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This is a Repository specifically to Udemy, Books and other quiz questions I have done outside my college career.

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Out of College Learning

This is a repository specifically to Udemy, Books and other quiz questions (LeetCode) I have done outside my college career. Everything here will reflect current courses I am taking while doing outside of work projects.

What does Pass mean?

Generally pass means I have not gotten to that section yet. I usually update as I go, but sometimes ill do a few sections and then update it the next morning. Also some courses sections are much longer. So sections from one course might be 2 hours a section, while others are 30 minutes.

Courses I am taking next:

  • Linux Security and Hardening. The practical security guide
  • Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D
  • Deep Learning A-Z: Hands-On Artifical Neural Networks
  • Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers
  • Learn Crypography Basics in Python and Java
  • Learn Hibernate and Spring for Beguinners (includes Spring Boot)

Books I am reading:

  • Clean Code
  • The Art of Programming
  • SQL: Thinking in sets

Udemy Machine Learning A-Z: Hands On Python & R in Data Science

Instructor: Krill Eremenko


Computer Science 2


Python, R

  1. Section 1: Data Preprocessing in Python
    • This section just highlights the verious steps to clean data and prepare it in a dataframe to be used in a model.
  2. Section 2: Data Preprocessing in R
    • Same as the first section except done in R.
  3. Section 3: Simple Linear Regression
    • This section goes into one of the simpler forms of machine learning utilizng Linear Regression.
  4. Section 4: Multiple Linear Regression
    • Pass
  5. Section 5: Polynomial Regression
    • Pass
  6. Section 6: Support Vector Regression (SVR)
    • Pass
  7. Section 7: Decision Tree Regression
    • Pass
  8. Section 8: Random Forest Regression
    • Pass
  9. Section 9: Evaluating Regression Models Performance
    • Pass
  10. Section 10: Regression Model Selection in Python
    • Pass
  11. Section 11: Regression Model Selection in R
    • Pass
  12. Section 12: Logistic Regression
    • Pass
  13. Section 13: K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN)
    • Pass
  14. Section 14: Support Vector Machine (SVM)
    • Pass
  15. Section 15: Kernel SVM
    • Pass
  16. Section 16: Naive Bayes
    • Pass
  17. Section 17: Decision Tree Classification
    • Pass
  18. Section 18: Random Forest Classification
    • Pass
  19. Section 19: Classification Mode Selection in Python
    • Pass
  20. Section 20: Evaluating Classification Models Performance
    • Pass
  21. Section 21: K-Means Clustering
    • Pass
  22. Section 22: Hierarchical Clustering
    • Pass
  23. Section 23: Apriori
    • Pass
  24. Section 24: Eclat
    • Pass
  25. Section 25: Upper Confidence Bound (UCB)
    • Pass
  26. Section 26: Thompson Sampling
    • Pass
  27. Section 27: Natural Language Processing
    • Pass
  28. Section 28: Deep Learning
    • Pass
  29. Section 29: Artificial Neural Networks
    • Pass
  30. Section 30: Convolutional Neural Networks
    • Pass
  31. Section 31: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
    • Pass
  32. Section 32: Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
    • Pass
  33. Section 33: Kernel PCA
    • Pass
  34. Section 34: Model Selection
    • Pass
  35. Section 35: XGBoost
    • Pass

Udemy R Programming A-Z: R For Data Science with Real Exercises

Instructor: Krill Eremenko


Computer Science 240 was a very basic introduction to C++. It just went over gnereal information on C++ such as variables, arrays, functions and statments. I already had a good understanding for the basics from coding in high school and projects in highschool. Still this was my first few C++ programs.



  1. Section 1: Hit The Ground Running
    • Pass
  2. Section 2: Core Programming Principles
    • Pass
  3. Section 3: Fundamentals Of R
    • Pass
  4. Section 4: Matrices
    • Pass
  5. Section 5: Data Frames
    • Pass
  6. Section 6: Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2
    • Pass
  7. Section 7: Homework Solutions
    • Pass
  8. Section 8: Bonus Tutorials
    • Pass

Udemy C++ Beginning C++ Programming - From Beginner to Beyond

Instructor: Frank Mitropoulos


I bought this course to help refresh/harden my knowldege on C++. Most of my College degree has had some sort of C++ in the class, but I found that I wasn't perfect when it came to discussing even jsut the basics. I knew how to program in C++ and do even data structures in C++ but some of the basics I missed or I felt I didn't know it as well as I wanted. I prett much flew through this course but it was helpful in refreshing my knowledge.



