t/' 1466 1559 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.uv/' 1560 1620 | bash seq -f 'mv p%04g-??.??? ../2.wxyz/' 1621 1681 | bash
Parts of text in a few pages were distorted from damages. A copy of such pages, taken from another source (1, 2), can be found in
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