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add vmap for mapping a function over a leading dimension
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joelberkeley committed Apr 8, 2023
1 parent 8d3ed2d commit 1533c20
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Showing 6 changed files with 298 additions and 2 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions spidr.ipkg
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ modules =

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Compiler/Eval.idr
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Data.List.Elem
import Data.SortedMap
import Debug.Trace
import Decidable.Equality

import Data.Hashable
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196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions src/Compiler/Transform.idr
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@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
Copyright 2022 Joel Berkeley
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Compiler.Transform

import Compiler.Expr
import Compiler.LiteralRW
import Literal
import Primitive
import Types

call : Fn arity Expr -> Vect arity Expr -> Expr
call (MkFn _ x@(FromLiteral _)) _ = x
call (MkFn params x@(Parameter _ _ _)) args =
let Just idx = findIndex (== x) params | Nothing => ?call_parameterNotFound
in index idx args
call (MkFn params (Tuple xs)) args = Tuple (map (\x => call (MkFn params x) args) xs)
call (MkFn params (GetTupleElement k x)) args = GetTupleElement k (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn _ x@MinFiniteValue) _ = x
call (MkFn _ x@MaxFiniteValue) _ = x
call (MkFn params (ConvertElementType {dtype} x)) args =
ConvertElementType {dtype} (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Reshape from to x)) args = Reshape from to (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Slice starts stops strides x)) args =
Slice starts stops strides (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (DynamicSlice starts sizes x)) args =
DynamicSlice (map (\x => (call (MkFn params x) args)) starts) sizes (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Concat k x y)) args =
Concat k (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Diag x)) args = Diag (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Triangle lower x)) args = Triangle lower (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Transpose axes x)) args = Transpose axes (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn _ x@(Identity _)) _ = x
call (MkFn params (Broadcast {dtype} from to x)) args =
Broadcast {dtype} from to (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Map x xs ys)) args = ?call_map
call (MkFn params (Reduce x y xs z)) args = ?call_reduce
call (MkFn params (Sort x k y xs)) args = ?call_sort
call (MkFn params (Reverse axes x)) args = Reverse axes (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Eq x y)) args = Eq (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Ne x y)) args = Ne (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Add x y)) args = Add (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Sub x y)) args = Sub (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Mul x y)) args = Mul (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Div x y)) args = Div (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Pow x y)) args = Pow (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Lt x y)) args = Lt (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Gt x y)) args = Gt (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Le x y)) args = Le (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Ge x y)) args = Ge (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (And x y)) args = And (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Or x y)) args = Or (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Min x y)) args = Min (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Max x y)) args = Max (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Not x)) args = Not (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Neg x)) args = Neg (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Reciprocal x)) args = Reciprocal (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Abs x)) args = Abs (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Ceil x)) args = Ceil (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Floor x)) args = Floor (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Log x)) args = Log (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Exp x)) args = Exp (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Logistic x)) args = Logistic (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Erf x)) args = Erf (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Square x)) args = Square (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Sqrt x)) args = Sqrt (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Sin x)) args = Sin (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Cos x)) args = Cos (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Tan x)) args = Tan (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Asin x)) args = Asin (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Acos x)) args = Acos (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Atan x)) args = Atan (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Sinh x)) args = Sinh (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Cosh x)) args = Cosh (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Tanh x)) args = Tanh (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Asinh x)) args = Asinh (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Acosh x)) args = Acosh (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Atanh x)) args = Atanh (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (Select pred t f)) args =
Select (call (MkFn params pred) args) (call (MkFn params t) args) (call (MkFn params f) args)
call (MkFn params (Cond pred ft t ff f)) args = ?call_cond
call (MkFn params (Dot x y)) args = Dot (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args)
call (MkFn params (Cholesky x)) args = Cholesky (call (MkFn params x) args)
call (MkFn params (TriangularSolve x y lower)) args =
TriangularSolve (call (MkFn params x) args) (call (MkFn params y) args) lower
call (MkFn params (UniformFloatingPoint key state minval maxval shape)) args =
UniformFloatingPoint (call (MkFn params key) args)
(call (MkFn params state) args)
(call (MkFn params minval) args)
(call (MkFn params maxval) args) shape
call (MkFn params (NormalFloatingPoint key state shape)) args =
NormalFloatingPoint (call (MkFn params key) args) (call (MkFn params state) args) shape

