- adjustable force feedback range (how many bits)
This is a joy library for Atmega32UX chip with force feedback, which can be used to make game handle with vibration, game steering wheel with force feedback, etc.Multi-axis-force-feedback feature is added.
params | describe |
REPORT_ID | Hid report id |
button count | [0-32] |
Hat Switch count | [0,1,2] |
X Axis enable | True or False |
Y Axis enable | True or False |
Z Axis enable | True or False |
Rx Axis enable | True or False |
Ry Axis enable | True or False |
Rz Axis enable | True or False |
Rudder enable | True or False |
Throttle enable | True or False |
Accelerator enable | True or False |
Brake enable | True or False |
Steering enable | True or False |
Joystick_ Joystick(JOYSTICK_DEFAULT_REPORT_ID,JOYSTICK_TYPE_JOYSTICK,8, 0,false, true,true,false, false, false,false, false,false, false, false);
2. After the object is created, the x-axis and y-axis are bound as the force feedback axis by default.The gains of various forces effect are set through the struct and the interface as following:
//struct of gains
struct Gains{
uint8_t totalGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t constantGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t rampGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t squareGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t sineGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t triangleGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t sawtoothdownGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t sawtoothupGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t springGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t damperGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t inertiaGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t frictionGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
uint8_t customGain = FORCE_FEEDBACK_MAXGAIN;
/* set gains interface func
* param:a <Gains> array of length 2;
* _gains[0]-->X_Axis_gains;
* _gains[1]-->Y_Axis_gains;
* return 0 :set gains successful
* -1:set gains failed
int8_t setGains(Gains* _gains);
#include "Joystick.h"
Joystick_ Joystick();
Gains mygains[2];
//set X Axis gains
mygains[0].totalGain = 50;
mygains[0].springGain = 80;
//set Y Axis gains
mygains[1].totalGain = 50;
mygains[1].springGain = 70;
void setup{
//enable gains REQUIRED
For normal 9 bit operation (-255 to 255), this function does not need to be called If more than 9 bits of force feedback is desired, call in setup:
//for 12 bit (-11bit to 11 bit) operation
The gains structure must be modified as well:
numBits = 11; //11 bits
mygains[0].totalGain = 100 * (numBits - 3); //100 signifies 8 bits. 800 gets 11 bits
3.Set the parameters of spring effect, damper effect, inertia effect and friction effect through the struct and the interface as following:
//struct of Effect Params
struct EffectParams{
//If you need to use the spring effect, set the following parameters.`Position` is the current position of the force feedback axis.
//For example, connect the encoder with the action axis,the current encoder value is `Positon` and the max encoder value is `MaxPosition`.
int32_t springMaxPosition = 0;
int32_t springPosition = 0;
//If you need to use the damper effect, set the following parameters.`Velocity` is the current velocity of the force feedback axis.
int32_t damperMaxVelocity = 0;
int32_t damperVelocity = 0;
//If you need to use the inertia effect, set the following parameters.`Acceleration` is the current acceleration of the force feedback axis.
int32_t inertiaMaxAcceleration = 0;
int32_t inertiaAcceleration = 0;
//If you need to use the friction effect, set the following parameters.`PositionChange` is the position difference of the force feedback axis.
int32_t frictionMaxPositionChange = 0;
int32_t frictionPositionChange = 0;
/* set effect params interface func
* param:a <EffectParams> array of length 2;
* _effect_params[0]-->X_Axis_params;
* _effect_params[1]-->Y_Axis_params;
* return 0 :set Effect Params successful
* -1:set Effect Params failed
int8_t setEffectParams(EffectParams* _effect_params);
#include "Joystick.h"
Joystick_ Joystick();
Gains mygains[2];
EffectParams myeffectparams[2];
//set X Axis gains
mygains[0].totalGain = 50;
mygains[0].springGain = 80;
//set Y Axis gains
mygains[1].totalGain = 50;
mygains[1].springGain = 70;
void setup(){
//enable gains REQUIRED
void loop(){
//set X Axis Spring Effect Param
myeffectparams[0].springMaxPosition = 1023;
myeffectparams[0].springPosition = analogRead(A2);
//set Y Axis Spring Effect Param
myeffectparams[1].springMaxPosition = 1023;
myeffectparams[1].springPosition = analogRead(A3);
JoyStick.getForce(int32_t* forces)
params int32_t* forces
is an int32
array of length 2
is the X-Axis force data
is the Y-Axis force data
return type void
and Joystick.setEffectParams(myeffectparams)
must be invoked before JoyStick.getForce(int32_t* forces)