API Documentation is available at : https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/11191710/UyxkmmGs
Considerations :
- An admin login detail :
{ "email" : "[email protected]", "password" : "wonderful" }
Trying to access a route without proper authentication would give a 403 status - All routes require authentication,Every user must be signed in to access the routes
- Users can surf through this API documentation by making a search with keyword of funtionality required
title : Online tutoring app
description : The online tutoring app API is built for the task 4 of the node js track of start.ng 2020.
All requests and responses with this API use the JSON format.
Authentication is with JWT tokens which are persisted as cookies to ensure good user experience.
Authentication is needed for all routes.Users must be signed in
All users can retrieve a subject in a category by id
All users can retrieve the subjects in a category
All users can retrieve the categoies available
All users can search for a subject by name
All users can search for a subject by name
All users can sign in
Tutors can register to take a course in a category :
Tutors can see all the subjects they registered :
Tutors can update a subject they registered :
Tutors can delete a subject they registered :
Students can sign up :
Students can book lesson :
Students can get all tutors taking a course in a category :
- Admin can create subjects under categories 'sss',primary' and 'jss'
Admin can update a subject in a category by Id
Admin can retrieve tutors by Id
Admin can retrieve lessons by id