-- what if there are parameters in the expression from the surrounding scope? like if we use `vmap` in `sort`?
-- there's a traversal going on here that we can abstract. What is it?
export partial
vmap : Nat -> Fn arity Expr -> Vect arity Expr -> Expr
vmap n (MkFn _ res@(FromLiteral {shape} {dtype} _)) _ = Broadcast {dtype} shape (n :: shape) res
vmap n (MkFn params res@(Parameter _ _ _)) args =
let Just idx = findIndex (== res) params | Nothing => ?vmap_parameterNotFound
in index idx args
vmap n (MkFn params (Tuple xs)) x = ?vmap_tuple
vmap n (MkFn params (GetTupleElement k y)) x = ?vmap_getTupleElement
vmap n (MkFn _ (MinFiniteValue {dtype})) _ = Broadcast {dtype} [] [n] (MinFiniteValue {dtype})
vmap n (MkFn _ (MaxFiniteValue {dtype})) _ = Broadcast {dtype} [] [n] (MinFiniteValue {dtype})
vmap n (MkFn params (ConvertElementType {dtype} y)) x =
ConvertElementType {dtype} (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Reshape from to y)) x =
Reshape (n :: from) (n :: to) (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Slice starts stops strides y)) x =
Slice (0 :: starts) (n :: stops) (1 :: strides) (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (DynamicSlice starts sizes y)) x =
-- takes scalar arguments
let starts = (FromLiteral {dtype=U64} (Scalar Z) :: starts)
in DynamicSlice starts (n :: sizes) (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Concat axis y z)) x =
Concat (S axis) (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Diag y)) x = Diag (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Triangle lower y)) x = Triangle lower (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Transpose axes y)) x = Transpose (0 :: [| S axes |]) (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Identity {dtype} k)) _ =
Broadcast {dtype} [k, k] [n, k, k] (Identity {dtype} k)
vmap n (MkFn params (Broadcast {dtype} from to y)) x =
Broadcast {dtype} (n :: from) (n :: to) (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Map f operands dimensions)) x = ?vmap_map
vmap n (MkFn params (Reduce f neutral axes y)) x =
-- takes scalar arguments
Reduce f neutral [| S axes |] (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Sort f dimension isStable ys)) x =
-- takes scalar arguments
Sort f (S dimension) isStable (map (\op => vmap n (MkFn params op) x) ys)
vmap n (MkFn params (Reverse axes y)) x = Reverse [| S axes |] (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Eq y z)) x = Eq (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Ne y z)) x = Ne (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Add y z)) x = Add (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Sub y z)) x = Sub (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Mul y z)) x = Mul (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Div y z)) x = Div (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Pow y z)) x = Pow (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Lt y z)) x = Lt (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Gt y z)) x = Gt (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Le y z)) x = Le (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Ge y z)) x = Ge (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (And y z)) x = And (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Or y z)) x = Or (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Min y z)) x = Min (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Max y z)) x = Max (vmap n (MkFn params y) x) (vmap n (MkFn params z) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Not y)) x = Not (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Neg y)) x = Neg (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Reciprocal y)) x = Reciprocal (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Abs y)) x = Abs (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Ceil y)) x = Ceil (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Floor y)) x = Floor (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Log y)) x = Log (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Exp y)) x = Exp (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Logistic y)) x = Logistic (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Erf y)) x = Erf (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Square y)) x = Square (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Sqrt y)) x = Sqrt (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Sin y)) x = Sin (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Cos y)) x = Cos (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Tan y)) x = Tan (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Asin y)) x = Asin (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Acos y)) x = Acos (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Atan y)) x = Atan (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Sinh y)) x = Sinh (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Cosh y)) x = Cosh (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Tanh y)) x = Tanh (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Asinh y)) x = Asinh (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Acosh y)) x = Acosh (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Atanh y)) x = Atanh (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Select pred t f)) x =
Select (vmap n (MkFn params pred) x) (vmap n (MkFn params t) x) (vmap n (MkFn params f) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Cond pred ft t ff f)) x =
let condition = (vmap n (MkFn params $ Broadcast {dtype=PRED} [] ?vmap_cond_pred_shape pred) x)
in Select condition (vmap n (MkFn params $ call ft [t]) x) (vmap n (MkFn params $ call ff [f]) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (Dot y z)) x = ?vmap_dot
vmap n (MkFn params (Cholesky y)) x = Cholesky (vmap n (MkFn params y) x)
vmap n (MkFn params (TriangularSolve a b lower)) x =
TriangularSolve (vmap n (MkFn params a) x) (vmap n (MkFn params b) x) lower
vmap n (MkFn params (UniformFloatingPoint y z w v xs)) x = ?vmap_uniformFloatingPoint
vmap n (MkFn params (NormalFloatingPoint y z xs)) x = ?vmap_normalFloatingPoint
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/Tensor.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Data.Hashable
import Compiler.Eval
import Compiler.Expr
import Compiler.LiteralRW
import Compiler.Transform
import Literal
import public Primitive
import public Types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -580,6 +581,58 @@ fill = broadcast {shapesOK=scalarToAnyOk shape} . fromLiteral . Scalar