  1. Section 1: Structure of a C++ Program
    • This just goes over the preprocessor and basics of the C++ main() function and namespaces.
  2. Section 2: Variables and Constants
    • This section goes over vairbales in modern C++.
  3. Section 3: Arrays and Vectors
    • This goes over arrasy and the modern array called a vector.
  4. Section 4: Statements and Operators
    • This is section is about expressions and statements.
  5. Section 5: Controlling Program Flow
    • This section goes over the idea of loops and how you can use them to control the programs flow.
  6. Section 6: Charecters and Strings
    • Pass
  7. Section 7: Functions
    • Pass
  8. Section 8: Pointers and Refrences
    • Pass
  9. Section 9: OOP- Classes and Objects
    • Pass
  10. Section 10: Operator Overloading
    • Pass
  11. Section 11: Inheritance
    • Pass
  12. Section 12: Polymorphism
    • Pass
  13. Section 13: Smart Pointers
    • Pass
  14. Section 14: Exception Handling
    • Pass
  15. Section 15: I/O Streams
    • Pass
  16. Section 16: The Standard Template Library
    • Pass

Udemy Master Electron: Desktop Apps with HTML, Javascript & CSS

Instructor: Ray Viljoen


Javascript, HTML, CSS



  1. Section 1: Developing with Electron
    • Pass
  2. Section 2: Main Process API
    • Pass
  3. Section 3: Renderer Process API
    • Pass
  4. Section 4: IPC Communication
    • Pass
  5. Section 5: Shared API
    • Pass
  6. Section 6: Features & Techniques
    • Pass
  7. Section 7: Project
    • Pass
  8. Section 8: Application Distribution
    • Pass
  9. Section 9: MacOS Notarization
    • Pass
  10. Section 10: MacOS Touch Bar
    • Pass

Udemy The Complete Javascript Course 2020: Build Real Projects! :: IN-PROGRESS

Instructor: Jonas Schmedtmann



  1. Section 1: JavaScript Language Basics
    • Pass
  2. Section 2: How JavaScript Works Behind the Scenes
    • Pass
  3. Section 3: JavaScript in the Browser: DOM Manipulation and Events
    • Pass
  4. Section 4: Advanced JavaScript: Objects and Functions
    • Pass
  5. Section 5: Putting It All Together: The Budget App Project
    • Pass
  6. Section 6: Next Generation JavaScript: Intro to ES6 / ES2015
    • Pass
  7. Section 7: Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, Async/Await and AJAX
    • Pass
  8. Section 8: Modern JavaScript: Using ES6, NPM, Babel and Webpack
    • Pass
  9. Section 9: Final Course Exam: 30 Questions to Test Your JavaScript Knowledge
    • Pass

Udemy React - The Complete Guide :: IN-PROGRESS

Instructor: Maxmilian Schwarzmuller





  1. Section 1: Refreshing Next Generation JavaScript (Optional)
    • Pass
  2. Section 2: Understanding the Base Features & Syntax
    • Pass
  3. Section 3: Working with Lists and Conditionals
    • Pass
  4. Section 4: Styling React Components & Elements
    • Pass
  5. Section 5: Debugging React Apps
    • Pass
  6. Section 6: Diving Deeper into Components & React Internals
    • Pass
  7. Section 7: A Real App: The Burger Builder (Basic Version)
    • Pass
  8. Section 8: Reaching out to the Web (Http / Ajax)
    • Pass
  9. Section 9: Burger Builder Project: Accessing a Server
    • Pass
  10. Section 10: Multi-Page-Feeling in a Single-Page-App: Routing
    • Pass
  11. Section 11: Adding Routing to our Burger Project
    • Pass
  12. Section 12: Forms and Form Validation
    • Pass
  13. Section 13: Redux
    • Pass
  14. Section 14: Adding Redux to our Project
    • Pass
  15. Section 15: Redux Advanced
    • Pass
  16. Section 16: Redux Advanced: Burger Project
    • Pass
  17. Section 17: Adding Authentication to our Burger Project
    • Pass
  18. Section 18: Improving our Burger Project
    • Pass
  19. Section 19: Testing
    • Pass
  20. Section 20: Deploying the App to the Web
    • Pass
  21. Section 21: Bonus: Working with Webpack
    • Pass
  22. Section 22: Bonus: Next.js
    • Pass
  23. Section 23: Bonus: Animations in React Apps
    • Pass
  24. Section 24: Bonus: A Brief Introduction to Redux Saga
    • Pass
  25. Section 25: React Hooks
    • Pass
  26. Section 26: Using Hooks in the Burger Builder
    • Pass
  27. Section 27: Bonus: Replacing Redux with React Hooks
    • Pass
  28. Section 28: Bonus: Building the Burger CSS
    • Pass

Udemy Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Beginner

Instructor: Mark Winterbottom


This course goes in-depth about creating your own REST API. This is very useful because its the backend of the modern web. A REST API is basically predetermined calls wether it be raw SQL or a ORM, that allows a end client to be rapidly developed. The backend architecutre also stays a little bit cleaner, but the biggest selling point for a REST API is definetely the ease of use for communication.




