If you make a new .ioc file, ex. for a different MCU, follow this guide:
* DMA stream mem2mem, Mode: Normal, Size: Word, increase only dest address.
* Buzzer: GPIO Output, User label: BUZZER, No pull
* Wake: GPIO Input, User label: WAKE, No pull
* Enabled, default settings
* Rotatory encoder right: GPIO INPUT, name: ENC_R, no pull
* Rotatory encoder left: GPIO INPUT, name: ENC_L, no pull
* Rotatory encoder button: GPIO INPUT, name: ENC_SW, no pull
* Oled CS: GPIO Output, name: OLED_CS, no pull
* Oled DC: GPIO Output, name: OLED_DC, no pull
* Oled RESET: GPIO Output, name: OLED_RST, no pull
Label: SW_SCL
No pull
Speed: high
* OLED DATA signal
Label: SW_SDA
No pull
Speed: High
* GPIO Settings
No pull
Speed: High
No pull
Speed: High
* Parameter settings
Mode: Half-Duplex master or master transmit only
NSS: Disabled
Data size: 8
MSB First
Prescaler: Adjust for max speed, usually the limit is 18Mbit
Clock Polarity: Low
Clock Phase: 1 Edge
CRC Calculation: Disabled
NSSP Mode: Disabled
NSSP SIgnal Type: Software
* DMA Settings
Direction: Memory to peripheral
Piority: Low
DMA request mode: Normal
Data width: Byte in both
* NVIC Settings
DMAx channel interrupt enabled
SPIx global interrupt disabled
HARDWARE I2C (If used)
* GPIO Settings
No pull
Speed: High
No pull
Speed: High
Parameter settings
I2C Speed Mode: Fast mode or Fast-mode Plus (The fastest the better).
(Try lower speeds if it doen't work)
I2C Clock Speed: 100KHz...1MHz
Slave features: Don't care
DMA Settings
Direction: Memory to peripheral
Piority: Low
DMA request mode: Normal
Data width: Byte in both
NVIC Settings
DMAx channel interrupt enabled
I2Cx global interrupt disabled
* GPIO config
NTC pin label: NTC (Don't care)
V Supply pin label: VINPUT (Don't care)
VRef pin label: VREF (Don't care)
Iron Temp pin label: IRON (Don't care)
* Parameter settings
Select channels assigned to the used inputs
Clock prescaler: Asynchronous clock mode
Resolution: 12 bit resolution
Data Alignment: Right alignment
Scan Conversion Mode: Forward
Continuous Conversion: Enabled
DMA Continuous Requests: Enabled
End Of Conversion Selection: End of Single Conversion
Overrun behavior: Overrun data preserved
Low Power Auto Wait: Disabled
Low Power Auto Power Off: Disabled
Sampling time: Don't care, adjusted within the program.
External Trigger Conversion Source: Don't care, adjusted within the program.
External trigger Conversion Edge: None
Watchdog disabled
**IMPORTANT: Configure in board.h the order of the channels and set their labels accordingly!**
The ADC channel order goes from 0 to 15 (unless otherwise set in regular config), skipping the disabled channels.
You must define the ADC channels in these lines:
#define ADC_CH_1ST ADC_CHANNEL_1 // First used channel: CH1
#define ADC_CH_2ND ADC_CHANNEL_4 // Second used channel: CH4
#define ADC_CH_3RD ADC_CHANNEL_7 // Third used channel: CH7
#define ADC_CH_4TH ADC_CHANNEL_9 // Fourth used channel: CH9
Also, they must be adjusted depending on the signal connected to them:
#define ADC_1st VREF // First used channel measures VREF
#define ADC_2nd NTC // Second used channel measures NTC
#define ADC_3rd VIN // Third used channel measures VIN
#define ADC_3rd TIP // Fourth used channel measures TIP
Set the number for active ADC channels:
#define ADC_Num 4 // Number of active channels
Except the tip ADC input, all the others can be enabled or disabled:
#define USE_VREF
#define USE_VIN
#define USE_NTC
Power limit will not be available if VIN is disabled.
When disabling NTC, ambient temperature is internally set to 35ºC.
* DMA settings
Pheripheral to memory
Mode: Circular
Data width: Half word on both.
* NVIC Settings
DMAx channel interrupt enabled.
ADC and COMP*** interrupts disabled
* Base timer
Internal clock
Internal clock division: No division
Auto-reload preload: Enable
Master/Slave mode: Disable
Trigger event selection: Reset
Prescaler: Don't care, it's adjusted within the program. It asumes the timer runs at CPU speed
Some timers may take haf the clock speed, depending on the bus!
In that case use #define TIMER_HALFCLOCK in board.h!
Check the Clock config in CUBEMX!
Period: Don't care, it's adjusted within the program
NVIC settings: General enabled
User label: PWM
Mode: TIMxCHx(N) ("x" and "N" depends on the selected pin)
Select timer assigned to the pin
Check Activated
Select channel assigned to the pin
Mode: PWM Generation. Select CHx(N), as assigned to PIN. Ensure to select "N" if the pin has it!
Prescaler: Don't care, it's adjusted within the program. It asumes the timer runs at CPU speed.
Some timers may take haf the clock speed, depending on the bus!
In that case use #define PWM_TIMER_HALFCLOCK in board.h!
Check the Clock config in CUBEMX!
Period: Don't care, it's adjusted within the program.
Pulse: Don't care, it's adjusted within the program.
NVIC settings: Depending on the timer type, enable TIMx "Capture compare" if available, else use "Global interrupt".