----------------------------- generic operations ----------------------------

||| Apply a function between `Tensor`s to the trailing dimensions of a `Tensor`. For example, for
||| ```
||| x : Tensor [2, 3, 3] S32
||| x = const [[[ 0, 1, 2],
||| [ 3, 4, 5],
||| [ 6, 7, 8]],
||| [[ 9, 10, 11],
||| [12, 13, 14],
||| [15, 16, 17]]]
||| ```
||| `vmap diag x` is equivalent to `const [[0, 4, 8], [9, 13, 17]]`.
export partial
vmap :
Primitive a =>
(Tensor from a -> Tensor to b) ->
Tensor (n :: from) a -> Tensor (n :: to) b
vmap f (MkTensor {shape=n :: from} expr) =
let param = Parameter 0 from {dtype=a} ""
MkTensor fres = f (MkTensor param)
in MkTensor (vmap n (MkFn [param] fres) [expr])

namespace Binary
||| `vmap` for mapping over binary functions.
export partial
vmap :
(Primitive d0, Primitive d1) =>
(Tensor s0 d0 -> Tensor s1 d1 -> Tensor s2 d2) ->
Tensor (n :: s0) d0 -> Tensor (n :: s1) d1 -> Tensor (n :: s2) d2
vmap f (MkTensor {shape=n :: s0} expr0) (MkTensor {shape=n :: s1} expr1) =
let p0 = Parameter 0 s0 {dtype=d0} ""
p1 = Parameter 1 s1 {dtype=d1} ""
MkTensor fres = f (MkTensor p0) (MkTensor p1)
in MkTensor (vmap n (MkFn [p0, p1] fres) [expr0, expr1])

namespace Ternary
||| `vmap` for mapping over ternary functions.
export partial
vmap :
(Primitive d0, Primitive d1, Primitive d2) =>
(Tensor s0 d0 -> Tensor s1 d1 -> Tensor s2 d2 -> Tensor s3 d3) ->
Tensor (n :: s0) d0 -> Tensor (n :: s1) d1 -> Tensor (n :: s2) d2 -> Tensor (n :: s3) d3
(MkTensor {shape=n :: s0} expr0)
(MkTensor {shape=n :: s1} expr1)
(MkTensor {shape=n :: s2} expr2) =
let p0 = Parameter 0 s0 {dtype=d0} ""
p1 = Parameter 1 s1 {dtype=d1} ""
p2 = Parameter 2 s2 {dtype=d2} ""
MkTensor fres = f (MkTensor p0) (MkTensor p1) (MkTensor p2)
in MkTensor (vmap n (MkFn [p0, p1, p2] fres) [expr0, expr1, expr2])

||| Lift a unary function on scalars to an element-wise function on `Tensor`s of arbitrary shape.
||| For example,
||| ```idris
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/Main.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Unit.TestTensor
import Unit.TestLiteral
import Unit.TestUtil

