This repository is a Python package template that uses modern tooling and packaging like Poetry, Mypy, Ruff...
This is intended to be a demonstration of how good Python tooling and DX became over the years.
- Poetry: dependency and virtualenv management
- Mypy: PEP484 compliant static type checker
- Ruff: an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust
- Black: the uncompromising Python code formatter
- Isort: sort Python imports automatically
- Pytest (+ pytest-cov code coverage): unit test runner
- Pre-commit: multi-language pre-commit Git hooks
First install the dependencies:
$ poetry config true # Use .venv folder in project
$ poetry install
Then with the help of Poe the Poet, a task runner for Poetry similar to NodeJS's package.json
scripts, you can launch different actions:
$ poetry run poe --help
test Run tests with code coverage
format-check Check code style
lint-check Lint code
type-check Static type checking
imports-check Check import order