This webpage allows you to manually identify key data on a text. The selected area are stored in a json format that can be stored in a database.
In the source code the included text is a legal decision, and the user can tell who are the lawyer, the law and the party of this decision.
Done in JavaScript with the framework Vue.js
The text is hardcoded in script.js.
Select a part of the text with your mouse, and click on a colored button corresponding to your selection.
Click on an annotation to remove it (when you hover an annotation the cursor is a trash)
You can clear all the annotations with the clear button
Click on Export, and a json is generated below containing the annotations. You can store this json in your backend.
Paste your json in the textarea, and click on Import. The current annotations are then replaced with the new ones.
This project was created during 2016 Winter Session of LION from The Family to help the startup Doctrine.