main : IO ()
main = test [
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47 changes: 46 additions & 1 deletion test/Unit/TestTensor.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -528,6 +528,43 @@ transpose = fixedProperty $ do
slice [all, at 1, at 0] (transpose [0, 2, 1, 3] x) ===# slice [all, at 0, at 1] x
slice [at 2, at 4, at 0, at 1] (transpose [2, 3, 1, 0] x) ===# slice [at 1, at 0, at 2, at 4] x

vmap : Property
vmap = fixedProperty $ do
let xs = fromLiteral {dtype=S32} [[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[4, 5], [6, 3]]]
y = fromLiteral {dtype=S32} [[4, -2], [5, 1]]
vmap (\x => x - y) xs ===# fromLiteral [[[-4, 3], [-3, 2]], [[0, 7], [1, 2]]]
vmap (y -) xs ===# fromLiteral [[[4, -3], [3, -2]], [[0, -7], [-1, -2]]]
vmap (+ y) xs ===# fromLiteral [[[4, -1], [7, 4]], [[8, 3], [11, 4]]]
vmap (y +) xs ===# fromLiteral [[[4, -1], [7, 4]], [[8, 3], [11, 4]]]
vmap (const y) xs ===# broadcast y

vmap (\x => concat 0 y x) xs ===# fromLiteral [
[[4, -2], [5, 1], [0, 1], [2, 3]], [[4, -2], [5, 1], [4, 5], [6, 3]]
vmap (\x => concat 1 x y) xs ===# fromLiteral [
[[0, 1, 4, -2], [2, 3, 5, 1]], [[4, 5, 4, -2], [6, 3, 5, 1]]

vmap (\x => reduce @{Sum} [0] x) xs ===# fromLiteral [[2, 4], [10, 8]]

let preds = fromLiteral [True, False]
vmap (\x => cond x id 1 id 0) preds ===# fromLiteral [1, 0]
vmap (\x => cond (fromLiteral True) id x id (fill {shape=[2, 2]} 0)) xs ===# xs
vmap (\x => cond (fromLiteral True) (const x) (fill {shape=[]} {dtype=U32} 1) id (fill 0)) xs
===# xs

vmap diag xs ===# fromLiteral [[0, 3], [4, 3]]
-- [[2, 3], [0, 1]] + [[0, 3], [4, -2]]
-- [[6, 3], [4, 5]] + [[4, 3]], [4, -2]]
vmap (\x => reverse [0] x + concat 0 (expand 0 (diag x)) (slice [ 1] y)) xs ===#
fromLiteral [[[2, 6], [4, -1]], [[10, 6], [8, 3]]]

let a = fromLiteral [[[1.0, 0.0], [-3.0, 2.2]], [[-2.0, 0.0], [-2.5, 1.5]]]
x = fromLiteral [[1.1, -1.2], [2.0, 2.2]]
b = fromLiteral [[1.1, -5.94], [-4.0, -1.7]]
vmap (|\) a b ===# x

mapResult : Property
mapResult = property $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1315,7 +1352,13 @@ normalIsReproducible = withTests 20 . property $ do

sample ===# sample'

export covering
xlaGraphs : Property
xlaGraphs = fixedProperty $ do
let x = fromLiteral {dtype=S32} [0, 1, 2]
y = map (\x => fromLiteral (toLiteral x)) x
y ===# x

export partial
group : Group
group = MkGroup "Tensor" $ [
("toLiteral . fromLiteral", fromLiteralThenToLiteral)
Expand All @@ -1335,6 +1378,7 @@ group = MkGroup "Tensor" $ [
, ("squeeze", squeeze)
, ("(.T)", (.T))
, ("transpose", transpose)
, ("vmap", vmap)
, ("map", mapResult)
, ("map with non-trivial function", mapNonTrivial)
, ("map2", map2Result)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1377,4 +1421,5 @@ group = MkGroup "Tensor" $ [
, ("normal", normal)
, ("normal updates seed", normalSeedIsUpdated)
, ("normal produces same samples for same seed", normalIsReproducible)
, ("XLA Graph edge cases", xlaGraphs)

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