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Arduino Joystick With Force Feedback Library

features added by me (J.L):

  • adjustable force feedback range (how many bits)


This is a joy library for Atmega32UX chip with force feedback, which can be used to make game handle with vibration, game steering wheel with force feedback, etc.Multi-axis-force-feedback feature is added.


0. example:examples/JoystickWithFFB/JoystickWithFFB.ino

1. create JoyStick object

params describe
REPORT_ID Hid report id
button count [0-32]
Hat Switch count [0,1,2]
X Axis enable True or False
Y Axis enable True or False
Z Axis enable True or False
Rx Axis enable True or False
Ry Axis enable True or False
Rz Axis enable True or False
Rudder enable True or False
Throttle enable True or False
Accelerator enable True or False
Brake enable True or False
Steering enable True or False

Joystick_ Joystick(JOYSTICK_DEFAULT_REPORT_ID,JOYSTICK_TYPE_JOYSTICK,8, 0,false, true,true,false, false, false,false, false,false, false, false);

2. After the object is created, the x-axis and y-axis are bound as the force feedback axis by default.The gains of various forces effect are set through the struct and the interface as following:

//struct of gains
struct Gains{
    uint8_t totalGain         = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t constantGain      = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t rampGain          = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t squareGain        = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t sineGain          = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t triangleGain      = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t sawtoothdownGain  = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t sawtoothupGain    = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t springGain        = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t damperGain        = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t inertiaGain       = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t frictionGain      = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
	uint8_t customGain        = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
/* set gains interface func
 * param:a <Gains> array of length 2;
 *       _gains[0]-->X_Axis_gains;
 *       _gains[1]-->Y_Axis_gains;
 * return 0 :set gains successful
 *        -1:set gains failed
int8_t setGains(Gains* _gains);

example code

#include "Joystick.h"

Joystick_ Joystick();

Gains mygains[2];

//set X Axis gains
mygains[0].totalGain = 50;
mygains[0].springGain = 80;

//set Y Axis gains
mygains[1].totalGain = 50;
mygains[1].springGain = 70;

void setup{
    //enable gains REQUIRED

2.5 (optional) Set the FFB range

For normal 9 bit operation (-255 to 255), this function does not need to be called If more than 9 bits of force feedback is desired, call in setup:

  //for 12 bit (-11bit to 11 bit) operation

The gains structure must be modified as well:

  numBits = 11;		//11 bits
  mygains[0].totalGain = 100 * (numBits - 3);	//100 signifies 8 bits. 800 gets 11 bits

3.Set the parameters of spring effect, damper effect, inertia effect and friction effect through the struct and the interface as following:

//struct of Effect Params
struct EffectParams{
    //If you need to use the spring effect, set the following parameters.`Position` is the current position of the force feedback axis. 
    //For example, connect the encoder with the action axis,the current encoder value is `Positon` and the max encoder value is `MaxPosition`.
    int32_t springMaxPosition = 0;
    int32_t springPosition = 0;

    //If you need to use the damper effect, set the following parameters.`Velocity` is the current velocity of the force feedback axis.
    int32_t damperMaxVelocity = 0;
    int32_t damperVelocity = 0;

    //If you need to use the inertia effect, set the following parameters.`Acceleration` is the current acceleration of the force feedback axis.
    int32_t inertiaMaxAcceleration = 0;
    int32_t inertiaAcceleration = 0;
    //If you need to use the friction effect, set the following parameters.`PositionChange` is the position difference of the force feedback axis.
    int32_t frictionMaxPositionChange = 0;
    int32_t frictionPositionChange = 0;

/* set effect params interface func
 * param:a <EffectParams> array of length 2;
 *       _effect_params[0]-->X_Axis_params;
 *       _effect_params[1]-->Y_Axis_params;
 * return 0 :set Effect Params successful
 *        -1:set Effect Params failed
int8_t setEffectParams(EffectParams* _effect_params);

example code

#include "Joystick.h"

Joystick_ Joystick();

Gains mygains[2];
EffectParams myeffectparams[2];

//set X Axis gains
mygains[0].totalGain = 50;
mygains[0].springGain = 80;

//set Y Axis gains
mygains[1].totalGain = 50;
mygains[1].springGain = 70;

void setup(){
    //enable gains REQUIRED

void loop(){
  //set X Axis Spring Effect Param
  myeffectparams[0].springMaxPosition = 1023;
  myeffectparams[0].springPosition = analogRead(A2);
  //set Y Axis Spring Effect Param
  myeffectparams[1].springMaxPosition = 1023;
  myeffectparams[1].springPosition = analogRead(A3);

4.Finally,get the force value with

JoyStick.getForce(int32_t* forces)

params int32_t* forces is an int32 array of length 2

forces[0] is the X-Axis force data

forces[1] is the Y-Axis force data

return type void


Pay Attention!

Joystick.setGains(mygains) and Joystick.setEffectParams(myeffectparams) must be invoked before JoyStick.getForce(int32_t* forces)


This library is based on Heironimus and hoantv 's work,very grateful for their work.


An Arduino Joystick Library With Force Feedback Feature







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  • C++ 92.5%
  • C 7.5%