- Books : This microservice is responsible for managing books. A user can create, update, get details, list and delete books.
- Orders : This microservice is responsible for managing orders. A member can borrow a book and return it.
- Params : This microservice is responsible for managing params. These params are used to loan a book
- No need to authenticate the user (we can assume they are members and are already authenticated)
- Maximum number of books loaned at any time is 3 per user
- If a member has any outstanding loaned books, they cannot loan any more until all books returned.
- There is only 1 copy of each book
- Each book can have more than one category
Service | EndPoint | Port | Method | Description |
Books | /api/v1/books/{id} | 7500 | GET | Return detail of specified book |
Books | /api/v1/books | 7500 | GET | Return details of all books |
Books | /api/v1/books | 7500 | POST | Insert a new book |
Books | /api/v1/books/{id} | 7500 | PUT | Update a specific book |
Books | /api/v1/books/{id} | 7500 | DELETE | Delete a specific book |
Orders | /api/v1/loan | 7501 | POST | Loan a book |
Orders | /api/v1/return | 7501 | POST | Return a book |
Params | /api/v1/params/by-key/{key} | 7502 | GET | Return param by key |
Service | EndPoint |
Books | /book/api/v1/books/{id} |
Books | /book/api/v1/books |
Orders | /order/api/v1/loan |
Orders | /order/api/v1/return |
Params | /param/api/v1/params/by-key/{key} |
URI for gateway : http://localhost:8762
- Books : http://localhost:8762/book/swagger-ui.html
- Orders : http://localhost:8762/order/swagger-ui.html
- Params : http://localhost:8762/param/swagger-ui.html
###Postman collection
- Netflix Eureka is used for discovery service.
- Netflix Zuul is used for gateway.
- Sleuth and Zipkin
You can open Zipkin : http://localhost:9411
- ElasticSearch is on 6972 port
- Logstash TCP is on 5000 port
- Kibana is on 5601 port
Open kibana with http://localhost:5601/. You must define an index pattern (taner-*) on Management/Stack Management.
You can open Grafana : http://localhost:3000/
username/password: admin
- >mvn clean package : to build
- >docker-compose up --build : build docker images and containers and run containers
- >docker-compose stop : stop the dockerized services
- Each maven module has a Dockerfile.
In docker-compose.yml file:
- Books Service : 7500 port is mapped to 7500 port of host
- Orders Service : 7501 port is mapped to 7501 port of host
- Params Service : 7502 port is mapped to 7502 port of host
- Eureka Discovery Service : 8761 port is mapped to 8761 port of host
- Spring Boot (/ Zuul) Gateway Service : 8762 port is mapped to 8762 port of host
- Sleuth and Zipkin Integration
- ElasticSearch, Kibana, Logstash integration
- Spring Boot Gateway
- Spring-Boot 2.5.6.RELEASE
- Java 16