Django Rest Framework

  1. Section 1: Creating a Django app
    • Just basically commands to create the Django app.
  2. Section 2: Setup the Database
    • Starts getting into setting up the models that are going to be used later.
  3. Section 3: Setup Django Admin
    • This sections allows us to hooks up our models to the admin so we can easily add or remove data instead of utuilizing a database manager.
  4. Section 4: Introduction to API Views
    • This gets into URLs and how those connect to a given view. Those views then allow us to do whatever we need with the data.
  5. Section 5: Introduction to Viewsets
    • A viewset is similar to a view but much simpler in execution and has arguably less customization, but trade that with even greater ease of use.
  6. Section 6: Create Profiles API
    • Pass
  7. Section 7: Create login API
    • Pass
  8. Section 8: Create profile feed API
    • Pass
  9. Section 9: Deploying our API to a server on AWS
    • Pass

Udemy gRPC [Node JS] Masterclass: Build Modern API & Microservices

Instructor: Stephane Maarek


This course goes over the a new modern api microservice architecutre called gRPC. The course goes indepth into gRPC and implementing it in Node JS. Personally I love the simplicity of gRPC, and for me its more logical to implement this then a ORM with a REST API, or even just a REST API. I can easily see this become the future just becuase of its simplicity and ease of configuration.


Javascript, Python



  1. Section 1: [Theory] gRPC Internals Deep Dive
    • This goes over the theory behind gRPC and all the different interactions at our diposal.
  2. Section 2: [Hands-On] gRPC Project Overview and Setup
    • Section 2 setups a dummy project for us to build off of.
  3. Section 3: [Hands-On] gRPC Unary
    • This section talks about sending single posts back and forth, instead of a stream of information.
  4. Section 4: [Optional] Stastically & Dynamically Code Generation
    • Allows us to build the source code on the fly. Not the best for speed but is good for faster developement.
  5. Section 5: [Hands-On] gRPC Server Streaming
    • gRPC streaming revolves around the idea of a server sending bigger or alot of data to the client, while the client still sends smaller packets.
  6. Section 6: [Hands-On] gRPC Client Streaming
    • gRPC Client streaming is similar to Server streaming but the user is send a lot of data to a server. Ths would be best utilized in a scenario were you have a bunch of nodes on a network that need to communicate with a single server, and there server is just taking in the data, and maybe send smaller instrcutions to each node.
  7. Section 7: [Hands-On] gRPC Bi-Directional Streaming
    • This section gets into bi-directional and this is best for game servers or any application where both the node and server are trading off tons of data. Maybe machine leraning datasets, and data being streamed to the node to be processed and sent back or even cloud applications, where a user might upload or download a file.
  8. Section 8: [Hands-On] gRPC Additional Features Deep Dive
    • This section goes in depth on the topics of deadlines, errors and SSL encryption.
  9. Section 9: [Hands-On] gRPC CRUD API with Postgres
    • Pass
  1. Assignment 1: Unary Sum API
    • This was just a simple api where I add 2 numbers together that are passed to the server.
  2. Assignment 2: Server Streaming Prime Number Decompisition API
    • Pass
  3. Assignment 2: Client Streaming Compute Average
    • Pass
  4. Assignment 2: Bi Directional Streaming Find Maximum
    • Pass

Udemy Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers

Instructor: Tim Buchalka


This course goes over Java and learning the ins and outs of the language.



  1. Section 1: First Steps
    • First Steps was simple, it was really just basic things like a hello world program and variables with types.
  2. Section 2: Java Tutorial: Expressions, Statements, Code blocks, Methods and more
    • Pass
  3. Section 3: Control Flow Statements
    • Pass
  4. Section 4: OOP Part 1 - Classes, Constructors and Inheritance
    • Pass
  5. Section 5: OOP Part 2 - Composition, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism
    • Pass
  6. Section 6: Arrays, Java inbuilt Lists, Autoboxing and Unboxing
    • Pass
  7. Section 7: Inner and Abstract Classes & Interfaces
    • Pass
  8. Section 8: Java Generics
    • Pass
  9. Section 9: Naming Conventions and Packages. static and final keywords
    • Pass
  10. Section 10: Java Collections
    • Pass
  11. Section 11: JavaFX
    • Pass
  12. Section 12: Basic Input & Output including java.util
    • Pass
  13. Section 13: Concurrency in Java
    • Pass
  14. Section 14: Lambda Expressions
    • Pass
  15. Section 15: Regular Expressions
    • Pass
  16. Section 16: Debugging and Unit Testing
    • Pass
  17. Section 17: Databases
    • Pass
  18. Section 18: Java Networking Programming
    • Pass
  19. Section 19: Java 9 Module System
    • Pass
  20. Section 20: Migrating Java Projects to Java 9
    • Pass
  21. Section 21: Course Remaster in Progress
    • Pass
  22. Section 22: Archived Videos
    • Pass
  23. Section 23: Extra Information - Source code, and other stuff
    • Pass


This is a Repository specifically to Udemy, Books and other quiz questions I have done outside my college career.






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